How To Apply For Unemployment Washington
The process for qualifying and applying for unemployment differs from state to state. So, naturally, if you find yourself amongst the rapidly rising number of unemployed full-time employees or gig workers in Washington, youll want to know how to file your Washington unemployment application.
But, as a word of caution, in order to do so, youll have to get in line and be patient so to speak. There have been reports of the website crashing or long phone hold times due to high call volume. The department is understandably overwhelmed by the sheer number of claims. So, although theyre hiring and making changes to accommodate the influx of weekly claims, theres only so much they can do.
You can apply either by phone or online, but because call volumes are so high, it may be faster and easier to apply online. Once you decide how you will apply, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Make Sure You Meet the General Eligibility Requirements
Note: Although changes have been made to general eligibility requirements for WA unemployment benefits with the passage of the Federal Stimulus Package, the system is not currently set up to accept the application and wont be so until mid-April. So, unfortunately, if youre a gig worker, self-employed, temporarily laid off or had your hours reduced, youll have to wait until eligibility has been updated.
To be eligible before the passage of the bill, you must meet the following criteria:
Step 2: Gather the Relevant Information
How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits In Washington
The easiest way to apply for your UI benefits is to submit your eligibility claim online. You also have the option of calling Washingtons claim center to submit your unemployment claim. However, please know that long wait times are common when filing a claim by phone. Its much faster and more efficient to apply online, and you are strongly encouraged to do so. Its a good idea to make sure that you apply for your unemployment compensation within two weeks of losing your job.
Otium Beneficia In Washington Possum Accipere
Emptores in Washington, qui ab operibus suis separati sunt ob causam, quod status Employment Securitatis Department agnoscit eligibile propter beneficia otium. Frequentissimae rationes sunt: positae, sine causa, sine tuo vitio terminatae, aut ad opus minus plenum tempus.
In ESD etiam nonnullas condiciones COVID-19 relatas declaravit in quibus habiles sint ad otium commoditatis, inter:
- Sequens detectio ad COVID-19, tu es auto-quarendo secundum medical professionali vel publica sanitatis publica. Sed aeger non es, et male valedixit et non competit.
- Infeliciter, dico vobis ex negotio abiit.
- In administratione valedixit positus es.
- Dico tibi operationes ad tempus cessaverunt et non competit eis ut infirmos valefaciant vel solvant hoc tempore.
Usus solutus valetudinarius infirmus commendatur si opus est ut temporis spatium ob infectionem COVID-19 infectio, secundum ESD. Si optio ista non est, commodum rei familiaris et medicinae loco relinquas uti possis.
Solet ESD postulat ut minimum 680 horarum in opere operto tuo in basi anno functus es, qui primus quattuor ex quinque proximis quadrantibus calendarii superioris anni completus est. Ob expansionem in qui eligitur propter otium emolumenti sub Coronaviro Aido, Subsidio, et Securitatis Oeconomico Actus, eligi potest etiam si hanc postulationem non petis.
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What Are Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment benefits provide you with temporary income when you lose your job through no fault of your own. The money partly replaces your lost earnings and helps you pay expenses while looking for new work. The benefits, from taxes your former employer paid, are not based on financial need. While you receive benefits, your job is to get back to work as quickly as possible.
How Do I Manage My Unemployment Benefits
Once youre approved for unemployment insurance benefits, you will need to submit recertification each week to receive your weekly benefit for the previous week. If you submitted your initial claim online, youll have already set up an account with the Employee Security Departments eServices website. Simply log into your account and check for a message about your weekly unemployment compensation in your account alerts. Click the link in that email and follow the instructions from there to make your weekly claim.
If you are not able to apply online, you can submit your weekly UI benefits claim over the phone. Simply call 800-318-6022 either to use the automated system or to speak with a claims agent. You may choose to receive your unemployment benefits either via direct deposit or by prepaid debit card, both of which can be set up online when you apply for your benefits.
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How Are Unemployment Benefits Determined In Washington State
Amount and Duration of Unemployment Benefits in Washington State The ESD determines your weekly benefit amount by averaging your wages from the two highest quarters in your base period and multiplying that number by.0385. The minimum weekly benefit amount is $188, and the maximum weekly benefit is $790.
Unemployment benefits are intended to bridge the gap between one job and the next, providing workers with monetary payments until they find a new jobor at least, for a period of time determined by the state they live in. Each state determines what constitutes good cause to quit.
