Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Unemployment Rate In California

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Insured Unemployment Rate In California Download

California unemployment rate hits record low of 4.1 percent in July


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Units: Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted

Frequency: Weekly, Ending Saturday


The insured unemployment rate is Continued Claims divided by Covered Employment.

Suggested Citation:

U.S. Employment and Training Administration, Insured Unemployment Rate in California , retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, December 2, 2021.

The California Economy: Unemployment Update

  • Unemployment in California is nearing long-term lows.In February 2017, there were about 966,000 unemployed persons in Californialess than half of total unemployment during the height of the recession . Californias 5.0% unemployment rate is also less than half the recession-era high of 12.2% and nearing the prerecession low of 4.9% . Although higher than the national rate of 4.7%, Californias jobless rate has been falling fasterthe gap between the state and national rates narrowed from 2.9 percentage points in February 2010 to only 0.3 points in February 2017. Californias rate is the 16th highest in the country.

Learn More About Unemployment

Measures of Unemployment on
On, estimates of children under age 18 living in families without secure parental employment are available for the U.S., California, and counties and county groups as single-year estimates, and for regions of 10,000+ residents and legislative districts as five-year estimates. also provides estimates of unemployed persons in the labor force ages 16 and older. Unemployment numbers and rates reflect persons who are not employed, are available to work, and have looked for work in the previous four weeks.* *Those who are not employed and not looking for work may be classified as unemployed or not in the labor force, depending on their circumstances for definitions and additional information, see the California Employment Development Department and Bureau of Labor Statistics glossaries.
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Los Angeles Announces It Will Align With California’s June 15 Reopening Rules

In March and April of 2020 alone, 2,714,800 California jobs were lost. Thats 14% of the states current labor force put out of work in 60 days. At one point last year Newsom estimated that the real unemployment rate was north of 20%.

California has clawed its way back to 8.1% unemployment. But thats behind the rate of 6.1% nationally, a contrast Newsom fails to acknowledge when hes comparing the state to the U.S. at large. Californias biggest metropolis is even worse off.

According to a report from the states Employment Development Department, The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Los Angeles County increased to 11.7 percent in April 2021, from a revised 11.4 percent in March 2021. Thats hardly roaring back.

Newsom is fond of saying that jobs in leisure and hospitality are leading the states comeback, and he is right in a sense. That sector, hit hard by the pandemic, posted the largest gain in April 2021. It added 19,900 new jobs, the third consecutive month-over-month increase. That increase accounted for 58% of Californias total nonfarm employment growth. According to that state EDD report, Growth was spread across both accommodation and food services and arts, entertainment, and recreation .

Californians in those sectors are among the most vulnerable to the confluence of the states other most pressing economic issues: Housing costs and homelessness.

Total Nonfarm Payroll Jobs

California adds 47,000 jobs as unemployment rate falls to ...

This comes from a monthly survey of approximately 80,000 California businesses that estimates jobs in the economy â seasonally adjusted.

  • Month-over â Total nonfarm jobs in Californiaâs 11 major industries totaled 16,352,900 in May â a net gain of 104,500 jobs from April 2021. This followed an upward revision of 200 jobs for a revised month-over gain of 16,248,400 jobs in April.
  • Year-over â Total nonfarm jobs increased by 1,220,200 from May 2020 to May 2021 compared to the U.S. annual gain of 11,900,000 jobs .
+55,200 882,500

Total Farm jobs â The number of jobs in the agriculture industry decreased by 4,000 from April 2021 to 409,900 jobs in May. The agricultural industry had 5,100 fewer farm jobs in May 2021 than it did the May prior.

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How We Determined The Cities In California With The Lowest Unemployment Rates

Before we could dive into what Californias most employed cities were, we needed to know where to look in the first place. We settled upon any place with over 10,000 people and data available for our criteria.

This left us with 375 places in California.

