Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Percentage Of Unemployed Are Black

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Bc Minister Michelle Mungall Says Latest Job Numbers Paint A Fuller Picture Than Previous Reports

Black Americans face higher joblessness

Black, South Asian and Arab people are experiencing disproportionately high rates of unemployment compared to the rest of the population in Canada, according to the first Statistics Canada job data broken down by race.

Statistics Canada released the job numbers for July on Friday, and B.C.’s labour minister says it draws a more comprehensive picture than previous reports.

“For the first time, Statistics Canada has included race-based data in its monthly survey, which will help provide a fuller picture of who’s being impacted by changes in the job market,” Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Competitiveness Michelle Mungall said in an online statement.

In B.C., the number of people with jobs crept up three percentage points, reaching 93.5 per cent of the February employment level, according to the release. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 11.1 per cent from 13 per cent as more people found work.

On The Persistence Of The Black

The United States needs policies that challenge structural racism in order to close the persistent unemployment gap between African Americans and whites.

  • Olugbenga Ajilore

Due to restrictions within the U.S. labor market, African Americans have long been excluded from opportunities for upward mobility, stuck instead in low-wage occupations that do not offer the protections of labor laws, such as those focused on collective bargaining, overtime, and the minimum wage.1 Unsurprisingly, this history of structural racism has created gaps in labor market outcomes between African Americans and whites.

Between strides in civil rights legislation, desegregation of government, and increases in educational attainment, employment gaps should have narrowed by now, if not completely closed.2 Yet as Figure 1 shows, this has not been the case.

Black Canadians Face High Unemployment During The Pandemic

Differences in the unemployment rates of diverse groups of Canadians are attributable to a number of factors, including long-term trends, the age of the population and the unequal impact of COVID-19 on certain sectors of the economy.

Black Canadians experienced a higher unemployment rate than non-visible minority Canadians in the recent past. For example, 12.5% of Black Canadians in the labour force were unemployed at the time of the 2016 Census, compared with 6.9% of non-visible minority Canadians.

Experimental estimates from the LFS suggest that from January 2020 to January 2021, the unemployment rate increased more among Black Canadians than among non-visible minority Canadians in the context of the pandemic .

In the three months ending in January 2021, the unemployment rate among Black Canadians was about 70% higher than that among non-visible minority Canadians .

Black Canadians aged 25 to 54 also had a higher unemployment rate than non-visible minority Canadians in the same age group .

Black youth aged 15 to 24 have experienced high unemployment during the pandemic, as almost one-third of the labour force in this group was unemployed in January 2021almost twice the rate of non-visible minority youth .

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The Ethnic Groups Used In The Data

The data uses the ethnic categories from the 2011 Census.

Data is aggregated for the Black, Mixed and Other ethnic groups, which means estimates are shown for these groups as a whole.

Data is shown separately for White British people and all other White people . Separate figures are also shown for 3 different Asian ethnic groups .

Some data is shown only for 2 ethnic groups:

  • White â all White ethnic groups, including White minorities
  • Other than White â all other ethnic groups

This is to make sure that estimates are reliable.

People whose ethnicity is not known are included in the figures for âAllâ.

Low Employment Among Black Men

Black Unemployment Is at an All

Table 1 shows employment rates in the U.S. by race and gender from recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data that are published monthly in the Employment Situation Reports.

I focus on three outcomes: unemployment, labor force participation, and employment in the population. The last of these measures summarizes the effects of the other two, and remains the single best measure we have of broad employment activity.3 All three outcomes appear separately by race and gender and for both January 2020 and January 2021 the former allows us to compare racial and gender employment outcomes at the very peak of the business cycle, while the latter reflects the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession on these outcomes on men and women of color in the labor market.

Table 1: Employment Outcomes by Race and Gender, January 2020 and 2021


Table 1 indicates the following:

  • Black men have the highest unemployment rates of any race/gender group, and the lowest labor force participation and employment rates among men and
  • Black women work more than white and Latina women, and Black male participation and employment rates are just a bit higher than those of Black women .

While these Black male employment outcomes are already disturbing, they obscure another important fact: the official BLS statistics dont count many Black men with low employment, and adjusting for this fact further reduces measured Black male employment and earnings rates.

Out of the Labor Force 11 17

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Transitions Into And Out Of The Labor Force

A major concern is that focusing narrowly on employment to unemployment transitions does not capture the complete effects of worsening or improving labor markets. As the economy worsens, one might expect a higher probability of movement from employment and unemployment to nonparticipation, and black and white men may differ in their likelihood of these responses to the business cycle. It might also be expected that during periods of tightening labor markets, more movements directly from nonparticipation to employment would be observed and that those transitions also might differ by race.

As the scope of the analysis is shifted to movement into and out of the labor force, the sample is expanded to include all black and white men ages 2555. contains transition probabilities between employment, unemployment, and nonparticipation over the entire sample period 19892004 separately for whites and blacks as well as for the combined sample. Several interesting patterns emerge. First, a larger percentage of blacks move from employment to nonparticipation than whites. The average probability of moving from employment to not in the labor force for blacks is .016, which is only slightly lower than the average probability of moving from employment to unemployment. Thus, excluding this transition from an analysis of black-white differences in labor force behavior over the business cycle is potentially an important omission.

