Thursday, July 25, 2024

What To Do For Unemployment

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Can I Qualify For Employment Insurance Benefits Even Though I Left My Job

What to Do About Youth Unemployment

You can only qualify for employment insurance benefits if you can show that, given your situation, leaving your job was the only reasonable option available. There are situations in which leaving a job is the only reasonable option. Here are some examples:

  • being sexually harassed at work
  • dangerous working conditions
  • an employer who puts a lot of pressure on an employee to quit
  • an employee having to move to another city with a spouse because the spouse found work there

When Should I Expect Payment For Peuc

If you have exhausted your weeks of regular state unemployment insurance benefits, file your claim for PEUC and complete your Weekly Certification. If youre approved for PEUC, you should continue receiving benefits for all eligible weeks.

If you previously exhausted your weeks of regular state unemployment insurance benefits and have worked since then, your last employer is given, by law, 10 days to respond to DES about your PEUC claim. No payment will be released until after this 10-day period. If there are no issues with your claim, it will usually take approximately 14 days from the time you file your claim to receive your first payment.

Programs And Resources Available Anytime

We encourage you to use our resources at any time throughout your job search. You can:

  • Meet with career counselors and peers to get tips on how to navigate the job search process
  • Attend workshops on job search techniques including interviewing, networking, and writing resumes and cover letters
  • Get career planning help and information on in-demand jobs, occupations, and skills
  • Access local, statewide, and national job listings
  • Access resources including computers, copiers and printers, fax machines, newspapers, professional journals, business directories, and publications on job searching and careers
  • Find opportunities to meet potential employers and network with other job seekers

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Check On Extended Benefits

First, check with your state unemployment office to ensure you are receiving all the benefits you qualify for. During periods of high unemployment, the federal government may provide funds allowing the states to expand unemployment benefits.

The U.S. Department of Labor provides a website to help you locate your state’s unemployment insurance office.

How To Collect Unemployment Longer

How Does Unemployment Lead to Poverty?

Sanborns best tip for the newly unemployed? Look for a part-time job. Any week that you make enough so you dont need unemployment is an extra week tacked on to the unemployment period you can collect, she says.

Unemployment rules for dealing with part-time work vary regionally. Some states will prorate your unemployment by a percentage , and others will let you earn a certain amount from part-time work as a supplement to your unemployment before they reduce your benefits. If there are weeks when you make too much to collect benefits, youve just earned yourself a safety net of an extra week.

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Can My Employer Require Me To Use My Vacation Time

I work in accounts payable. During the last three weeks my hours have started to dwindle, and I am now only working three days a week. I have been using my personal/vacation time to compensate for the loss. My employer received the PPP. Do I have to keep using my personal time to cover lost hours?

Answer from Nick Oberheiden, Attorney & Founder of Oberheiden, P.C.:

If you are able to work and you choose not to do so, then your employer can require you to utilize vacation time that you have accruedand your employer can place limitations on the use of vacation time that apply generally to all employees .

With regard to the PPP and unemployment specifically, there are really two separate issues: If you are eligible for unemployment benefits, even temporarily, then you can file for and receive unemployment. If you are not eligible for unemployment because you are still employed and available to work , then your employer can require you to either work or take vacation time.

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Learn About Unemployment Benefits And Self

Workers who elect to become self-employed or who take work as independent contractors automatically cancel their unemployment benefits because they cease to be eligible for assistance.

Disqualification is based upon the type of employment, and is not related to the profitability of the business or position.

Some states, however, allow for sideline work. Claimants do not have to stop unemployment benefits when they get a sideline job if:

  • They are still capable and willing to engage in other full-time employment.
  • The amount of time and energy dedicated to the sideline business do not significantly increase or become a primary source of income and support.

Sideline earnings must be reported and applicants should understand UI benefits are reduced in the same ways and amounts that part-time employment would influence your benefit amounts under state regulations.

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What Happens If My Employer Brings Me Back To Work And Pays Me Back Pay For Time When I Was Collecting Unemployment

My employer laid us off on March 19 and directed us to apply for unemployment. I got a call on April 17 saying they were getting the PPP loan and they may pay us on April 24. I had been on unemployment before this. We did end up getting the payment from my employer on the 24th but we have not been asked to come in and work. How do I report this on my weekly claim to unemployment? Would it be considered a severance payment? Can I still receive unemployment?

On my weekly unemployment claim there is no option for reporting this. It only asks if we worked. And on the pay stub I was sent it says the pay period was for 4/6 to 4/19 but I already filed claims for those weeks before I even knew about this. Will I have to pay my UI benefits back?