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Workers Concerned About Workplace Conditions Have Options To Report
Workers are encouraged to engage employers directly to resolve any identified safety concerns. To report safety violations, workers have two options:
- Report violations of the Governors proclamation, including essential businesses not following social distancing requirements, or
- File a safety complaint by calling Labor & Industries directly at 1-800-423-7233.
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Who Is Eligible For Unemployment Benefits In Washington
You may be eligible for Washington unemployment benefits if you:
- Worked at least 680 hours during your base year
- Spent part of the base year working in Washington state
- Left your last job for an approved reason
- Are available for work while you’re collecting unemployment benefits
The “base year” refers to the period of time that Washington uses to assess your income. For most people, this period is the first four calendar-year quarters of the five most recently completed quarters. The quarters are:
- Quarter 1: January to March
- Quarter 2: April to June
- Quarter 3: July to September
- Quarter 4 October to December
If you apply in March of 2022, the five most recently completed quarters would be Quarter 4 of 2020 and Quarters 1-4 of 2021. That means that your base year would be the first four of those quarters: October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021.
What happens if you didn’t work for 680 hours during the base year? The state will look at your alternate base year, which is the four most recent complete quarters.
The Washington ESD also examines your reasons for leaving your last job. In most cases, you’ll qualify for unemployment benefits if you were laid off, your seasonal job ended, or your position at the company was eliminated.
You may be eligible for unemployment if you quit, under certain circumstances. This can happen if you:
Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits In Washington
Employers in Washington who have been separated from their jobs for a reason that the states Employment Security Department recognizes is eligible for unemployment benefits. The most common reasons are: being laid off, quitting with good reason, being terminated for no fault of your own, or continuing to work less than full-time.
The ESD has also clarified a number of COVID-19-related situations in which you may be eligible for unemployment benefits, including:
- Following exposure to COVID-19, you are self-quarantining as directed by a medical professional or public health official. However, you are not sick, and you are not entitled to paid sick leave as a result.
- Unfortunately, your employer has gone out of business.
- Youve been placed on administrative leave.
- Your employer has temporarily ceased operations, and you are not entitled to pay sick leave or paid time off during this period.
Using paid sick leave is recommended if you need to take time off due to a COVID-19 infection, according to the ESD. If that isnt an option, you may be able to take advantage of paid family and medical leave instead.
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How To Apply For Unemployment Benefits In Washington State
In Washington State, you are allowed to file a claim for unemployment insurance once per benefit year . In order to qualify for unemployment insurance, your unemployment must be the fault of your employer and not your own. This includes layoffs and cut backs. You must have an accumulation of at least 680 employment hours in your base year. You must also be ready, willing and able to find new work. Washington State allows you to apply for unemployment benefits three ways: in person, over the Internet or via telephone.
Are You Out Of Work Through No Fault Of Your Own
You must be out of work through no fault of your own to qualify for unemployment benefits.
Collecting Unemployment After a Layoff
If you were laid off, lost your job in a reduction-in-force , or got âdownsizedâ for economic reasons, you will meet this requirement.
Collecting Unemployment After Being Fired
If you were fired because you lacked the skills to perform the job or simply werenât a good fit, you wonât necessarily be barred from receiving benefits. As long as your actions donât rise to the level of âmisconduct,â you will still be eligible to receive unemployment. In Washington, misconduct means that the employeeâs actions show a âwillful or wanton disregardâ for the employerâs interest, or a carelessness that is so serious or frequent to show an intentional disregard for the employerâs interests. Under Washington law, the following are examples of misconduct:
- acts of insubordination
- repeatedly being late or absent after receiving a warning
- lying on employment documents or other work-related dishonesty
- engaging in physical violence at the workplace
- work-related violations of the law
- intentional violation of a collective bargaining agreement, and
- violating a reasonable company policy.
Collecting Unemployment After Quitting
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Types Of Disability Policies
There are two types of disability policies.
Short-term policies may pay for up to two years. Most last for a few months to a year.
Long-term policies may pay benefits for a few years or until the disability ends.
Employers who offer coverage may provide short-term coverage, long-term coverage, or both.
If you plan to buy your own policy, shop around and ask:
How is disability defined?
How long do benefits last?
How much money will the policy pay?
There Are Resources And Support To Help You Apply For Financial Aid
There are affordable college and career training opportunities for everyone. The first, best step is to apply for financial aid. Not sure where to start? Talk to someone you can trust:
- The 12th Year Campaign is hosting virtual financial aid info and filing events to help students and families apply for college and financial aid.
- Are you a high school student? Your counselor can answer questions and direct you to resources.
- Talk to the financial aid office at any colleges you’re interested in attending. Whether you’re an adult thinking about going back to school or a high school student considering your options, financial aid staff can help you navigate the process based on your circumstances.
