Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Make Money Fast While Unemployed

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Stop Trying To Run Everyones Race

how to make money while pregnant and unemployed that actually work

If you want to direct the narrative of your life, you need to take a step back and get rid of the clutter. Figure out what you can delegate and then, focus your energy away from the distractions. Not every email needs a reply, and not every job is right for you.

Shakespeare said it best,

To thine own self be true.

These six words need to become your mantra.

If you want to reach your goals this year and be proactive, you need to walk forward with laser focus. If you compare yourself or your business to the next big thing, you wont contribute anything except a lesser copy of yourself and your organization.

Part of being proactive is being creative. You have to be able to see the different angles and nuances in a situation or project in order to anticipate potential issues and come up with creative solutions. If youre constantly looking over someone elses work, youre not focusing on whats in front of you. And you could end up missing a lot of obstacles that you couldve avoided if you were paying attention.

Stop looking around. Your purpose is not to run the race of someone else. If you want to be proactive at work, you need to stop comparing yourself to your neighbor and stick to running your own race. Its the only way that youll win.

Get Paid To Write Online

If youve always wanted to be a writer, what better time to start? While a lot of online writing jobs dont pay, there are still quite a few websites where you can make money by creating high quality, relevant content. You can get started by looking at:

  • Listverse: a listicle website that will pay $100 per accepted article.
  • Longreads: a long-form content site that pays competitive rates. The website doesnt specify the amount paid but other websites and blogs have stated rates of $500-$1,500.
  • Back2college: a site aimed at older students will pay $55+ per accepted article.;
  • All Pet Voices: a pet website that pays $75 per accepted article.
  • iWorkWell: a website for HR professionals and SMEs that pays $200 per accepted article.;
  • Loaded Landcapes: a photography website that pays $20-150 per accepted article.;
  • Income Diary: a website focussed on making money online that pays $200-$500 per accepted article.;
  • A Fine Parent: a parenting website that pays $75 per accepted article.;

All of these sites only pay for accepted articles, so make sure that you review their criteria and read through the websites for an idea of their existing content and style before you start. Some websites also prefer to receive pitches before the main article.;

While a lot of freelance writers have regular clients, writing for some select websites allows you to build up a portfolio, create a niche, and work up to higher-paying and more reliable income, if thats something that you want to pursue.;

Flip Flea Market Finds

If you believe “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” then you might be interested in becoming a flea market flipper. Flea market flippers find old furniture at garage sales, on Craigslist or — you guessed it — at flea markets, and then rework the old pieces into something new.

To make money as a flipper, you must be able to sell your finished products for more than your original purchase prices, plus the cost of any supplies used for revamping. You can take photographs of your finished products and list them for sale online. Or, you could return to the flea market with your items in hopes of out-haggling bargain-hungry shoppers.

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Consider Any Environmental Requirements The Job May Have

Even remote jobs sometimes require a certain working environment for professionals. For example, if you are teaching online music lessons, you need a space to record yourself with minimal background noise. This is not ideal for new parents. Instead, look for a job that has duties you can accomplish anywhere and doesn’t require too many video calls.

Finding a portable job with a flexible environment allows you to be comfortable and prioritize your children’s needs.

Sell What You Don’t Need

how to make money while pregnant and unemployed

Remember the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? That saying especially rings true now when many people are looking for ways to save. Go room to room and think about things you don’t need. If a yard sale is too time consuming, consider selling your items on sites like eBay or Craigslist.

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Sign Up With Doordash They Need Help

The global pandemic has people afraid to go to the grocery store or out to eat. Actually, in many places, grocery stores are low on supplies, and restaurants are shutting down.

The result is that many people are not able to find what they are looking for at the store. And, many are just afraid of catching the virus at a restaurant. Thats where youll come in.

Help support your community while making some extra cash by applying to work for food delivery and meal services like Uber Eats, Postmates, or Door Dash.

Sam, a personal finance expert and co-founder of;How To FIRE;says, Even the;cheapest meal delivery service;will make a tough situation easier for those stuck at home. If they cant find the food they are looking for, help bring it to them. Also, many kids are home from school right now, so make a hectic situation easier for parents!

Make sure you follow all federal and state guidelines for staying safe and healthy, but you can expect to make upwards of $12 per hour with this side hustle.

Just remember to keep your hands and car clean with frequent washing, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes!