Answer from Ian Meklinsky, Partner, Fox Rothschild:

In the event your employer returns you to work and pays you back pay for some or all of the time you were laid off/furloughed, in most states, you are technically required to repay your unemployment compensation benefit at least with respect to the time period your employer is paying you retroactively for. With that said, states may not have the bandwidth to pursue repayment of the unemployment compensation benefits, but you should be prepared to repay.

Job Search Requirements Are Back

What To Do If Unemployment Is Running Out

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the governor, with support from the Legislature, suspended the job search requirements at the start of the pandemic. With the economy recovering, job search requirements are back. This means you must look for work and document at least three approved job search activities each week in order to remain eligible for unemployment benefits.

When did job search requirements go back into effect?

  • Week of July 4 – Required to look for work to remain eligible for unemployment benefits.
  • As of Aug. 8 Required to enter the details of your job search activities when submitting your weekly claim online.
    • Important: Keep a record of your job search activities in case we ask to see them. You can use our job search log to make it easier.

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Questions You May Be Asked

  • You may be asked whether you want taxes withheld from your unemployment check.
  • You may also be asked if youre owed any vacation or holiday pay.
  • The unemployment office will want to know the reason you left the job. Primary criteria for unemployment eligibility features being out of work because of no fault of your own.

If you quit or if there are questions about your termination, the application process may be more complicated. However, if your claim is denied, there is an appeals process.

Colleen Tighe / The Balance

Everything You Need To Know When An Employee Files For Unemployment

No matter if your company is large or small, its important to understand exactly how the unemployment insurance system works and what happens when a former employee files for benefits.

By: Rebecca Rosenberg, Contributor

From contesting and approving claims to knowing the effect of claims on business taxes, this guide will help employers understand how it works when laid-off employees file.

Whether due to decreased demand, financial setbacks or a global health crisis, laying off employees is sometimes necessary to keep the business functioning. As an employer, you play an important role in supporting those workers with temporary unemployment insurance benefits.

While letting employees go is a normal part of doing business, it can sometimes be challenging to understand exactly how the process works. You may be wondering what your responsibilities are as an employer and how unemployment claims affect your taxes. Here are answers to common questions about what happens when former employees file for unemployment claims.

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Who Is Eligible To Receive Unemployment Compensation

Your state establishes eligibility requirements for unemployment insurance coverage, with primary requirements including having worked for a certain period of time and your job having been lost through circumstances beyond your control, typically a layoff or a furlough.

Typically, you must be considered an employeeas opposed to an independent contractorat a company that pays into the unemployment insurance fund for your state. However, benefit guidelines have changed due to the coronavirus.

Self-employed workers may be eligible for unemployment benefits. Check with your state department of labor for information on qualifying.

If you meet the eligibility requirements established by your state, you are entitled to receive temporary compensation, generally half your earnings up to a maximum amount.

Wrongful termination can result in eligibility for unemployment benefits, as well as possibly some company benefits.

Employment Insurance Regular Benefits And Labour Mobility

What to do if your Covid unemployment benefits run out before new ...

A significant movement of labour takes place in Canada, mainly from regions of high unemployment and low wages to regions of lower unemployment and higher wages. However, regional variations in unemployment rates that have persisted for decades continued during the 2008 recession and onwards, which potentially suggests that labour is not as mobile as the Canadian labour market requires, at least to some extent. Despite the fact that jobs may be available in other regions of the country, some workers are not able or prefer not to move, while others may not be aware of job opportunities outside of their region of residence. This situation contributes to regional pockets of high unemployment.

Subsection 2.8.1 analyzes labour mobility within Canada, primarily concerning the flow of migration between provinces and territories. Subsection 2.8.2 examines the current research surrounding the impact of the EI program on labour mobility decisions.

2.8.1Labour mobility within Canada

Demographic estimates from Statistics Canada on interprovincial mobility in 2014/2015 showed that only two provinces¬Alberta and British Columbia had positive net migration flows of population within the country, as shown in Chart 39. Ontario , Quebec and Manitoba had the highest negative net migration flows of population.

Chart 39 – Interprovincial Mobility, by Province and Territory, Canada, 2014/2015

  • Note: Figures for 2014/2015 are preliminary.

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Column: No Gas Prices Arent Really At A Record But People Are Hurting Anyway

Gasoline prices are still below their historical peak, adjusted for inflation, but no one can say how high theyll go.

Mellon held, as Hoover recounted, that even a panic was not altogether a bad thing. He said: It will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.