Black Canadians Less Likely To Be Self

Some population groups face greater barriers to self-employment and entrepreneurship than others, or are more concentrated in industries or occupations where this type of work is less common.

Employed Black Canadians were less likely to be self-employed than non-visible minority Canadians overall in January 2021. At the same time, the self-employment rate among Black men was nearly twice as high as the rate for Black women .

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Gap In Us Black And White Unemployment Rates Is Widest In Five Years

By Jonnelle Marte

4 Min Read

– The United States saw the widest gap in unemployment rates for African Americans and whites in five years in June, underscoring an uneven nascent recovery from historic job losses triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.

Jobless rates for both groups fell in June, but the rate for whites came down at a much faster rate. The white unemployment rate fell 2.3 percentage points to 10.1% from 12.4%, while the rate for Blacks dropped 1.4 points to 15.4% from 16.8%, according to data released by the Labor Department on Thursday.

At 5.3 percentage points, the gap is now the widest since May 2015 and exposes an important economic component of racial inequality at a pivotal moment in U.S. race relations. The country has been rocked by nationwide protests over police brutality against African Americans in recent weeks, following the death of a Black man in police custody in Minneapolis.

Unfortunately that is consistent with the pattern that we have observed for decades in this country, said Valerie Wilson, director of the Economic Policy Institutes program on race, ethnicity, and the economy.

For a graphic on Black vs white unemployment:

The coronavirus pandemic brought an abrupt end to the record-long U.S. economic expansion just as it was creating better job opportunities for Black workers and other minorities. Job losses fell hardest on women and workers of color.

For a graphic on The African American jobless rate:

Blackwhite And Hispanicwhite Inequality Persists Amid Labor Market Recovery

U.S. Faces 25 Percent African-American Unemployment Rate, Howard President Says | MTP Daily | MSNBC

By Kyle K. Moore

EPI analyzes state unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, and racial/ethnic unemployment rate gaps, on a quarterly basis to generate a sample size large enough to create reliable estimates of unemployment rates by race and ethnicity at the state level. We report estimates only for states for which the sample size of these subgroups is large enough to create an accurate estimate. For this reason, the number of states included in our maps and data tables varies based on the analysis performed. The following analysis contains data on the first two quarters of 2021.

Our analysis of first- and second-quarter 2021 data finds a still-uneven recovery picking up its pace due in large part to the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine. Recovery in the labor market has not brought with it racial equity, however the Hispanicwhite unemployment ratio rose from 1.6 in 2020Q4 to nearly 1.7 in 2021Q2, while the Blackwhite unemployment ratio returned to its historical trend of 2.0. That is, although the overall unemployment rate fell, Hispanic workers were still nearly 70% more likely to face unemployment than white workers, while Black workers were twice as likely to face unemployment as white workers. This suggests that a return toward normalcy alone will not be enough to close racial gaps in the labor market.

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Blacks Tend To Be Younger Than The Overall Population

The Black or African American population tends to be younger in comparison to the overall population age 16 and older. In 2019, about 69 percent of the Black population was age 16 to 54. By comparison, about 63 percent of the overall population was in the same age range.

The Black population is also slightly less likely to be made up of men than the overall population. In 2019, Black men made up about 46 percent of the Black population men made up about 48 percent of the overall population.

Percent distribution of the population by educational attainment, 25 years and older, 2019 annual averages

Educational attainment

High school graduates, no college


Less than a high school diploma

11.1 9.8

Black Canadians More Likely To Hold A University Degree Than Canadians Who Are Not A Visible Minority

While having a university degree in Canada is generally associated with a higher employment rate and higher earnings, some groups may face barriers related to the accreditation of degrees earned overseas, skill mismatches or discrimination.

In January 2021, Black Canadians in the core-aged group of 25- to 54-year-olds were more likely to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher than Canadians in the same age group who were not a visible minority . However, Black Canadians with a university degree had a lower employment rate than their non-visible minority counterparts .

While Black men and women aged 25 to 54 were equally likely to have a university degree, a higher proportion of non-visible minority women had a university degree compared with non-visible minority men .

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More People Than Ever Became Eligible For Unemployment Benefits After Congress Included Part

This story was originally published by ProPublica.

Record numbers of Americans are receiving unemployment insurance during the pandemic. Thats because of the enormous scale of jobs lost, but also because Congress greatly expanded the number of workers eligible for benefits. For the first timethanks to the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance programpart-timers, independent contractors and gig workers qualify for unemployment payments. Black workers are overrepresented in these nontraditional positions, which in the past has contributed to making them less likely to receive unemployment payments than other groups.

Yet despite the expansion of eligibility, a smaller percentage of unemployed Black workers are receiving unemployment benefits than white workers during the pandemic, according to national survey data from NORC at the University of Chicago: 13 percent of jobless Black workers received such payments between April and June, compared with 2 percent for Hispanic workers and 24 percent for white workers.

