Tuesday, September 3, 2024

When To File For Unemployment

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How Do I Apply

How to File for Unemployment in Utah

To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. Depending on the state, claims may be filed in person, by telephone, or online.

  • You should contact your states unemployment insurance program as soon as possible after becoming unemployed.
  • Generally, you should file your claim with the state where you worked. If you worked in a state other than the one where you now live or if you worked in multiple states, the state unemployment insurance agency where you now live can provide information about how to file your claim with other states.
  • When you file a claim, you will be asked for certain information, such as addresses and dates of your former employment. To make sure your claim is not delayed, be sure to give complete and correct information.

Apply online or by phone following the instructions and schedules below:


Go to www.uimn.org

Select Applicants and then Apply for Benefits. You can apply online from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. , Sunday through Friday.

  • Twin Cities area: 651-296-3644
  • Greater Minnesota: 1-877-898-9090
  • Teletypewriter users: 1-866-814-1252

After you apply, we will mail you information about your benefits and how to request payments . The information includes your weekly benefit amount if you are eligible for benefits .

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What You Need For Apply For Unemployment Benefits

To apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits, you need to provide personal information including your Social Security number, birth date, home address, email address , and phone number.

You also need information about your employment history from the last 15 months, including:

  • Names of all employers, plus addresses and phone numbers
  • Reasons for leaving those jobs
  • Work start and end dates
  • Recall date

You may need additional information in certain situations:

  • If you are not a U.S. citizen your Alien Registration number
  • If you have children their birth dates and Social Security numbers
  • If youre in a union your union name and local number
  • If you were in the military your DD-214 Member 4 form. If you dont have it, you can request your DD-214 online.
  • If you worked for the federal government your SF8 form

To receive payments by direct deposit, youll also need your bank name, account number, and routing number. Otherwise, the Department of Unemployment Assistance will send you a debit card.

If youre a non-U.S. citizen applying for UI benefits, DUA must verify that you are legally authorized to work in the United States. Non-English speakers can apply for UI in their own languages on DUA’s foreign language application site.

If you’re not sure that UI is right for you, you can check your eligibility.

How The Tax Break Works

As part of COVID relief legislation, federal taxes for individual filers can be waived for up to $10,200 in unemployment income for the 2020 tax year, provided that you made $150,000 or lessthats the make-it-or-break-it threshold with no phase out. In a weird wrinkle, the $150,000 income threshold remains the same for joint filersalthough each filer is entitled to the tax break, which would then total $20,400 .

As unemployment benefits are normally considered taxable income, the IRS has also clarified that they wont count unemployment income as part of their calculation for this tax credit. .

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Why Is This A Big Deal To The Unemployed

First, any tax break is welcome.

More importantly, in 2020, the federal government kicked in extra unemployment benefits and some recipients found the extra money jeopardized their earned income credits, causing them to owe money when they didnt expect it.

Also, many people filing for unemployment did not withhold taxes because their financial situations were dire and they needed all the money they could get at the time. This either will eliminate a tax burden or significantly reduce it for many of those people.

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Information Needed To Apply

Information Required to File an Unemployment Claim

Be prepared with the following information before to file your initial claim:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • Your mailing address, county of residence
  • Your Driver License or state-issued ID number
  • Employment history:
  • The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all employers for the last 18 months, including the correct mailing address and telephone number for the most recent employer
  • The last day worked immediately prior to filing the UI claim
  • Amount and date of any payment for severance, vacation, holiday or unused sick pay
  • The name and local number of your union hall, if applicable
  • Alien Registration Number, if applicable
  • Copy # 4 of DD Form 214 if released from the military in the last 18 months
  • SF 8 or SF 50 if employed in Federal Civilian service in the last 18 months
  • Start date and monthly benefit amount of any pension

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Filing An Initial Claim

What information do I need to file a new application?

When filing a new application, you will need the following information:

  • Your Social Security number
  • Full mailing address, including apartment or lot number, Zip Code and PO Box if you use one
  • A phone number where you can be reached during the day
  • The name and mailing address of your last employer, no matter how long you worked there
  • Note: Your paycheck stub or W-2 form usually contains this information
  • The date you began and stopped working for each employer and the reason you left each job for the last 18 months
  • The county in which you live
  • Your driver’s license number
  • If you are not a citizen or national of the United States, your employment authorization number and expiration date
  • If you were active duty military within the past 18 months, your DD-214, Member #4 form
  • If you were a federal employee, your Standard Form SF-50 or pay stub
  • Any separation, vacation, or holiday pay you have received or will receive in the future.