Rent Out Your Car Parking Space

Some;student accommodation;comes with a drive or garage. If you aren’t using your parking space and you live in a busy area then you might be in luck. There are plenty of people that may work in the city centre and are fed up of paying through the roof for daily parking.

Advertise your space on;Gumtree,;Parklet;or;Just Park.

Or, check out our;full guide to renting out your parking space.

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Capitalise On Your Clutter

Clearing the clutter from your home clears up needed space, helps you get more organised, and offers a way to make speedy cash.

While traditional yard sales, car boot sales and flea markets are still an option for selling your stuff, there are plenty of online alternatives, too. Use Craigslist to sell large items, like furniture, to locals in order to avoid shipping hassles, weed out your book and media collection using the Amazon marketplace, or unload the unused parts from your automotive restoration project on

There are sites where you can sell pretty much everything you own, including camera equipment, clothing and even gift cards.

Be Flexible About New Opportunities

8 Ways To Make Money While Looking For A Job

Workers may also want to find ways to broaden their skill sets, whether thats by taking on new training or learning something new, Hamrick says. All of this could set them up for success once the outbreak does subside.

We know that some businesses are benefiting from increased demand while others are being devastated by the changes, Hamrick says. Those who have the ability to make a career pivot or take advantage of new opportunities will fare the best. Still, others may opt to seek education or skills enhancement during this time of tremendous challenge.

But this may also include practicing ingenuity with the skill sets you already have, ONeill says. A hair cutter at a salon near her Florida home, for example, is visiting clients directly in their homes after the hair parlor shut down.

There are opportunities if people can turn their skill set into a side hustle or find something else where employers are hiring, she says.

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Break Free Of Your Finances

Financial freedom is about having a constant flow of cash from your assets to cover all your regular needs.

When you are not worried about your income, or living paycheck to paycheck, you gain a great sense of freedom. Its the freedom to be obtain and do what you truly need to make your way through everyday life.

Gaining financial freedom, though, is a process of growth, making small improvements and gaining emotional strength.

Though it seems hard to believe, it is really very simple to get financial freedom.

To do so, you simply need to make sure that your assets exceed your liabilities. In other words, youll need to find the sweet-spot where your residuals meet or surpass your expenses. This is something that you can achieve with the proper plan.

While not every person will accomplish financial freedom, the potential for anyone to do so is certainly there. Anyone can achieve this success, regardless of their income level.

Outlined below are 9 secrets that will help you in your goals of achieving financial freedom.

Creating Options For The Future

Starting a business, learning to invest or making side money as a reseller can help you generate needed income when you don’t have a job. But these endeavors may also provide helpful income after you’ve found new work. If you start a successful business, you may not even need another job.

Being able to generate additional income can also help you preserve your good credit through difficult financial times. Although keeping up with payments can be difficult when your income is disrupted, working with creditors and monitoring your credit can help you ensure that you come through an income downturn in the best possible financial shape.

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Research For Others On Taskrabbit

Some companies need conductive research done on different industries, consumer markets, or even on their own company. To help out, you could get hired on TaskRabbit to conduct research for businesses or independent employees. You could earn anywhere from $17$80 an hour to complete research tasks. To get hired, create an account, fill out your profile, and market yourself on social media.

  • Time: Low to high
  • Earnings: $17-80 an hour

Start A Blog To Make Extra Money

4 Ways To Earn Money While Unemployed  Daily Job Hunt

If you are looking for more ways to make extra money while pregnant and unemployed, you should consider starting a blog for extra cash.;

Blogging has definitely changed my life for the better, and it allows me to earn thousands of dollars every month, all by doing something that I love.

I wrote a whole post that you can check out where outlined exactly why I love blogging and how it changed my life.;

My blog was created out of inspiration when I saw other amazing female entrepreneur blogs sharing exactly how much they were making each month from blogging.;

In my very first month of blogging, I made $83.00.;

I knew then that I was onto something.;

Blogging for money is definitely possible if you put your time and mind into it.;

Blogging is quite affordable to start, and its easy to start as well.

Honestly, blogging is one of the best ways to make money when pregnant for those looking for consistent income.

Feel free to join;this FREE 7-day e-mail course here;where I share my personal experience and teach beginners how to start a profitable blog all from scratch.

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Start An Online Community

If you have a loyal following, you could create a unique platform just for them. For instance, websites like Patreon help users create communities through a monthly subscription plan. Youre able to share exclusive content, connect with your community, and earn money. Market this idea on your social media and to your closest loved ones to show support.

