Wednesday, July 24, 2024

States With High Unemployment Rates

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North Dakota Unemployment Rate

885K file new jobless claims: Here are the states with the highest unemployment rates

Approximately 90% of North Dakota is made up of farms and ranches, a factor that allows agriculture to be the state’s biggest economic contributor and responsible for one-fourth of its workforce. The Roughrider State is one of the few states where the advanced manufacturing sector has grown most have seen their industry shrink over time.

  • Unemployment Historic High/Low:
  • Historic High: 8.3
  • Historic Low: 2.0
  • Current unemployment: 2.6

Effects On Health And Mortality

Unemployment can have adverse health effects. One study indicated that a 1% increase in the unemployment rate can increase mortality among working-aged males by 6%. Similar effects were not noted for women or the elderly, who had lower workforce attachment. The mortality increase was mainly driven by circulatory health issues . Another study concluded that: “Losing a job because of an establishment closure increased the odds of fair or poor health by 54%, and among respondents with no preexisting health conditions, it increased the odds of a new likely health condition by 83%. This suggests that there are true health costs to job loss, beyond sicker people being more likely to lose their jobs.” Extended job loss can add the equivalent of ten years to a persons age.

Studies have also indicated that worsening economic conditions can be associated with lower mortality across the entire economy, with slightly lower mortality in the much larger employed group offsetting higher mortality in the unemployed group. For example, recessions might include fewer drivers on the road, reducing traffic fatalities and pollution.

The Department Of Labor Has Released The State

In September, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.8 percent or around seven million workers. However, in addition to this number, there are an additional six million people who have are jobless but have stopped looking for their next gig. Since these individuals are no longer actively looking for a job, they are not counted in the official unemployment rate.

See our interactive graphics on todays new #BLSdata on state #employment and #unemployment#DataViz

BLS-Labor Statistics

This distinction can give the impression that the job market is recovering rather quickly, but in reality, the 4.8 percent figure is artificially low. Many workers have voluntarily left their jobs believing that they would be able to provide a job that would pay them more or allow them more flexibility.

Compared to the number of workers on payroll has increased in forty-seven states and the District of Colombia. States that have reported the largest job growth include, “California , Texas , and Florida .” As a percent, states that saw the largest increase in employment were “Hawaii , Nevada , and Texas .”

See our interactive graphics on todays new #BLSdata on state job openings and labor turnover

BLS-Labor Statistics

  • Kentucky — 1.4%
  • Idaho — 1.1%
  • South Dakota — 0.9%.

As a total number of “quits,” Georgia , Illinois , and Kentucky , saw the highest numbers nationally.

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Comparison Of Employment Recovery Across Recessions And Financial Crises

One method of analyzing the impact of recessions on employment is to measure the period of time it takes to return to the pre-recession employment peak. By this measure, the 20082009 recession was considerably worse than the five other U.S. recessions from 1970 to present. By May 2013, U.S. employment had reached 98% of its pre-recession peak after approximately 60 months. Employment recovery following a combined recession and financial crisis tends to be much longer than a typical recession. For example, it took Norway 8.5 years to return to its pre-recession peak employment after its 1987 financial crisis and it took Sweden 17.8 years after its 1991 financial crisis. The U.S. is recovering considerably faster than either of these countries.

Current Unemployment Rates For States And Historical Highs/lows

Unemployment map shows huge jobless spikes across the country with ...
Current Unemployment Rates for States and Historical Highs/Lows, SeasonallyAdjusted



Note: Rates shown are a percentage of the labor force. Data refer to place of residence. Seriesbegin in January 1976. Historical highs and lows show the most recent month that a rate wasrecorded in the event of multiple occurrences. Estimates for at least the latest five years aresubject to revision early in the following calendar year. Estimates for the current month aresubject to revision the following month.

July 22, 2022

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Us States With The Highest Unemployment Rates

According to OECD , unemployment is when individuals above a specified age are not self-employed or in a paying job and are available for work in a certain period. Generally, unemployment increases during a recession and decreases during periods of economic prosperity. Unemployment and job creation are affected by numerous factors, including demographics, automation, education, global competitions, and economic conditions. These factors also determine the wage levels, unemployment duration, and the number of workers. The United States had an unemployment rate of about 3.5% on September 2019, which is the lowest it has ever had since 1969, with the unemployment rate of some states like Alaska being as high as 6.2%. The countrys unemployment rate increased to 3.6% in October before decreasing to 3.5% in November.

Stabilize Staffing Levels With Sprockets

When we analyze the state-by-state unemployment rate, we get a clearer picture of how the pandemic shutdowns have affected jobs and certain industries. Nevertheless, signs of economic recovery are evident across the nation, and Sprockets can help businesses achieve healthy staffing levels once again.

Sprockets augments sourcing via free job postings and reveals which applicants are the ideal fit for your team. The AI-powered platform empowers you to hire the perfect candidates every time, ultimately improving employee retention and allowing operators to focus on important daily tasks rather than dealing with an endless cycle of turnover.