Signs are beginning to emerge, if slowly, that the factors pushing prices higher since late last year are beginning to ease. Crude oil prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell during Thursdays trading to below $104 per barrel, down from their March 8 peak of $123.70. Gasoline prices have begun to follow suit, albeit not at the same pace.

Housing starts have slipped and wage gains have moderated. Retailers have reported slower sales and some, stuck with excess inventories of merchandise, have signaled that generous discounts are in the wings.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell, who has become the face of the Feds policy of raising interest rates sharply to cool the economy, has hinted that a second sharp interest rate increase of three-quarters of a percentage point may or may not be necessary next month.

Can My Employer Force Me To Come Into The Workplace Because They Are Paying Us After Obtaining Ppp

Im a dental assistant and our office has been shut down except for emergencies. My employer is approved for a PPP loan. This means all of the employees will go off unemployment and she will pay us. Can the dentist make us work in the office if it is non-essential or to do menial jobs?

Answer from Ian Meklinsky:

This is a common question we are receiving from employers and employees. An employer who receives a PPP loan, if it wants the loan forgiven, has eight weeks to spend it on otherwise eligible expenses. As a result, many employers are having employees either return to work or are having employees not work and paying them nonetheless. This is permitted. The failure of employers to do this will result in their PPP loan not being fully forgiven.

I understand the concern of employees here, as some may be earning more on unemployment compensationas a result of the federal unemployment insurance supplementbut employers have the right to compel employees back to work.

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How Does Unemployment Work

The federal and state governments created unemployment to help people continue to live normal lives when they are between jobs. It is important to understand how unemployment benefits work so you can receive the appropriate payments during your job search. Here are nine things to consider about unemployment:

Unemployment Guide: 9 Ways To Make The Most Of It

What to Do During Unemployment – Best Tips

Even if you’re not working, you can still improve your career.

Searching for a job can take months, so it’s no surprise that some professionals spend long stretches of time unemployed. Now, levels of unemployment have been exacerbated exponentially so by the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Millions of Americans have filed for unemployment, and that number is only expected to rise.

Of course, pandemic or not, unemployment is a reality for many workers at certain points in their careers. That said, just because you are currently unemployed and conducting a job search doesn’t mean there are no opportunities for productivity. No, you do not have to sit at your kitchen table staring at your computer screen for hours on end, day after day. Instead, turn your time unemployed into something good, and find ways to stay positive during your job search along the way.

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Market Yourself In Terms Of What You Want To Be Doing Not Just What Youre Currently Doing

Another thing that you should do when you hate your job is to market yourself in terms of what you want to do. Its time to start letting the masses know what youre capable of, not just in terms of what you have done but what youre aspiring towards and charging forward to achieve.

Global recruitment firm Robert Half explains how personal branding is essential to progress and enjoy a successful career. Providing an impressive-sounding resume and a cover letter is no longer enough. What we engage with and how we show up online and offline is taken into account more now than ever. So, we need to be strategic.

If you are looking for opportunities to work in overseas companies in your industry, you might consider researching best practices other off-shore companies are engaging in and writing your own short LinkedIn post about it. Or you may simply look to post a link to what you have found and provide short critical evaluations about it.

Start thinking about how you market yourself, and stop leaving it to chance. While many think social media is only for personal social items, consider how your engagement on these platforms portrays you to your audiences. Steer potential employers and business partners to see you as you want to be seen, not just as you are.

Where To Find Free Financial Assistance And Support

Try these steps to boost your job search and find financial assistance during unemployment.

  • Secure a free email account: Job seekers can create a professional email, separate from their personal email, to use just for job searching.
  • Check with your internet and cell service provider: You may be able to hold off on all or some of your payments while you’re unemployed.
  • Ask your church and local community organizations for support: If you are a member of a church, ask whether any help is available. Community organizations often have resources to help the unemployed with food baskets, donations, job help, and babysitting assistance.
  • Seek help from your network: If you can get support from family or friends, don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Obtain free job search help: Identify and find free, or inexpensive, job search and career resources in your geographic area.
  • Use your local Career OneStop Center: Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Career OneStop centers have information on local support resources. These include help with utility bills, food costs, and other necessary expenses. Career OneStop might also have information on temporary positions, permanent or long-term job listings, and assistance with job or skill training to increase your marketability.
  • Review job search tips for unemployed job seekers: It’s difficult to be upbeat and confident when you’re in a desperate financial situation, but it’s important for an unemployed job seeker to remain positive.

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