In every recession, we see these same disparities, said William Spriggs, a Howard University economist who analyzed the data.

After the 2008 financial crisis, for example, 23.8 percent of jobless Black workers received unemployment vs. 33.2 percent for white workers, according to a 2012 study of national claims data by the Urban Institute.

Black households have long suffered from lower wages, lower incomes and fewer assets to fall back on than white households.

Trends And Cyclicality Of Black

Black Unemployment Rate Currently 72% Higher Than Whites ...

Before turning to a detailed examination of micro-level data, we examine the macroeconomic relationship between black and white unemployment and business cycle conditions. Beyond establishing context for this article, it is helpful to discuss and update the estimates provided in , which are often cited as evidence that blacks are the last hired and the first fired over the business cycle. Similar estimates can be found in , , , , and .

Using annual data from 1947 to 1972, explored the last in, first out hypothesis by estimating separate regressions for labor market outcomes that include a trend variable and deviation of real gross national product from its trend by race. For log unemployment rates, he found similar coefficient estimates on log real GNP deviations for black and white men, implying that the two groups experience the same proportionate response to the cycle. Freeman then noted that when the economy weakens, the unemployment rate of blacksalways higher than that of whitesrises by a larger number of percentage points and results in a larger relative decline in employment . He concluded that these estimates support the last hired, first fired pattern of black employment over the cycle.

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First Nfl Playoff Game Is Played Indoors

The African-American vote help elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, for the first time switching to the Democratic Party.For decades prior to the Great Depression, African Americans had traditionally voted for the Republican Party, which was still seen as the party of emancipation from the days of Abraham Lincoln. The presidential election of 1932, however, saw a sea-change as African Americans began to switch their political allegiance to the Democratic Party. My friends, go turn Lincolns picture to the wall,Pittsburgh Courier editor Robert Vann implored African Americans in 1932. The debt has been paid in full.

In an oral interview, historian John Hope Franklin said African Americans were drawn to Franklin D. Roosevelt after years of inactivity under Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. He had a purpose, had a message, had a program. And it seemed that was better than the inertia that preceded things, he said.

Franklin also said African Americans could identify with Roosevelts personal struggles. Roosevelt inspired large numbers of blacks, I think in part because he was handicapped himself. And although was not publicized as much as it might have been, blacks knew that he was a victim of polio, that he couldnt walk, and that he had overcome these handicaps.

Men and women working a field on the Bayou Bourbeaux Plantation, a Farm Security Administration cooperative near Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Policies To Craft An Inclusive Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity for policymakers to craft an economic recovery plan that does not leave anyone behind. In order to achieve this, recovery packages must include provisions that tackle structural racism, not just in the labor market but also throughout the economy. The following three policies would not only help close the Black-white unemployment gap but also provide a boost to the overall U.S. economy.

Strengthening worker power

Unions have been shown to reduce racial inequality by raising earnings and creating economic stability for African Americans. Policymakers should therefore encourage legislation that promotes the formation of unions and ensures collective bargaining rights. They should work to repeal right-to-work laws, which are more prevalent in Southern states with high African American populations pass legislation such as the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, which would protect workers who want to organize and workers who engage in protests or strikes by enforcing penalties against employers who interfere and pass legislation such as the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act, which would ensure that all public employees, many of whom are African American, have the right to organize and collectively bargain.

More strongly enforce anti-discrimination laws

Reduce barriers for citizens reentering society

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Despite Junes Positive Jobs Numbers Black Workers Continue To Face High Unemployment

The Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report for June, released today, showed a continuation of the steady economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Nationally, 850,000 jobs were added last month, while the unemployment rate ticked up slightly, to 5.9%, after falling from 6.1% in April to 5.8% in May.

This recovery, however, continues to be uneven across racial lines. Black workers had Junes highest unemployment rate, at 9.2%. Table 1 and Graph 1 show the U.S. unemployment rate by race for April, May, and June 2021.

Black Graduates Twice As Likely To Be Unemployed

Black unemployment rate is lowest on record at 6.8%

Black graduates are more likely to be unemployed and less likely to have a full-time job than their … white counterparts


Black graduates are almost twice as likely to be unemployed as their white peers a year after leaving college.

And Black students are significantly more likely to find themselves in part-time or unpaid work after graduation.

The news provides further evidence that Black students get a raw deal from education, right the way from elementary school to college.

Previous studies show they are more likely to be excluded from school and under-assessed by their teachers, and less likely to get good exam grades and go to the most selective universities.

Figures released today show that around 5.5% of Black graduates are unemployed a little over a year after graduation, compared with 2.8% of white graduates.

And Black graduates are also less likely to be in full-time work, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, which collects data for the U.K.s higher education sector.

While 62% of white graduates were in full-time employment, only 53% of Black graduates were. Black graduates were more likely to be in part-time work and twice as likely to be in a voluntary or unpaid position.

The data looked at the destinations of more than 300,000 students who graduated in 2017/18, taking a snapshot 15 months after graduation.

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