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President’s Council On Jobs And Competitiveness

President Obama established the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness in 2009. The Council released an interim report with a series of recommendations in October 2011. The report included five major initiatives to increase employment while improving competitiveness:

  • Measures to accelerate investment into job-rich projects in infrastructure and energy development
  • A comprehensive drive to ignite entrepreneurship and accelerate the number and scale of young, small businesses and high-growth firms that produce an outsized share of America’s new jobs
  • A national investment initiative to boost jobs-creating inward investment in the United States, both from global firms headquartered elsewhere and from multinational corporations headquartered here
  • Ideas to simplify regulatory review and streamline project approvals to accelerate jobs and growth and,
  • Steps to ensure America has the talent in place to fill existing job openings as well as to boost future job creation.
  • Job Growth Projections 20162026

    Howard County shows highest unemployment rate for Indiana in May

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on October 24, 2017 its projections of job growth by industry and job type over the 20162026 period. Healthcare was the industry expected to add the most jobs, driven by demand from an aging population. The top three occupations were: personal care aides with 754,000 jobs added or a 37% increase home health aids with 425,600 or 47% and software developers at 253,400 or 30.5%.

    BLS also reported that: “About 9 out of 10 new jobs are projected to be added in the service-providing sector from 2016 to 2026, resulting in more than 10.5 million new jobs, or 0.8 percent annual growth. The goods-producing sector is expected to increase by 219,000 jobs, growing at a rate of 0.1 percent per year over the projections decade.” BLS predicted that manufacturing jobs would decline by over 700,000 over that period.

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    Effects Of Healthcare Reform

    CBO estimated in December 2015 that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would reduce the labor supply by approximately 2 million full-time worker equivalents by 2025, relative to a baseline without the law. This is driven by the law’s health insurance coverage expansions plus taxes and penalties. With access to individual marketplaces, fewer persons are dependent on health insurance offered by employers.

    What Is The Highest Unemployment Rate In California

    4/5unemployment rate in CaliforniaCalifornias unemployment

    Similarly, it is asked, what is Californias current unemployment rate?


    Furthermore, what county in California has the highest unemployment rate? They were also located in Northern California, with two exceptions: Orange and San Luis Obispo counties. The counties with the highest unemployment rates were generally located in inland areas and had lower levels of income. California has had an average unemployment rate of 7.5 percent for each year since 1976.

    Beside this, does California have the highest unemployment rate?

    â Among Southern California counties, Los Angeles had the highest unemployment rate in October, at 4.5%, followed by Riverside , San Bernardino Ventura , San Diego and Orange . Unemployment in the region is below 2.6%, and is as low as 1.7% in San Mateo County.

    Which state has the highest rate of unemployment?


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    What Is Not Included In The Unemployment Rate

    The unemployment rate only takes into consideration the labor force. The labor force consists of those individuals that are currently working and those that are not working but who are looking for work. If an individual has not been looking for work in the previous four weeks, they are not considered part of the labor force and do not factor into the unemployment rate.

    West Virginia Unemployment Rate

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    Following the Reconstruction Era, West Virginia’s economy revolved heavily around its abundant natural resources and growing extraction industry. Coal had a particularly prominent place in the early West Virginian economy, and the state remains the second-largest coal producer in the U.S. In 1983, West Virginia reached the highest state unemployment rate in the country’s history, prior to the coronavirus outbreak.

    • Unemployment Historic High/Low:
    • Historic High: 18.4
    • Historic Low: 3.5
    • Current unemployment: 3.5

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    Unemployment In The United States

    Unemployment in the United States discusses the causes and measures of U.S. unemployment and strategies for reducing it. Job creation and unemployment are affected by factors such as economic conditions, global competition, education, automation, and demographics. These factors can affect the number of workers, the duration of unemployment, and wage levels.

    Unemployment Benefits By State 2022

    Unemployment is defined as those who are jobless, have actively looked for a job within the last four weeks, and are available for work. The unemployment rate measures unemployment as the number of unemployed people as a percentage of a populations labor force. Unemployment is a key economic indicator and can be a sign of economic turmoil.

    As of January 2020, the unemployment rate is 6.7%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The natural rate of unemployment is between 3.5% and 4.5%. Unemployment rates vary significantly by state.

    If someone is not actively looking for work, they are not included in the unemployment rate. This means that individuals who retire, go back to school, or leave the workforce to raise. Family or take care of relatives is not counted in the unemployment rate.

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    Employment Policies And The Minimum Wage

    Advocates of raising the minimum wage assert this would provide households with more money to spend, while opponents recognize the impact this has on businesses’, especially small businesses’, ability to pay additional workers. Critics argue raising employment costs deters hiring. During 2009, the minimum wage was $7.25 per hour, or $15,000 per year, below poverty level for some families. The New York Times editorial board wrote in August 2013: “As measured by the federal minimum wage, currently $7.25 an hour, low-paid work in America is lower paid today than at any time in modern memory. If the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation or average wages over the past nearly 50 years, it would be about $10 an hour if it had kept pace with the growth in average labor productivity, it would be about $17 an hour.”