A record of your application will not be established unless you are told your claim has been accepted. If you are unable to complete your application, the information you have entered will be saved for 7 days from the date you began filing the claim so that you can complete it later and within 7 days.

What if I have wages earned in another state, the military, or the federal government?

Go to GetKansasBenefits.gov and click to file an online application for unemployment insurance if:

Taxes On Unemployment Benefits

The Internal Revenue Service counts unemployment insurance benefits as income, so your check is taxable. Depending on the state, state and federal income tax can be withheld from your check. Keep all paperwork in order and make sure that you file income taxes, even if you were unemployed for all or most of the year.

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Filing For Weekly Benefits

Once youve filed your initial claim for unemployment benefits, you can access your account each week and apply for benefits, check on the status of the claim to see when payment was made, and review how much unemployment compensation is left in your account. Mark your calendar with the day you need to file. Payment won’t be made unless you file for benefits each week for which you’re eligible.

While receiving unemployment, you must be actively willing to work and actively looking for work. The definitions of actively willing to work and actively looking for work also vary by state.

What Amount Do I Need To Report From My 1099

How to file for unemployment
  • Individuals who are required to file a tax return must report the total show in Box 1 on the 1099-G form as income.
  • However, the first $10,200 of the unemployment benefit you received is not taxable income to the IRS and does not need to be reported if you have not opted into having your taxes withdrawn from your weekly benefit payments.

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What To Do If Your Claim Is Denied

After you file for unemployment, the state may accept your claim, and youll receive your benefits. But what if youre denied benefits or the state asks you to provide additional information? You can file an unemployment appeal and explain your situation in a hearing.

The state unemployment office will typically send you a letter that will list the date and time of your hearing. These hearings are generally conducted over the phone.

File An Unemployment Claim

To apply for regular unemployment insurance, click the button below. You’ll be taken to the 10 Things You Should Know page to start the application process.

PUA benefits are only payable retroactively through the week ending September 4th, 2021. Learn more about the end of PUA.

Once you have filed a claim for regular unemployment benefits, return to this page and click:

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Eligibility Requirements For Unemployment Insurance Benefits

To be eligible for UI benefits the claimant must:

  • be totally or partially unemployed
  • have worked and earned a minimum amount of wages in work covered by UI in the last 15 to 18 months
  • have lost his or her job through no fault of their own
  • be able and available for work
  • NEW! Verify your identity through online verification or provide required documents
  • be actively seeking work
  • be registered for work .

Do I Need To Pay Taxes On My Unemployment Benefits

How to File for Unemployment in Michigan: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Yes. Unemployment benefits are like wages, and you must report it as income on your tax return if you earned enough income to need to file taxes. BUT, the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits you received is not taxable by the IRS. If you received more than $10,200 in unemployment benefits, that will be taxed.

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What If My Unemployment Benefits Claim Is Denied

If you find that your benefit application was denied, or there was some issue with your claim, the UIA will contact you about the issue and with information on how to proceed. Michigan unemployment laws will allow you to file an appeal. If you need more information on doing so, you can visit the Michigan unemployment website for further details.

How To Get Your 1099

You may choose one of the two methods below to get your 1099-G tax form:

  • Online:The 1099-G form for calendar year 2020 will be available in your online account at labor.ny.gov/signin to download and print by the end of January 2021.To access this form, please follow these instructions: How to Get Your 1099-G online.
  • If you do not have an online account with NYSDOL, you may call:1-888-209-8124 This is an automated phone line that allows you to request your 1099-G via U.S. Mail. The form will be mailed to the address we have on file for you.

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Do I Need To Meet With Anyone In Person

Some states require unemployed workers to meet with the unemployment department representatives to receive help with their job search and/or re-employment assistance.

If your state happens to be among these, there’s no need to panic. In many cases, it’s a routine meeting designed to assist with your job search not to put you or your job search under a microscope. Your meeting may be an individual meeting or a group meeting with other unemployed workers. It’s important to remember to bring records of your work search if you are required to apply for a certain number of jobs each week.