We then looked at the unemployment rates to determine the cream from the crop when it comes to low unemployment, and our data comes directly from the latest American Community Survey from the Census.

We thought the rate alone was representative of the current state of each citys job market with the potential for a person to get a job there, whether they were making an intrastate, interstate, or intercity job transfer.

We ranked all the cities for the criteria from one to 375 with one being the most employed city in California. Where there was a tie, the winner went to the bigger city.

If your city or town isnt among the top ten, jump down to the bottom of the post to see a detailed chart. Otherwise, learn more about how the top ten cities achieved their potential.

There You Have It Unemployment Across California

There you have it folks, the Ten Cities With the Lowest Unemployment in the state of . They have the numbers and jobs to back it up.

If youre just dying to move to the and feel like throwing caution to the wind and moving-first- getting-employed-later, stick to the cities in our top ten.

If youd like more information on different cities and states around the U.S. be sure to visit to have all of your questions answered and if youre a recent college graduate thinking about moving states, check out which states college grads tend to stay in and which states they abandon.

Heres a quick look are the places in California with the highest unemployment rate:

  • Mendota
  • Also Check: Do You Pay Income Tax On Unemployment

    California Extends Unemployment Benefits

    California’s Employment Development Department is making an additional 20 weeks of unemployment insurance benefits available for individuals affected by COVID-19, the EDD announced Wednesday. The additional benefits are part of something called the Federal-State Extended Duration benefits program, or FED-ED, and are available only during times of prolonged unemployment.

    In California, the unemployment rate is currently 16.3 percent, compared to 11.1 percent nationally.

    What You Need To Know

    • California is making an additional 20 weeks of unemployment insurance available to those affected by COVID-19
    • Eligible claimants will be automatically enrolled in the extension
    • Claimants must continue to fill out biweekly certifications of their eligibility
    • California’s unemployment rate is 16.3 percent, compared with 11.1 percent nationally

    The additional benefits are possible because of a new budget package California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Monday, which makes the state eligible for additional unemployment funds from the federal government.

    Individuals hoping to receive the extended benefits need to meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify, however. The EDD states âa claimant must have earnings during the base period of their regular UI claim that exceed 40 times the weekly benefit amount or 1.5 times their highest quarter of total wages during the base period.â

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    California’s Unemployment Rate Falls But Remains Tied With Nevada As Nation’s Highest

    Headline: California’s unemployment rate dives below 2008 levels

    California added a hefty 96,800 jobs in October, rebounding from the lower than average gains the state saw in the previous month, the Associated Press reported. Though the added jobs allowed California’s unemployment rate to fall to 7.3 percent from the 7.5 percent in September, the state is still tied with Nevada for the highest rate in the U.S.

    The October job gains in the country’s most populous state made up 18.2 percent of the total jobs added throughout the nation. California has added more than 100,000 new jobs on average each month since February, though the September net gain of 47,400 reported by the Employment Development Department marked a lull for the state.

    “California has again created more new jobs than any other stateaveraging six-figure job growth for nine months straightan unprecedented achievement as our economy continues to recover from the pandemic,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.

    California’s strong job gains since February are made possible by the large numbers of jobs lost at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2.7 million in March and April 2020, as the state went under a stay-at-home order, the AP reported.

    Former Employment Development Department director Michael Bernick, who now monitors employment trends at the Duane Morris law firm, said that while California’s job gains were strong, “there are other economic employment indicators that suggest a more uneven and muted recovery.”

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    Employers Added 104300 Nonfarm Payroll Jobs

    IMPORTANT NOTE:The employment data for the month of August 2021 is taken from the survey week including Aug. 12th. Data for the month of September is scheduled for release on Oct. 22, 2021.

    SACRAMENTO Californiaâs unemployment rate decreased to 7.5 percent1 in August as the stateâs employers gained 104,300 non-farm payroll jobs2, according to data released today by the California Employment Development Department from two surveys. The state unemployment rate has now dropped 8.5 percent from its pandemic peak of 16 percent in April 2020.

