S To Filing And Getting Your Unemployment Claim Processed Quickly
- Filing online via your states unemployment website as soon as possible after losing your job or pay cut is the fastest way to submit an unemployment claim. Particularly in todays world where call centers are operating at reduced capacity. If you have issues with your claim you will have to likely contact your local State Unemployment Insurance agency. Just be prepared for this to take time.
- Have details of your former jobs/employers , personal and banking information ready when filing the claim or talking to an agent at your state UI office. Make sure to give complete and correct information to minimize delays with your claim processing. It generally takes two to four weeks after you file your claim to receive your first first benefit check.
- You can get paid by check, debit card or direct deposit. To get your payments in the fastest way go with direct deposit and ensure you have your correct and up to date bank routing and account numbers documented.
- Certify on time to claim your benefits in order to get your unemployment check paid on schedule. One of the main reason people see disruptions is failing to file on time and with the required information. Further, with the new federal programs in place, the unemployment certification requirements could be more onerous so make sure you take time to review your weekly or bi-weekly certification requirements. If you miss several weeks of certification, you may have to file a new claim.
How Does Edd Determine Weekly Benefit Amount
The individual’s weekly benefit amount is determined by taking the amount of wages the individual earned in their highest base period quarter and comparing it to the EDD’s Unemployment Insurance Benefit Table here. The EDD provides a weekly benefit amount calculator here. The minimum weekly benefit amount is $40.
How To File Your Weekly Claim
After you file your application for unemployment benefits, you must start filing your weekly claims. You require filing each week, even though you are:
You can file your weekly claim:
- Through the Internet You can file your weekly claim online. You must have a User ID and PIN to file your weekly claim online.
- File every week that you want to claim benefits and keep on filing until you go back to work, run out of benefits or stop seeking work. You will receive your unemployment benefits one week after filing the claim.
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When Do My Benefits End
You can receive unemployment benefits for 26 weeks in a one-year time frame that begins the week you file your first claim. This can mean either 26 continuous weeks or varying periods of unemployment throughout the year.
To keep receiving benefits, you have to continue to meet these requirements. Every two weeks, youll have to resubmit information to the EDD, a process known as certifying for benefits.
Your benefits will end if you dont recertify your eligibility every two weeks.
Understanding Your Base Period And Benefit Year
The amount of UI benefits you may be eligible to receive is determined by wages paid to you during either your primary or alternate base period. The base period is defined by Massachusetts law.
Primary base period
The primary base period is the last 4 completed calendar quarters prior to the effective date of your claim . For most claimants, the primary base period is used to calculate your maximum benefit credit, which is the total amount of benefits you are eligible to receive.
Alternate base period
The alternate base period is the last 3 completed calendar quarters and the period of time between the last completed quarter and the effective date of your claim. The alternate base period can only be used if:
- You don’t meet the minimum eligibility requirements using the primary base period
- Using the alternate base period will increase your maximum benefit credit by 10% or more
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What Is Base Period Wage
Base-period wages cover the first four of the last five calendar quarters you have worked. These amounts earned will determine your maximum and weekly benefits. This period begins from the day you apply, not the date you became unemployed. Your base-period wage will determine your: Weekly benefit allowance
How Much Will I Receive In Weekly Benefits
You can calculate your potential benefits online. Your weekly benefit amount and the number of weeks of entitlement are based on the wages you were paid and the amount of time you worked during your base period. The weekly benefit amount is calculated by dividing the sum of the wages earned during the highest quarter of the base period by 26, rounded down to the next lower whole dollar. The result cannot exceed the utmost weekly benefit permitted by the rule. This is a state-specific parameter and is dependent on the states budget and unemployment rate.
The base period is the term used to describe the time frame used as the basis for deciding whether or not you will be monetarily eligible for unemployment.
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Weekly Benefit Amount Type
You can receive your WBA up to a certain number of maximum weeks, depending on the type of benefit.
- Unemployment = 26 weeks maximum
- Disability Insurance = 52 weeks maximum
- Paid Family Leave = 6 weeks maximum
Although the calculator does not take this into account, your maximum number of eligible weeks may be reduced by previous WBA payments received and other factors.
Estimated Weekly Benefit Amount
The calculator returns your estimated WBA based on your highest quarterly earnings during the base period.
The WBA is designed to replace about 70% of your highest quarterly earnings were between $929 and $5,385.37. Its only designed to replace about 60% of your highest quarterly earnings if those earnings exceed $5,385.37.
