Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Clear Credential Program For Unemployed Teachers

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University Induction Clear Credential Program

California Administrative Services Clear Credential program. Testimonial #1. Angelica Sleiman P.h.D.
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1 explore. experience. expand. University Induction Clear Credential Program Frequently Asked Questions UCLA Extension Education Department Credential Program Contact Information: Miriam Sims Additional contact information for your convenience California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Website: Education Department Le Conte Ave, Suite 639 Los Angeles, CA

2 Frequently Asked Questions Am I eligible for this Clear Credential program? 3 Can I clear my credential if I am unemployed or teaching outside of California? 3 Can I clear my preliminary credential if it has expired? 3 How long does it take to complete the program? 3 How many courses and/or units are required? 3 In general, what coursework is required to complete Clear Credential? 4 What is the cost of the program? 4 Is financial aid available? 4 How can I get credit for previous BTSA work completed? 4 Will the program clear BOTH my credentials? 4 FAQs for Standard Track Induction What is regular access to students? 5 How do I go about obtaining consistent access to students? 5 What if I have limited access within my host class? 5 What content area and type of students should I work with? 5 I just completed a portfolio for my preliminary credential. Does any of that transfer? 6 What activities am I doing with students in the classroom? 6 What are the observation requirements? 6 Additional Contact Information 6 2

Teacher Induction Program Support

Teacher Induction Program and Performance Assessment Office HoursThe following office hours have changed to bi-monthly sessions on alternating weeks, held on the first and third Thursdays of each month.


Please find the edTPA support video here.

edTPA Checkpoint Meetings ResumeThe Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity and Evaluation Systems has resumed monthly meetings for edTPA Coordinators and individuals serving as the edTPA primary point of contact . Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 1pm PT through June 2, 2022. If your program will be supporting teacher candidates as they complete edTPA this academic year, you are invited to join the monthly meetings for updates, resources, support, and to connect with the CA edTPA Community. The Zoom meeting link below will serve for each monthly meeting.If you are new to edTPA and wish to be included on the email distribution list or have questions about edTPA, or need resources/support please contact Dr. Lori Kroeger,Meeting ID: 940 4005 5779

Special Education edTPA Informational Sessions and Field TestThe Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity and Evaluation Systems will be providing opportunities for programs to learn about the edTPA Special Education Handbook for use with candidates seeking the Education Specialist credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and the Education Specialist credential in Extensive Support Needs throughout the coming months.

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Cal State La Teacher Induction Program

The Cal State LA Induction Program offers an equity-focused, inquiry-based course of study and support that integrates school-site mentoring, university coursework, faculty guidance, and engagement with peers. All induction coursework is online via a combination of asynchronous work on the Canvas learning management system and synchronous individual and class meetings on Zoom. For more information about the program, please see the Induction Presentation and the Teacher Education Induction Program Handbook.

Teacher Induction in CaliforniaIndividuals holding a preliminary general education or education specialist teaching credential are required by Education Code §44259 to complete a Commission-approved induction program to earn the Clear Teaching Credential. It is the responsibility of the new teacher to earn a clear teaching credential within a five-year period from the issuance of the preliminary teaching credential.

Formerly known as BTSA , a teacher induction program is designed to provide an individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning.

The Teacher Shortage Is Even Larger When Teaching Credentials Are Factored In

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The current national estimates of the teacher shortage likely understate the magnitude of the problem because the estimates consider the new qualified teachers needed to meet new demand. However, not all current teachers meet the education, experience, and certification requirements associated with being a highly qualified teacher.

We examine the U.S. Department of Educations National Teacher and Principal Survey data from 20152016 to show, in Figure B, for all public noncharter schools, the share of teachers in the 20152016 school year who do and who do not hold teaching credentials associated with more effective teaching .3 These credentials include being fully certified , they participated in a traditional certification program , they have more than five years of experience, and they have educational background in the subject of the main assignment. These credentials also align with the federal definition of a highly qualified teacher, and the U.S. Department of Educations Educator Equity Profiles.4

Figure C shows how the share of teachers without each of the quality credentials has grown since the 20112012 school year . The shares of teachers not holding these credentials are not negligible.