    How Both Sides Weaponize California Unemployment Rate In Recall

    Pop quiz: Is California leading the nation in job creation home to the countrys second-highest unemployment rate or all of the above?

    The answer, believe it or not, is giving ammunition to both Gov. Gavin Newsom and the challengers seeking to oust him in the .

    California continues to lead the nations economic recovery, Newsom proclaimed on Friday, when the state Employment Development Department released a report showing that the Golden State added 114,400 new jobs in July more than any other state. In a Monday tweet thread denouncing the recall, the California Democratic Party noted that the states July 2021 unemployment rate of 7.6% was 5.6 percentage points lower than it was in July 2020.

    Jessica Millan Patterson, chairperson of the California Republican Party, found different statistics to highlight. Gavin Newsoms CA isnt roaring back, its barely scraping by, she tweeted Monday, pointing out that the Golden State last week accounted for 21.4% of the nations new unemployment claims, despite making up just 11.7% of its workforce. She also noted that Californias 7.6% unemployment rate is the second-highest in the nation .

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    Different Calculations Yield Differing Rates

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics actually calculates employment, unemployment, and underemployment six different ways, and the number most commonly cited, known as U-3, is the simplest, just the percentage of the labor force currently not working. It assumes that those working even the most menial, even part-time, jobs as little as one hour each week are employed.

    The most nuanced calculation, called U-6, adjusts for underemployment by counting unemployed workers, part-time workers who want to work full time, and some who are ambivalent about working.

    Californias current U-6 rate, calculated for the past year, is 14% and is the nations third-highest behind Nevadas 15.6% and Hawaiis 14.8%. It tells us that too many California workers are not fully employed, but rather are getting by as best they can with part-time work.

    A deeper dive into data indicates that even the 14% U-6 rate understates Californias employment dilemma.

    The Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity, a think tank devoted to employment issues, has invented a new way of looking at employment essentially counting those trapped in below-poverty jobs as unemployed.

    LISEP chairman Gene Ludwig, comptroller of the currency under President Bill Clinton, says, Policy leaders, by these headlines and statistics, have been deluded into thinking things are better off than they are.

    Employers Gained 104500 Nonfarm Payroll Jobs

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    IMPORTANT NOTE:The employment data for the month of May 2021 is taken from the survey week including May 12. Data for the month of June is scheduled for release on July 16, 2021.

    SACRAMENTO Californiaâs unemployment rate fell to 7.9% in May as the stateâs employers gained 104,500 non-farm payroll jobs1, according to data released today by the California Employment Development Department from two surveys. This comes after Aprilâs upwards-revised month-over gain of 102,000 jobs and a downwards-revised unemployment month-over change of -62,600.

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    Blackwhite And Hispanicwhite Inequality Persists Amid Labor Market Recovery

    By Kyle K. Moore

    EPI analyzes state unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, and racial/ethnic unemployment rate gaps, on a quarterly basis to generate a sample size large enough to create reliable estimates of unemployment rates by race and ethnicity at the state level. We report estimates only for states for which the sample size of these subgroups is large enough to create an accurate estimate. For this reason, the number of states included in our maps and data tables varies based on the analysis performed. The following analysis contains data on the first two quarters of 2021.

    Our analysis of first- and second-quarter 2021 data finds a still-uneven recovery picking up its pace due in large part to the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine. Recovery in the labor market has not brought with it racial equity, however the Hispanicwhite unemployment ratio rose from 1.6 in 2020Q4 to nearly 1.7 in 2021Q2, while the Blackwhite unemployment ratio returned to its historical trend of 2.0. That is, although the overall unemployment rate fell, Hispanic workers were still nearly 70% more likely to face unemployment than white workers, while Black workers were twice as likely to face unemployment as white workers. This suggests that a return toward normalcy alone will not be enough to close racial gaps in the labor market.