The maximum WBA is $1,252 for highest quarterly earnings of $27,105.01+. The minimum WBA is $50, provided you meet eligibility requirements.
Your WBA may be reduced by other compensation that you receive and certain mandated payments such as delinquent child support payments.
If you work for a San Francisco employer, you may be eligible for additional PFL benefit payments.
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Which Employers Have To Obtain Unemployment Insurance
As an employer, you must pay UI taxes for any employee whom youve paid more than $100 in a three-month period, according to the EDD. The tax applies to the first $7,000 of each workers wages. The rate for new employers is 3.4%, and for others its 1.5% to 6.2%, depending on their history of UI claims.
In addition to businesses with one or more employees, the list of employers required to pay into the UI program includes:
- Nonprofit agencies
- Elementary, secondary and vocational schools
- State and local governments and federal agencies
- Agricultural employers
- Families that pay a maid, nanny or other domestic worker $1,000 or more in a single quarter
- Native American tribes recognized by the federal government
An Expert Tip From Erik
Keep in mind that California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification laws do require employers to give affected parties 60-day advance notice before conducting mass layoffs in certain circumstances. This is intended to protect workers, giving them time to plan their next steps and adjust to the transition.
Gather all of the information you can about the layoff process. Next, you should file for unemployment benefits.
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How Much Does Unemployment Pay In Ca
The amount of unemployment benefits you may receive is also based on your earnings during the base period. First, take the amount you earned in your highest paid quarter and divide it by 25. Thats your weekly benefit allowance . If your highest quarter was $1,200, for example, your WBA would be $1200/25 = $48.
Next, you need to find your maximum benefit amount . Thats the total payout you can get through unemployment. Your MBA is either your WBA times 26 or half of your total wages over the base period, whichever is less. So, take your WBA and multiply it by 26. If your WBA is $48, that comes out to $1,248.
Lets say you earned $4,800 over the course of your base period. Half of that is $2,400. So, your MBA is $1,144, as this is the smaller of the two numbers. Regardless of your income, however, the maximum benefit at the time this article is published is $1,950.
Note that this isnt an exact calculation the state will consider your particular circumstances and may adjust the amount of benefits you receive. Also, the minimum WBA is $40 and the maximum is $450, so there may be adjustments to fit within those requirements.
How Is Unemployment Calculated In California
how your California unemployment is calculatedWages in your 2 highest quarters of your base year are added up and divided by 26, that is your weekly amount. However benefits can not exceed $450California government estimatorCalifornia unemployment benefits table
What happens if your weekly benefit amount calculation is over the $450 weekly maximum set by the State of California? If you are someone who earns more than this amount annually you will just receive the weekly maximum. Currently, that is the maximum amount of unemployment weekly benefits that are allowed. That amount may go up as the cost of living continues to increase but as for right now it is capped at weekly.
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How Much Is California Unemployment
The California unemployment department has a system for determining how much your weekly unemployment payment amount will be.
People who are eligible for unemployment in California will receive a weekly payment amount between $40 and $450. The maximum length of California unemployment benefits is 26 weeks.
How much will your receive each week from California unemployment insurance? Take the free California unemployment benefits calculator below based on the California state guidelines to estimate your benefit amount.
How To Qualify For California Unemployment Benefits
If you quit your job, youre typically not eligible for unemployment benefits. If you get laid off, its a different story. Employers over a certain size are required to pay unemployment taxes to cover the people they fire or lay off. To qualify for unemployment benefits, you have to meet three criteria.
First, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own which includes getting laid off. Note that getting fired due to misconduct may disqualify you from claiming benefits. If you are fired however, because you simply werent a good fit for the job, or were not performing well despite your efforts, you should still be eligible to apply for unemployment. If you left your job for another reason, such as health issues, a family matter, or a need to change cities, you will likely also remain eligible.
Second, you have to be able to work and be actively seeking work. As you are looking for a new job, keep a list of companies to which you have applied, the dates on which you submitted applications and the names of any contacts and meetings that you take. This record will allow you to prove that you have made a reasonable attempt to find a new position and may be requested by the Employment Development Department. If you are offered a suitable position, you must take it.
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How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits In California
Find out what kinds of benefits you are eligible for and how to submit your application for them.If you are currently unemployed or have had a reduction in the number of hours you work, you should contact the Employment Development Department in California to see whether or not you are qualified to receive unemployment benefits .After you have logged in or registered at Benefit Programs Online, the next step is to submit an application for unemployment benefits using UI OnlineSM.