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The Teacher Shortage Is Real And Has Serious Consequences

In recent years, education researchers and journalists who cover education have called attention to the growing teacher shortage in the nations K12 schools. They cite a variety of indicators of the shortage, including state-by-state subject area vacancies, personal testimonials and data from state and school district officials, and declining enrollment in teacher preparation programs.1 These indicators are critical signals. They help analysts detect when there are not enough qualified teachers to fill staffing needs in a labor market that does not operate like other labor markets. School teachers wages are not subject to market pressuresthey are set by school districts through contracts that take time to negotiate. Therefore, economists cant use trends in wagessudden or sustained wage increasesto establish that there is a labor market shortage . It is also hard to produce direct measurements of the number of teachers needed and available .

Teacher shortage as estimated by Sutcher, Darling-Hammond, and Carver-Thomas: Projected teacher supply and demand for new teachers, 20032004 through 20242025 school years


We argue that, when issues such as teacher quality and the unequal distribution of highly qualified teachers across schools serving different concentrations of low-income students are taken into consideration, the teacher shortage problem is much more severe than previously recognized.

Clear Or Level Ii Credentials

    The term “Clear” or “Level II” credential signifies that all education and program requirements for the credential have been met. Clear or Level II credentials are not held for professional growth requirements. Effective January 1, 2007, all clear and level II credentials must be renewed online.

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+master Of Science In Education Instructional Leadership Or Individually Designed Program

You may also choose to complete your clear credential work concurrently with a Master of Science in Education degree for experienced teachers .

Depending upon your work history and interests, you may choose to enroll in our Master of Science in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Leadership or tailor your own educational path with our Individually Designed Program option. An advisor can help you determine which masters emphasis and course plan is right for you. Four graduate units completed as part of the Induction Program would count towards any of the two masters program.

Admission to the masters programs requires a separate application and additional application requirements. Make an appointment with an advisor to learn more. Call 213-477-2620.

Please note that the Induction Program to Clear Credential is a job-embedded program that focuses on mentoring and support. You must be employed as a teacher in order to complete the Induction program.

As a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved Program, Mount Saint Marys University is able to recommend you for the California Clear Credential upon completion of the program.

Doheny Campus

What Credentials Does The Cal State La Induction Program Include

All About My Clear Credential Program

The induction program at Cal State LA includes candidates with single subject credentials in all content areas, multiple subjects credentials, and education specialist credentials in early childhood education, mild-moderate, and moderate-severe. The diversity of credentials in the program allows candidates to share common teaching experiences as well as explore intersections across diverse teaching experiences.

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Dual Induction Program Enrollment

If you are already enrolled in your districts induction program, you may simultaneously enroll in Biolas program for one-third of the tuition cost in order to gain credits toward your districts salary schedule and gain credits toward Biolas M.A. in Teaching or M.A. in Education programs. Upon admission, you may enroll in the following courses:

Cgus Induction/clear Credential Program Is A Great Alternative To District

If you are interested in becoming a teacher in California, you must first earn a Preliminary Credential and are then given five years to earn a Clear Credential from an approved induction program. In our highly individualized program, youll undertake important clinical coursework within the field. A CGU Induction Support Provider is assigned to you as a guide, observing lessons and offering personalized mentorship. Informed by the knowledge that students can and will learn when under the guidance of effective teachers, you will master strategies and techniques that foster academic success. Our Geo-Far option allows participating teachers outside Southern California to complete the program through online courses and virtual support. Thanks to the programs reputation for quality, you will be highly recruited and fast-tracked into leadership.

Program Highlights
Education, Near and Far

Two modes of delivery are offered to complete our program: Geo-Near and Geo-Far . The Geo-Far option allows participating teachers to complete the program through online courses for the academic portion and virtual support for the clinical portion. CGUs participating teachers have earned their credentials while working around the world, including in Indonesia, Germany, United Arab Emirates, and Brazil.

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Data Sources Used In This Series

The analyses presented in this series of reports mainly rely on the Schools and Staffing Survey 20112012, the Teacher Follow-up Survey 20122013, and the National Teacher and Principal Survey 20152016.12 The surveys are representative of teachers, principals, and schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.13 All three surveys were conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Education. The survey results are housed in the National Center for Education Statistics , which is part of the Department of Educations Institute of Education Sciences .