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Worksource Assists Job Seekers And Businesses
Employment Security is a proud partner in the statewide WorkSource system, which provides employment and training assistance to job seekers and businesses. provides access to thousands of Washington jobs and other employment resources. WorkSource staff can connect you with employers hiring right now in your community, identify training opportunities or help you brush up on your application and interview skills. Find your nearest WorkSource center on the WorkSource office locator page.
Try These Tips To Improve Your Ability To Apply On
- Apply during off-peak hours or try again later in the week once approved benefits are retroactive to your date of eligibility.
- Use a computer or laptop if you can, as smart phones are experiencing technical difficulties in the application process.
- Only try reloading twice in 10 minutes. If you dont get through wait 2 hours before trying again.
- Following the steps below before you apply can help make your application process as smooth as possible.
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Info For Independent Contractors Who Lost Gigs Jobs Hours & Income:
The new federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program is designed for people who have lost work due to the crisis who cant access traditional unemployment benefits, like independent contractors.
Make sure to read the instructions for self-employed workers here. You must apply for UI first and be rejected before you can apply for PUA.
When youre ready, apply for PUA with WAs Economic Security Department.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Ended
The CARES Act and other federal programs that expanded and extended unemployment benefits expired the week ending Sept. 4, 2021. Visit ESD’s COVID-19 info page to learn more.
The best and fastest way to apply for unemployment benefits is online. You can also apply by phone, but wait times are very long. You can also join online webinars that provide more information about unemployment insurance.
Follow,, and for the most up-to-date information.
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Did Not Work In Washington State
You cannot apply for unemployment benefits in Washington or file weekly claims here if you did not work in this state during the past 18 months. The only exceptions are if you were in the military or worked for the federal government.
You must file your claim with one of the state where you worked in the last 18 months. Contact each state where you worked to find out your claim options for those states.
Do I Qualify For Unemployment Benefits If I Become Seriously Ill And I Am Forced To Quit My Job As A Result Of Covid
If you are too ill to be able and available for work, you do not qualify for unemployment benefits. However, you may qualify for Paid Family & Medical Leave while you are sick. You can learn more in this Q& A. Once you recover and are available for work again, you can apply for unemployment benefits.
- Governor Inslee
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File For Unemployment In Washington
Posted: File Your Unemployment Application and Initial Claim Applications are taken by phone Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If your Social Security Number ends with: 1. 0, 1, 2 or 3, call on Tuesday. 2. 4, 5 or 6, call on Wednesday. 3. 7, 8, or 9, call on Thursday. 4. Anyone needing to file an initial unemployment benefits application may call on Friday. To submit an initial application for Unemployment Insurance online, go to and click on Apply for Unemployment Benefits on the homep
Individuals Unable To Work Due To Covid
A worker may file an unemployment claim at the same time they initiate a discrimination action with Labor and Industries . Unemployment claims are addressed on a case-by-case basis. Nonetheless, the following scenarios can be a useful guide:
- An individual working at a worksite that does not follow guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Labor and Washington State Department of Health and who is unable to telework.
- An individual at high-risk for severe illness, in the same household as a person identified as high-risk or providing direct care for a person identified as high-risk who is therefore unable to work and is unable to telework.
- An individual must stay home to care for a young child because school or daycare is closed.
- An individual that quits work for an essential employer maintaining a worksite that does meet guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Labor and Washington State Department of Health.
Note: Per federal guidance, quitting work without good cause to obtain unemployment benefits is fraud.
Unemploymentclaims may be filed onlineor by phone at 800-318-6022.
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When Should I Apply
You should apply as soon as possible after your event takes place. If youre unable to apply within a month after your event, you may be able to backdate your claim if you have a good cause reason to do so, such as being hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated. Please call the Customer Care Team to find out if your circumstances qualify as good cause.
We cant approve applications before your qualifying event takes place.
How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits
You can apply for unemployment benefits online through the ESD’s eServices page.
Note that you should only apply for unemployment right now if you were already eligible before the CARES Act passed. If you weren’t eligible until that passed , then the ESD system currently isn’t set up to accept your application.
You’ll need to subscribe to the ESD’s COVID-19 email updates so that you receive an alert when the system is updated and you can apply. This update is expected to be finished around mid-April.
The date your weekly benefits start is based on the start date for the unemployment program and the date you became eligible for unemployment. The program that expanded who is eligible for unemployment benefits, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance , started on March 29, 2020. This means you won’t lose any weekly benefits if you need to wait until mid-April to apply.
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