  • Time: High
  • Extra tools: Social media

Make Money On Clickbank

;is a huge marketplace for digital and physical products which gets a massive number of sales every month.

Just like i mentioned above that you can make money promoting amazon products, same is the case with Clickbank.


Amazons commission percentage is from 2% to 8%,

Whereas the commission percentage of Clickbank is around 20% to 50% which is far more than that of Amazon!

However, it is not easy to promote Clickbank products as Clickbank is not famous like Amazon and the other reason is that there is not a vast variety of products.

Best way to make money from Clickbank is to make a blog and promote Clickbank products to your audience,

For example if i have a health blog i would promote products like meal plans, diet plans, weight loss pills etc.

Also read:15 legitimate online jobs resources for college students

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Get Paid To Transcribe Audio

Transcription has always been a popular job to do from home pay tends to start at $20 per audio hour, and how quickly you can transcribe will define the pay per hour worked. The increase in online video content has fuelled a rise in demand for transcription services, but speech to text software is also getting better so it can be a tough industry. Websites such as GoTranscript and Transcribe Me can help you to get started.;

Publish A Book On Kindle

Ryan Hildreth | Make Money Online While Unemployment Rates SKYROCKET!

In 2019, Amazon paid over $300 million to self-published authors on its Kindle platform. While its a very competitive marketplace, it has been incredibly lucrative to those who have managed to build a following and gain additional income from Kindle Unlimited. The financial barriers to entry are low and you can decide how much you charge for your books.

If you like the idea but youre not sure where to start, we have a free course to help you start writing fiction.;

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Craft Your Owns Stories To Sell

Do you love reading and storytelling? Work with your loved ones to curate your own story. Once its perfected, put it into a book. You could make each book by hand or create digital and bound books using Blurb. Sell your story to your closest loved ones or reach out to local publishers.

  • Time: Low to high
  • Earnings: Up to $10,000 , plus royalties for every copy that sells
  • Extra tools: Art supplies

Add Your Drawings To T

If you have an eye for fashion and art, sell your drawings on a t-shirt. Create an Etsy account or start up your own website, with your guardians permission, to sell your items. Before creating your t-shirts, you will have to purchase blank ones and invest in an ecommerce store.

  • Time: Low to high
  • Earnings: Pay varies by item
  • Extra tools: Camera or phone, art materials, t-shirts

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Get An Online Internship

Get a head start in your future career and reach out to professionals about online internships. Attend virtual career fairs, contact your college career center, or reach out to your professional network for opportunities. Not only are you able to make some extra cash, but internships are a great way to build your resume.

  • Time: Medium to high
  • Earnings: $1020 an hour

Ways To Make Money While Quarantined

Making a little money while on unemployment

The COVID-19 quarantine has left millions of people stuck at home–and in many cases left them without income as well. As of this writing, the U.S. unemployment rate is estimated to be up to 16.1, according to Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal.

What can you do if current circumstances have left you with a drop in income? If youve lost your job or had your hours cut, or even if you just want a way to bring in cash while youre stuck at home, you do have options.

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Optimize Your Recurring Expenses

Aside from earning extra money, if you find yourself with some free time, now is a perfect chance to go through all of your recurring expenses and shop around for lower prices.

Take a look at your bank statement for the account you use to cover your expenses and see what youre spending money on each month. You might find some subscriptions you arent using anymore and can cancel for instant savings.

Nathan from;Millionaire Dojo;offers this advice:

Make a list of all your recurring bills and go through each one to shop around for better deals. If you havent ever done this, you might end up cutting your monthly expenses by a significant amount! Every little bit that you can cut adds up and will be money saved from this point forward.

Its also a good idea to optimize your utility expenses. Try to use as little water and electricity as possible and watch your power bill drop drastically!

Rent Out Your Driveway

If you have some driveway space and live in a busy area or city, you may be able to make an income from renting out that space. The need for additional parking may have increased in your area, so its always worth checking the current rates.;

Websites like Just Park or Your Parking Space make it easy to find people who are looking for parking spots, and take a lot of the confusion out of admin and managing this additional income stream.;

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Cash In Your Unused Gift Cards

All too often, gift cards are bought as presents but not utilized. Don’t let your unused gift cards go to waste. Convert them to cash by selling them online at sites such as Gift Card Granny, Cardpool and Raise. You won’t receive the full value of the card, but it still feels like getting free money.

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