To 2023 Maximum Weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefits And Weeks By State
Listed in the table below are the latest maximum weekly unemployment insurance benefit/compensation amounts by state. The Unemployment compensation program is designed to provide benefits to most individuals out of work or in between jobs, through no fault of their own.
Note, the table below contains the the maximum regular weekly state unemployment insurance compensation including adjustments for dependents where applicable. It does not include federally funded enhanced and supplementary benefit payments which have now expired.
In many states the number of dependents you have, prior employment duration and your average maximum weekly wage will impact the unemployment benefits you are eligible to receive. Please check your respective states unemployment website referenced in the table below for state specific UI details, benefit eligibility and process to claim/file for benefits.
State unemployment benefit information is constantly changing so if you notice any discrepancies please leave a comment and I will update the table as appropriate.
Covered in this Article:
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Maximum Weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefit Amounts by State
*Maximum weeks of coverage are subject to prevailing state unemployment rates, so can fluctuate widely. I have listed the absolute maximum number of weeks and recommend you check the state UI site link in the table to get the current maximum weeks when you apply for benefits.
Whats the highest amount you can get from unemployment?
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How To File An Initial Claim In Your State
- If you have been separated from work, you can file your initial claim during your first week of total or partial unemployment.
- Your Social Security Number
- You can file your first claim in two ways: by calling the TeleClaim Center or visiting a One-Stop Career Center close to you. It might not be possible to file an initial claim online in some states.
- If you have received severance pay upon your separation from work, you may still be eligible for unemployment benefits. So it is still important to call and file your initial claim during your first week of total or partial unemployment.
- If eligible for unemployment benefits, you can expect to receive your first payment within 3-4 weeks if there are no issues with your claim.
- In general, it takes approximately 3 weeks to process a claim however, you will still need to claim benefits every week.
The information you need before filing a claim:
If You Are Not a United States Citizen
You must give a verification that you were legally eligible to work in your state and that you are presently eligible to begin a new job.
California Unemployment Income Requirements
Third, you have to meet certain income requirements.
The income requirements are measured over a base period, which is the earliest four of the most recent five complete quarters before you file your claim. For example, say you filed your claim in October 2018. Thats the 4th quarter of 2018. So, you count back five quarters from there and end up at the 3rd quarter of 2017. That means your base period starts at July 1, 2017 and runs until June 30, 2018 .
- Q4 2018: October December 2018
- Q3 2018: July September 2018
- Q2 2018: April June 2018
- Q1 2018: January March 2018
- Q4 2017: October December 2017
- Q3 2017: July September 2017
To meet the income requirements, you have to meet one of two standards. First, you qualify if you earned at least $1,300 in at least one quarter of the base period. You can also qualify if you earned at least $900 in your highest paid quarter of the base period and you earned at least 1.25 times the amount you earned in your highest paid quarter of the base period in total.
For example, say you earned $1,000 in your highest paid quarter of the base period and $1,500 over the course of the entire period. You didnt make the $1,300 requirement. However, you still qualify because you earned more than $900 in your highest paid quarter and you earned more than 1.25 times your earnings from the highest quarter over the whole base period.
Qualifying example, using the base period defined above:
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Determining If You’re Eligible For Sdi
Most California employees are eligible for SDI to learn the eligibility rules, see our article Do I Qualify for California State Disability Insurance? After the EDD receives your claim for benefits, it will contact your employer and may contact you for information. If the EDD decides you are eligible for benefits, it will send you a notice of eligibility, along with its initial calculation of your benefit amount.
How Will I Receive My Payments
California issues unemployment benefits using a Visa prepaid debit card. Your card will be mailed to you by Bank of America within five days once your first payment is issued. All of your benefit payments will be automatically loaded to your card.
Once your debit card is activated, you can choose to set up a direct deposit transfer of your benefit payments to a bank account. Theres no cost for that service.
Here are some common fees associated with the card.
- Out-of-network ATM withdrawal fee
- Domestic emergency cash transfer fee
- Replacement card fee, express delivery
Theres a one-week waiting period before you can receive benefits.
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What Are The Requirements To Get Unemployment
A few other requirements must be met in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits. An individual must be physically able to work. If sickness or injury is prohibiting work, he or she should apply for Disability Insurance. The individual must be in satisfactory immigration status and authorized to work in the United States.