    The Economist wrote in December 2013: “A minimum wage, providing it is not set too high, could thus boost pay with no ill effects on jobs…America’s federal minimum wage, at 38% of median income, is one of the rich world’s lowest. Some studies find no harm to employment from federal or state minimum wages, others see a small one, but none finds any serious damage.”

    The U.S. minimum wage was last raised to $7.25 per hour in July 2009. As of December 2013, there were 21 states with minimum wages above the Federal minimum, with the State of Washington the highest at $9.32. Ten states index their minimum wage to inflation.

    When Compared To States Dc Has The Highest Unemployment Rate

    Sevier County has state’s highest unemployment rate

    May 20, 2022, 12:46 PM

    The Districts unemployment rate in April was 5.8%, down from 6.0% in March. But when compared to states, that is the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

    D.C. was followed by New Mexico for the second-highest unemployment rate in April at 5.3%.

    State unemployment rates are seasonally-adjusted.

    Ten states posted record low unemployment rates in April, led by Nebraska and Utah, at 1.9% each. Minnesota, South Dakota, Idaho Alabama, Arizona, West Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi all had record low unemployment rates last month, based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data dating back to 1976.

    A total of 18 states had lower unemployment rates than the national average of 3.6%.

    BLS posts monthly unemployment rate and civilian workforce changes by state online.

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    Which States Have The Highest And Lowest Unemployment Rates

    Please consider the BLS report on State Unemployment Levels for December 2020.

    Key Points

    • In December 2020, nonfarm payroll employment increased in 15 states, decreased in 11 states, and was essentially unchanged in 24 states and the District of Columbia.
    • Hawaii and Nevada had the highest unemployment rates in December, 9.3 percent and 9.2 percent, respectively. Nebraska and South Dakota had the lowest rates, 3.0 percent each.
    • 25 states had jobless rates lower than the U.S. figure of 6.7 percent, 10 states and the District of Columbia had higher rates, and 15 states had rates that were not appreciably different from that of the nation.
    • Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment decreased in 48 states and the District of Columbia and wasessentially unchanged in 2 states.
    • The largest job declines occurred in California , New York , and Michigan . The largest percentage declines occurred in Hawaii , Michigan , and New York .

    Lowest Unemployment Rates December 2020

  • South Dakota: 3.0
  • Government As The Employer Of Last Resort

    The government could also become the employer of last resort, just as central banks are the lenders of last resort. A job guarantee would maintain labor market stability and could establish full employment. This would introduce a shock absorber into the labor market. Full employment might also gain wider support among the electorate than a basic income policy.

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    South Carolina Unemployment Rate

    Trade, transportation, and utilities make up the largest sector in South Carolina by employment, comprised of more than 430,000 jobs. Despite this, finance, insurance & real estate is the most profitable industry in the Palmetto State, in terms of GDP. While not the largest workforce, manufacturing in South Carolina still accounts for approximately 248,000 employees.

    • Unemployment Historic High/Low:
    • Historic High: 12.1
    • Historic Low: 2.4
    • Current unemployment: 3.3

    List Of Countries By Unemployment Rate

    These 9 states are suffering from the worst unemployment rates

    This is a list of countries by unemployment rate. Methods of calculation and presentation of unemployment rate vary from country to country.Some countries count insured unemployed only, some count those in receipt of welfare benefit only, some count the disabled and other permanently unemployable people, some countries count those who choose not to work, supported by their spouses and caring for a family, some count students at college and so on. There may also be differences in the minimum requirements and some consider people employed even if only marginally associated with employment market .

    There can be differences in the age limit. For example, Eurostat uses 15 to 74 years old when calculating unemployment rate, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses anyone 16 years of age or older . Unemployment rates are often seasonally adjusted to avoid variations that depend on time of year.Employment rate as a percentage of total population in working age is sometimes used instead of unemployment rate.

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    Where Did Jobs Increase In July

    Federal, state and local governments added 57,000 jobs.

    The employment recovery, however, masks divergent narratives for the public and private sectors. While businesses recouped all jobs lost in June and are now 629,000 positions above the pre-COVID-19 level, government is still nearly 600,000 jobs below that benchmark.

    Thats mostly because state and local governments havent been able to provide the pay increases, remote work options and flexible hours offered by the private sector since the pandemic began in spring 2020.

    In addition to July’s robust payroll gains, average hourly earnings rose 15 cents to $32.27, pushing the annual increase from 5.1% to 5.2% and threatening to intensify inflation pressures.

    And the portion of Americans working or looking for jobs fell from 62.2% to 62.1%, well below the pre-pandemic level of 63.4%. That share had been rising as workers returned to a favorable labor market after caring for children or staying idle because of COVID-19 fears. But it has broadly edged down after hitting a peak in March, suggesting widespread labor shortages could persist and push pay increases higher.

    Overall, the blockbuster report increases the odds that the Fed will raise its key interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage for a third straight meeting in mid-September to fight soaring inflation, says economist Michael Pearce of Capital Economics.

    Im going to roll the dice, he says.

    Some employers are dialing back their hiring plans.

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