Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Continue Get Unemployment

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Am I Eligible For Regular Unemployment Compensation

Washington residents continue to struggle to get unemployment checks

Each state sets its own unemployment insurance benefits eligibility guidelines, but you usually qualify if you:

  • Are unemployed through no fault of your own. In most states, this means you have to have separated from your last job due to a lack of available work.
  • Meet work and wage requirements. You must meet your states requirements for wages earned or time worked during an established period of time referred to as a “base period.”
  • Meet any additional state requirements. Find details of your own states program.

Step : We Review Your Claim

Your unemployment claim remains valid for one year from the date it is filed, unless you exhaust benefits sooner. Federal law requires a review for new wages after one year.

Please be aware some claims cannot be automatically processed and will require manual review from a claims examiner.;Check your;claim status;online and look for communication via email, text message, or mail.

Ive Been Paying Every Bill In My Household For The Past Seven Years During That Time My Wife Either Wasnt Working Or Only Had Spotty Part

‘We are heading to divorce court and I would like to introduce evidence of her financial recklessness, because I do not want to give over a large sum of money to someone who is simply going to waste it.’

  • Resize icon

Dear Quentin,

Ive been paying every bill in my household for the past seven years. During that time, my wife either wasnt working or only had spotty part-time jobs. She does have a disability, but it doesnt stop her from working; it just means that she moves slower. Ive never been able to depend on her to help with finances or regular household stuff, and I mostly ended up doing it myself.

She quit her job last March due to COVID-19 concerns. We didnt think she would be eligible for unemployment as she voluntarily quit her job, but it turns out that she qualified after all. I didnt know how much she was receiving. I just found out that she collected $8,000 in unemployment payouts. I didnt know it was that much and the money had already been spent.

I asked her what she could have possibly spent $8,000 on without anything to show for it, especially since she didnt offer me a penny toward any of the bills for the household.

I asked her what she could have possibly spent $8,000 on without anything to show for it, especially since she didnt offer me a penny toward any of the bills for the household. All she can say is, I dont know.

Furious Soon-To-Be Ex-Husband

Dear Husband,;

The Moneyist regrets he cannot reply to questions individually.

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Who Qualifies For Partial Unemployment

You would normally not qualify for partial unemployment benefits if you’ve scaled back your work hours for family or personal reasons. State guidelines vary though, so it’s important to check with your state department of labor office for qualification criteria in your location.

  • Most states provide partial benefits to individuals whose work hours have been reduced through no fault or choice of their ownfor example, when a company is sold, liquidated, or restructured.
  • Many states also cover employees who have lost their full-time jobs and have partially replaced the lost income with one or more part-time jobs. Some states even cover individuals who were working two or more part-time jobs and lost one of those jobs.
  • Workers who are not technically laid off or terminated but placed on zero-hour schedules are eligible for unemployment compensation in most cases, according to Andrew Stettner, a senior fellow at The Century Foundation.

Eligible workers must meet the requirements within their state for minimum earnings during the unemployment base period. They must also satisfy the minimum time-of-employment state requirements. Check with your state unemployment office for guidelines.

What Happens If Benefits Lapse

How come I

Stettner says while the focus remains on ending the $300 boost, allowing PUA and PEUC programs to end would cause a “unemployment cliff” for roughly 7.5 million people and their families after September 6.

As of mid-July, roughly 9.4 million people were drawing benefits from one of these programs, making up more than 72% of Americans collecting unemployment insurance overall.

Some long-term unemployed people claiming PEUC could move over to Extended Benefits, a federally funded aid program that triggers “on” depending on their state’s unemployment rate.

Also Check: Are Unemployment Benefits Delayed On Holidays 2020

Tax Transcript Codes: 971 846 776 290

Some taxpayers who’ve accessed their transcripts report seeing different tax codes, including 971 , 846 and 776 . Others are seeing code;290;along with “Additional Tax Assessed” and a $0.00 amount. Since these codes could be issued in a variety of instances, including for stimulus checks and other tax refunds or adjustments, it’s best to consult the IRS or a tax professional about your personalized transcript.;

Are You In School

Enrolling in school while receiving unemployment benefits can jeopardize your eligibility to receive future payments. You may be asked to share your school schedule if your availability to work is questioned. If you were previously in school while employed, it is likely that you can continue classes while looking for work without penalty.