The NTPS is the redesigned SASS, with a focus on flexibility, timeliness, and integration with other Department of Education data . Both the NTPS and SASS include very detailed questionnaires at the teacher level, school level, and principal level, and the SASS also includes very detailed questionnaires at the school district level . The TFS survey, which is the source of data on teachers who stay or quit, was conducted a year after the SASS survey to collect information on the employment and teaching status, plans, and opinions of teachers in the SASS. Following the first administration of the NTPS, no follow-up study was done, preventing us from conducting an updated analysis of teachers by teaching status the year after. NCES plans to conduct a TFS again in the 20202021 school year, following the 20192020 NTPS.

What Does Upgrading Mean

Transforming Society ~ A second chance at an education
    Upgrading is a term typically used to describe moving from a preliminary level certification to the clear level certification. It may also refer to earning an advanced level permit, . Usually, upgrading requires the holder to have completed all necessary renewal requirements associated with the educator’s preliminary credential. The terms “upgrading” and “renewing” are often confused when it comes to preliminary credentials, however, preliminary credentials are not renewable and must be upgraded to the clear level in order to remain valid.

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How Much Does The Cal State La Induction Program Cost

If the candidate is exclusively pursuing a clear teaching credential, the program is 6 units per semester at the credential program fee level. However, many candidates in the Cal State LA induction program are simultaneously pursuing their Master’s degree. Those fees are based on the number of units taken at the Master’s degree fee level. For specific fee information, go to the Cal State LA Finance Service Centers Page and click on the semester and year you plan to enroll.

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Obtaining A Clear Credential

Requirements for Clearing your Preliminary Credential are listed on your credential document under Renewal Requirements. To see your requirements, log-on to the CTC Educator Page and click on your document number. Your renewal requirements are listed at the bottom of your document along with a Renewal Code. Please reference your Renewal Code when reading the following information.

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The Teacher Shortage Is More Acute In High

The published estimates of the increasing teacher shortage further understate the magnitude of the problem because the estimates dont reflect the fact that the shortage of qualified teachers is not spread evenly among all schools but is more acute in high-poverty schools. While we dont have specific estimates of the shortage in low- and high-poverty schools analogous to the national shortage estimates of Sutcher, Darling-Hammond, and Carver-Thomas , we can infer the greater shortage of highly qualified teachers in high-poverty schools from the following premises and from our own data analyses.5 First, highly qualified teachers are in higher demand and therefore tend to have more options with respect to where they want to teach. They are more likely to be recruited by higher-income school districts and to join the staffs of schools that provide them with better support and working conditions and more choices of grades and subjects to teach.6

Credentials of teachers in low- and high-poverty schools: Share of teachers with and without various credentials by school type


Credentials of teachers who stay in their school versus who quit teaching: Share of teachers with various credentials and gap between teachers who stay and those who quit, by school type


What Are Renewal Requirements

SDCOE Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation – Teacher Induction
    Renewal requirements are specific requirements associated with an educator’s Preliminary or Level I credential that outline required extended preparation and professional development needed to upgrade to the Clear or Level II credential. The requirements are determined based on the educator’s preparation pathway and documentation submitted with the initial application for certification. Requirements are designed to prepare educators to meet the academic learning or service needs of all P-12 students and must be completed prior to applying for the Clear or Level II credential.

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Teacher Induction In California

California has a two-tiered credentialing system for teachers. Preliminary programs prepare candidates to obtain an initial teaching credential through successful completion of required coursework, fieldwork, and a performance demonstration of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The second tier of preparation is a two-year job-embedded individualized induction program that is focused on extensive support and mentoring to new teachers in their first and second year of teaching.

Commission Resources For Teacher Induction Programs

Teacher Induction Program Preconditions and Standards Program standards delineate the requirements an institution must meet in order to sponsor that program for candidates. Once approved by the Commission, programs maintain that approval through cyclical Accreditation cycle activities.

California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Individual Learning Plan Professional teaching standards provide the foundational expectations for the teacher induction program, with the expectation that candidates will progress towards mastery of the CSTP during their participation in induction. With mentor-based support candidates develop their individual learning plan goals addressing areas within the CSTP standard categories. Within the ILP candidates practice and refine effective teaching practices through focused cycles of inquiry cycles, professional support, and the practice of reflection.

Continuum of Practice 2010 A companion document to the CSTP, the COP presents descriptions regarding what a teachers practice would look like on a six-level proficiency scale. Candidates, mentors, and program leaders may choose use the COP mentoring instrument as tool to measure candidate growth throughout program participation.

Special Education Induction FAQs Responses to commonly asked questions about teachers clearing their education specialist credentials through Teacher Induction programs.

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