How Long Will I Qualify For Mi Unemployment Benefits

How To File For Unemployment Benefits

Michigan allows residents to collect unemployment benefits for a maximum of 20 weeks per benefit year, regardless of wheter you find a job, stop benefits, and need to reapply later on in the year. This means there must be at least 52 weeks between Michigan unemployment claim filings to receive full benefits. For example:

  • If you lose your job in March 2020 and receive unemployment benefits, you qualify for 20 weeks of payments. If you receive 15 weeks of benefits and find a new job, youll have five remaining weeks of benefits to access. If you are laid off again in January of 2021, you can utilize these five weeks, and are not entitled to any further payments because a full calendar year has not passed since you first filed.
  • On the other hand, if 52 weeks has passed, you may be eligible to receive the full benefits period of 20 weeks. If you became unemployed in June 2019 and collected all 20 weeks of benefits, you are no longer eligible to receive any further payments for the year. Say you find a new job after that time and are employed. If you face another layoff after June 2020, youll be able to file a new claim and will qualify for the full 20 weeks because one whole calendar year has passed since your first claim.

In most cases, it is not possible to receive a Michigan unemployment extension. Previously, the state has only allowed extensions in times where economic downturn has created high Michigan unemployment rates.

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Submit An Application By Automated Phone

You can apply by phone Monday – Friday, between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Twin Cities area: 651-296-3644
  • Greater Minnesota: 1-877-898-9090
  • TTY : 1-866-814-1252
  • Make your language choice . If you need another language, press 1 and follow the prompts to speak to a representative and request an interpreter.
  • Enter your Social Security number.
  • If your Social Security number is not recognized, choose either frequently requested information or apply for benefits.
  • If the system recognizes your Social Security number as having a current unemployment benefit account, enter your password, and then respond to the options available to you.
  • Follow the prompts.
  • At the end of the call, you will be transferred to a Customer Service Representative to complete your application.

    Am I Eligible For Regular Unemployment Compensation

    Each state sets its own unemployment insurance benefits eligibility guidelines, but you usually qualify if you:

    • Are unemployed through no fault of your own. In most states, this means you have to have separated from your last job due to a lack of available work.
    • Meet work and wage requirements. You must meet your states requirements for wages earned or time worked during an established period of time referred to as a base period.
    • Meet any additional state requirements. Find details of your own states program.

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    What Are Unemployment Benefits

    Unemployment benefits provide you with temporary income when you lose your job through no fault of your own. The money partly replaces your lost earnings and helps you pay expenses while looking for new work. The benefits, from taxes your former employer paid, are not based on financial need. While you receive benefits, your job is to get back to work as quickly as possible.

    Can I Claim Unemployment Retroactively

    Filing for unemployment benefits in Illinois and encountering issues ...

    Yes, unemployment insurance benefits are sometimes paid retroactively, even when we’re not in the middle of a global pandemic. … One common example: When an unemployment benefits application takes time to be processed, the out-of-work person may receive retroactive benefits dated back to when he or she became eligible.

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    How Do I Know If I Was Approved For Unemployment

    You can check your claim status online at Unemployment Benefits Services or call Tele-Serv at 800-558-8321 and select option 2. We use information from you and your last employer to determine if you qualify. … Statement of Wages and Potential Benefit Amounts. Determination on Payment of Unemployment Benefits.

    Apply Online By Phone Or Mail

    • Apply online anytime between 12:00am on Sunday through 6:00pm on Friday.
    • Apply by phone, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.1 600-2722
    • Submit a claim by mail. Download the Arizona Initial Claim for Unemployment InsuranceUB-105).
    • Attention PEUC claimants: The American Rescue Plan Act was signed on March 11, 2021, increasing the maximum benefit amount for PEUC to 53 times an individual’s average weekly benefit amount. PEUC claimants should continue filing weekly certifications if they remain unemployed. No applications for Extended Benefits should be filed at this time.


    • If you are participating in the Address Confidentiality Program , you must list your own phone number when filing an Unemployment Insurance claim so DES can contact you directly. Please do not use the ACP phone number.

    DES is analyzing changing state and federal guidance and updating its eligibility requirements accordingly. These requirements may continue to change as the government response to COVID-19 evolves.

    Applicants are also automatically registered with Arizonas largest jobs database, Arizona Job Connection . By completing their registration, job seekers can create a digital resume, search for jobs, and get matched with hiring employers.

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    Why Is My Unemployment Claim Pending

    If your claim status is pending, we may need to confirm your identity or eligibility before we can process payment.

    If we need to confirm your eligibility, we will schedule a phone interview with you. For more information, visit Claim Status: Pending Payment.

    Many people receiving unemployment are reaching the end of their benefit year. If your unemployment claim expired because your benefit year ended, you must apply for a new claim. If you do not, we will not be able to determine your eligibility or process payments, which can lead to a Pending claim status. To learn more, visit Benefit Year End.

    Note: If you have an existing Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim, you do not need to submit a new application.

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