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Spotlight Changes To Unemployment Benefits Under The Consolidated Appropriations Act

  • An additional $300 per week in Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation payments will be added to all unemployment benefits through September 6, 2021 %E2%80%94An%20additional%20%24600%20per,25th%20for%20most%20people.” rel=”nofollow”>FPUC)
  • Regular state unemployment benefits will be extended for up to an additional 29 weeks through September 6, 2021, beyond the 50 weeks of benefits provided for by previous laws, through Pandemic Emergency Unemployment compensation %E2%80%94An%20additional%20%24600%20per,25th%20for%20most%20people.” rel=”nofollow”>PEUC)
  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for categories of workers excluded from regular benefits %E2%80%94An%20additional%20%24600%20per,25th%20for%20most%20people.” rel=”nofollow”>PUA)
  • Six months of free COBRA health insurance will be available to the unemployed
  • Workers who have at least $5,000 in annual self-employment income but were previously ineligible for regular state unemployment benefits will continue to receive up to $100 per week

How Do I Apply For Fed

Frustrations continue with New York State unemployment system

If you are eligible, we will automatically file your Federal-State Extended Duration extension after you collect all Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits. You will receive a notice in the mail after the FED-ED extension is filed and you can also check your UI Online account for updates. There is no waiting period for FED-ED benefits.

For more information, including eligibility requirements, visit FED-ED Extension.

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Where To File For Unemployment Benefits

You should file your claim for unemployment benefits in the state where you live and worked. .

If you become unemployed in one state and then move to another, you can file your claim in your new state. However, your benefits will be determined by the rules of your former state. Although your new state administers your claim, the cost of your benefits is charged back to the state in which you became unemployed. A move will also add time to processing your claim, usually increasing the delay by several weeks.

Keep in mind that, even when you relocate, you still must meet all the requirements of the unemployment insurance program to qualify for benefits. Your new location must be one to which you were required to move by family circumstances or in which it is logical for you to expect to find a new job. For example, you cannot decide to move to a small seacoast town with virtually no business activity because you like the countryside there, quit your old job for no other reason, then expect to be eligible for unemployment insurance when you get to your new home and cannot find work.

Millions Lost Federal Unemployment Benefits On Labor Day Here’s What Happened

The massive cutoff of jobless benefits leaves Americans scrambling to make it through the pandemic.

Federal funding for extra unemployment benefits has ended, leaving families in the lurch.

On Labor Day, the expanded unemployment benefit programs rolled out for COVID-19 expired. Those temporary programs included the $300 weekly bonus checks as well as assistance for those who are normally ineligible for unemployment insurance, such as gig workers and the long-term unemployed. More than 11 million people were affected by the cutoff, and roughly;7.5 million people have now lost their benefits entirely. What’s worse is that many didn’t find out they were no longer eligible until after their coverage ended.;

Roughly two dozen states had already stopped the emergency federal programs early over the summer. Out-of-work residents in several states took legal action to try to get their benefits reinstated, arguing that without the aid they were unable to pay basic expenses, including rent and food. Governors fired back, claiming the extra unemployment insurance was discouraging people from taking available jobs.;

Yet;various studies have confirmed;that the thing holding back labor market recovery was not unemployment insurance, but the fact that many workers had safety concerns or family care responsibilities. And that continues to be the case in the COVID-19 era, especially with the uptick in;delta-variant;cases. Still, the White House does not plan to renew those benefits.;

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How Do I Change Or Backdate My Claim

To change your claim:

  • Write what needs to be corrected on your Notice of Award and mail it to the EDD address on the notice.
  • Visit Ask EDD to request to backdate your claim if you think it has the wrong start date. Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits, then Claims Questions, then Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim Due to COVID-19.
  • In your UI Online account, select Contact Us to request a change.
  • Call the UI Customer Service line at 1-800-300-5616, available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. , seven days a week, except state holidays.

When Will I Get Paid Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Benefits Are Critical. But Families Need ...

It takes at least three weeks to process a claim and issue payment to most eligible workers.

After you file a claim and your account is set up, you must certify for your benefit payments. Certifying is answering basic questions every two weeks that tells us youre still unemployed and eligible to continue receiving payments. Usually, it will take about a week after you certify before you receive your first benefit payment. With the large amount of claims we are processing, there may be delays.

The Governors Executive Order waives the one-week unpaid waiting period, so you can start qualifying for unemployment benefits as soon as you are out of work. The start date of your claim will be the Sunday of the week you applied for unemployment. You can request to backdate your claim date to the week you became unemployed due to COVID-19. If approved, benefits will be back paid based on your last day of work.

If you received unemployment benefits you were not eligible for, we will send you a notice. Visit Benefit Overpayment Services to learn how to repay an overpayment after receiving a notice.

If you want to repay these benefits before receiving a notice, review the following:

  • Benefit check not cashed â Return the original check to the EDD.
  • Benefit check cashed or payment received by debit card â Send a personal check, cashierâs check, or money order made payable to the EDD.

Include a letter with the following information:

Mail the payment and letter to:

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How Do I Know If Im On An Extension

If youre currently on an extension, your online account will indicate that you claim Temporary Unemployment Benefits. To check, visit your claim and payment status page and look directly beneath the Claim Information header. If your claim type is still listed as Regular Unemployment Benefits, click the link directly above the Claim Information header that says Select another claim to view. This should bring up any other claims you have, including any possible extensions.

If you dont have access to the internet, check the documentation sent to you in the mail by the TWC.