    California Unemployment Rate Improves To 79% In May

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. California employers added more than 100,000 jobs in May for the fourth month in a row.

    Numbers released Friday by the Employment Development Department show California has regained more than half of the 2.7 million jobs it lost at the start of the pandemic.

    The unemployment rate dipped slightly to 7.9% from 8% in April. Its still one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. In May 2020, the unemployment rate was at 15.6%

    Moreover, of the 1.4 million jobs California has regained since last year, a third of them have come from the leisure and hospitality industry. Nine out of 11 industry sectors in California saw job growths in the May 2021 report.

    Officials say there’s a long way to go despite the job gains in the past few months. For example, the construction industry lost roughly 1,600 jobs due to losses in non-residential construction.

    The unemployment rate comes from a separate federal survey of 5,100 California households. The employment data for May 2021 is taken from the survey, including the week of May 12, 2021. The data for June 2021 is scheduled to be released on July 16, 2021.

    For the full May 2021 labor statistics news release, which includes local data and industry job trends, check out the EDD website.

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    True Rate Of Unemployment

    Ludwigs methodology counts those unemployed, working part-time involuntarily and/or earning less than $20,000 a year as functionally unemployed. When applied to California, the formula determines its True Rate of Unemployment to be 25.7% of the workforce.

    The Ludwig number, more than three times Californias oft-stated unemployment rate, comports with other data about the economic distress being felt by millions of Californians who struggle to find well-paying jobs while contending with the states extraordinarily high costs of housing, utilities, gasoline, and other necessities.

    By including living costs in its calculations, the Census Bureau sets Californias poverty rate at 17.2%, also highest in the nation. The Public Policy Institute of California takes it a step further by adding those living in near-poverty and comes up with 34% of Californians feeling severe stress. Not surprisingly, almost exactly that percentage of Californias 40 million residents are enrolled in Medi-Cal, the states medical insurance system for the poor.

    We should keep all of these numbers in mind the next time we hear a politician crow about how vigorously California is recovering from recession.

    About the Author

    Employers Added 47400 Nonfarm Payroll Jobs

    California unemployment rate fell to 4.3 percent in December

    IMPORTANT NOTE:The employment data for the month of September 2021 is taken from the survey week including September 12. Data for the month of October is scheduled for release on Nov. 19, 2021.

    SACRAMENTO Californiaâs unemployment rate held steady at 7.5 percent1 in September as the stateâs employers added 47,400 non-farm payroll jobs2, according to data released today by the California Employment Development Department from two surveys. This comes as the state has now regained 1,723,800, or 63.5 percent, of the 2,714,800 jobs that were lost in March and April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Official Unemployment In Us California Much Lower Than True Rate: Media

    Xinhua, November 15, 2021

    LOS ANGELES. Nov. 14 — California’s latest unemployment rate in September released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics was the nation’s highest, but the number may vastly understate the state’s true economic distress, according to a report on Sunday from CalMatters, a Sacramento-based nonpartisan and nonprofit journalism venture.

    The latest number revealed that in September, 1.4 million among just over 19 million Californians who were in the labor force were jobless, meaning unemployment rate in the most populous state in the United States was at about 7.5 percent.

    While a 7.5 percent unemployment rate was dismal, it may also understate the true nature of the job situation in California, which contributed the most out of any state to the country’s GDP in 2020 with 3.09 trillion U.S. dollars, the report said, noting it didn’t count the half-million or so Californians who left the labor force over the past 20 months.

    They are unemployed currently but were not counted as such, the report said.

    Moreover, the report explained that the Bureau of Labor Statistics actually calculated employment, unemployment and underemployment in six different ways, and the number most commonly cited, known as U-3, was the simplest, just the percentage of the labor force currently not working.

    “It assumes that those working even the most menial, even part-time, jobs – as little as one hour each week – are employed,” according to the report.

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