Get Help Looking For A Job

It is;easy to become discouraged in a difficult job market. One way to shorten your search time is to broaden your horizons.

Consider expanding the field you are looking in, as well as the geographic location. You may be able to find a great job in a different state or city.

If you’re a college graduate, check with your career services office. Many schools provide career counseling and job-search assistance to alumni.

If you are getting to the interview stage, but you are not receiving any offers, you need to;get help with your interviewing techniques. Look for help with this through your local unemployment office. It can still offer you help with looking for a job even if you do not qualify for weekly benefits. It is important to continue to be proactive until you find a job.

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Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation

Under the;stimulus legislation enacted last year, people can get benefits for up to 79 weeks after their regular eligibility thanks to a program called Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.

But in many cases, the transition from regular benefits to PEUC hasn’t been seamless, and many people appear to be missing out on money for which they are eligible.

“States are supposed to inform workers when they fall out of regular unemployment insurance that they are eligible for PEUC and give them information about how to apply, says Michele Evermore, former senior policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project who now works as a senior advisor on unemployment insurance for the U.S. Department of Labor. But from what I’m hearing, that’s not happening in every state. Unfortunately, during this pandemic, we’ve found that you have to be incredibly persistent to actually access the benefits you’re owed.”

Whether or not a state sends out notification, unemployed workers do have to apply to receive PEUC benefits. That means you should be proactive and make sure to complete whatever process your state requires, Evermore says. The PEUC application could be as simple as checking a box on paperwork you already have to complete regularly to continue to receive your usual weekly benefits. Or it could be an additional form you have to complete on your state’s unemployment website. Be sure to check with your state agency to find out what you need to do to receive PEUC.

What You Need To Know

Troubles Continue For Those Trying To Get Unemployment Benefits
  • Update 12/29/20: The federal government has extended the federal unemployment benefit programs available through the CARES Act for an additional 11 weeks. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation will be available through March 14, 2021, with qualified claimants benefits fully phasing out by April 5, 2021. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation benefits will resume with $300 weekly payments until March 14, 2021.

  • To receive these extended federal benefits, continue to certify weekly while unemployed. To allow your fellow New Yorkers to reach NYS DOL representatives about regular matters, please do not call to inquire about the federal program extensions at this time. As we receive additional guidance on the federal programs from US DOL, we will provide updates on our website, social media platforms, and directly via emails and texts.

  • Waiting weeks for unemployment benefits have been waived during this crisis. If youve seen the term waiting week on your payment history, it is a relic of our existing system and does NOT impact your benefits.
  • To collect regular unemployment insurance benefits, you must be ready, willing, and able to work. We understand that many of you are unable to work due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of NYS on PAUSE. If you would otherwise be able to work, you should answer ‘YES’ in order to receive your benefits.

Next Section

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What Is Certifying And Is It Required To Receive Unemployment Benefits

Certifying is answering basic questions every two weeks that tells us youâre still unemployed and eligible to continue receiving payments. It is required to receive unemployment. You will receive an email and a reminder on your UI Online account homepage when you log in if there are weeks you need to certify for.

For more information, and to learn how to start certifying, refer to Step 2 in Unemployment Claims. We also have video tutorials in four different languages to help you complete this legally required step so you can keep collecting unemployment benefits.

What Is An Offer Of Suitable Employment And How Is It Connected To Unemployment Insurance Eligibility

Most state unemployment insurance laws include language defining suitable employment. Typically, suitable employment is connected to the previous jobs wage level, type of work, and the claimants skills.

Refusing an offer of suitable employment without good cause will often disqualify individuals from continued eligibility for unemployment compensation.

For example, if an individuals former employer calls the individual back to work after having temporarily laid the individual off for reasons related to COVID-19, the individual would very likely have to accept the offer to return to work, or jeopardize his or her eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits, absent some extenuating circumstance, such as if the individual tested positive for COVID-19. The job an individual held before the spread of COVID-19 will constitute, in the vast majority of cases, suitable employment for purposes of unemployment insurance eligibility.

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How Do I Know What Kind Of Unemployment Aid Im Receiving

You can log on to your online account with the TWC and visit your claim and payment status page. Here, under the claim information section, you will see your claim type listed as: Regular Unemployment Benefits, Disaster Unemployment Benefits , or Temporary Unemployment Benefits .

If you are on an ,it can be difficult to know which program you are enrolled in. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Extended Benefits are two active extension programs that are both referred to as Temporary Unemployment Benefits on your claim and payment status page.

To find out which extension you are on, look through the documentation in your correspondence inbox online or mailed to you by TWC. You should have paperwork that states which extension program you are on.

Another way to tell: Log on to your payment status page and click select another claim to view directly above the Claim Information header. If you see two claims listed as Temporary Unemployment Benefits, you are likely on EB. Thats because most people must exhaust PEUC before they are put onto an EB claim. You can read more about the differences between the two extensions here.

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