Victims: Reporting Unemployment Insurance Fraud
IDES is aware of phishing schemes targeting Illinoisans. Please note that individuals will never receive a text message from IDES seeking personally identifiable information, like your social security or drivers license numbers. For more info on phishing schemes please visit the FTC website.
Unemployment Insurance Identity Theft Fraud
Identity thieves and hackers have long known how to use stolen identities to commit fraud for example, to open a new credit card or file a false tax return and criminals using stolen identities to defraud public assistance programs is not new. In fact, such schemes are so pervasive that federal rules require Illinois to have staff dedicated to preventing and stopping fraudulent activity in the Unemployment Insurance system.
IDES partners with local and federal law enforcement agents, the Department of Labors Office of Inspector General, Attorney General, States Attorney and US Attorneys Offices to help us in our fight against fraud.
Please take the time to review the information below, including how to spot UI identity theft, how to report identity theft to IDES, and what happens after you contact the agency.
How can I spot unemployment insurance identity theft?
- Report the fraudulent claim here.
- DO NOT activate the debit card that was mailed to you.
- DO NOT contact KeyBank.
- Request your free credit reports via and review them for other fraudulent activities.
Where Do I Mail My Unemployment Application To
Mail your request to Unemployment Insurance Division, NYS Department of Labor, P.O. Box 1195, Albany, NY 12201. Be sure to write your Social Security number on your request. Next Section
We have compiled the address, phone number and fax number of every NYS unemployment office. You may contact these offices to get answers to questions about unemployment eligibility, filing an New York unemployment claim for eligibility, and checking on the status of a previously completed unemployment claim.
These offices will aid you in giving up to date information relating to unemployment benefits eligibility, assistance in filing a claim, rates etc. Please note that this website is owned and operated independently and is just a portal to arm you with more knowledge about unemployment.
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Protecting The Ei Program
We are all responsible for helping to detect and deter EI fraud.
At Service Canada, we are determined to protect the EI program. Our powerful computer tracking and linked data systems now mean it is almost impossible for fraudulent activity to remain undetected for long.
You also have an important role to play in helping to protect the EI program. If you are aware that someone has committed fraud, please let us know.
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Contact The Department Of Social Services
Social services departments administer welfare programs and field welfare-related inquiries from the public. Obtain the number for the social services department in your county by going online or calling city hall or a charitable organization such as the Salvation Army or Urban League. Tell the representative at the department of social services that you want to report a family member for welfare fraud. The representative may take your complaint or direct you to a statewide hotline for reporting welfare fraud. Call that number, if applicable.
Notify & Help The Employee
Notify the affected employee if theyre unaware of the fraudulent claims made in their name. Then help them file the necessary reports and protect their information from future breaches.
Report identity theft
- Protect their Federal tax returns
- Visit for more information and tips
4. Consider the possibility of an organization-wide incident
If multiple employees at your organization fall victim to unemployment fraud, you may have experienced a data breach. For instance, someone may have gained unauthorized access to your system and your employees PII.
If you suspect a large-scale incident like this, notify your insurance carrier and legal advisors as soon as possible.
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Victims Of Identity Theft
If you receive mail or a Form 1099G from the EDD, but you did not file a claim for benefits and you think someone else filed a claim under your name, address, or Social Security number, file a fraud report:
- Benefit Fraud â Visit Ask EDD and select the Report Fraud category.
- Form 1099G â Visit Ask EDD and select the Form 1099G category or call 1-866-401-2849, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except on state holidays.
If we find you were a victim of fraud, we will remove the claim from your Social Security number and send you an updated 1099G, if needed. Review IRS tax guidance on benefit identity theft.
For more information about protecting yourself from identity theft, review the California Attorney Generalâs Identity Theft Information Sheets and .
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Give Facts Surrounding The Fraud
Agencies require information to allow them to investigate the fraud allegation. Be prepared to give the names of the people suspected of fraud and the type of fraud they have committed such as selling food benefits distributed through welfare or collecting benefits while hiding income. Some agencies may require you to send in documentation of the alleged fraud such as paper records, video evidence or anything else that may be useful.
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Reporting An Employer To The Department Of Labor
Maybe you’ve witnessed racial discrimination, toxic dumping, or dangerous working conditions. Or maybe you’ve been denied compensation or benefits to which you’re entitled. Whatever the case may be, the U.S. Department of Labor provides protections for workers’ rights, benefits, and welfare.
Reporting a violation of the labor laws is not always simple. First, you need to know which agency within the U.S. Department of Labor covers your issue. For example, the Wage and Hour Division handles many issues including, family and medical leave, compensation, minimum wage, agricultural workers, and employees contracting with the federal government.
There are many agencies and programs within the U.S. Department of Labor, each focused on separate but related areas. The agency to file your complaint will depend on your individual situation. Talk to a wrongful termination or whistleblower lawyer for help with your case.
What To Expect After You Have Reported Fraud
We will help you through this difficult time.
You will receive:
You do not owe us any money as a result of the fraudulent claim You might have received a letter from us stating that you must repay benefits that we paid on the fraudulent claim in your name. You can ignore that letter! Our computer system automatically generates the letter when we deny an unemployment application. Were sorry for the anxiety it may have caused.
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Consequences Of Committing Fraud
Collecting unemployment under false pretenses is a crime. The Georgia Department of Labor actively pursues collections of all overpayments and is committed to maintaining the integrity of the UI program. Under Georgiaâs Employment Security Law, individuals who knowingly make false statements, misrepresent or omit material facts, or knowingly accept benefits to which they are not entitled lose the right to future unemployment benefits for up to 15 months and are subject to criminal and civil legal actions and fines.
Individuals who commit fraud are liable for the total amount of improperly paid benefits plus penalties and interest. A penalty of 15 percent will be added to, and become part of, the overpayment amount. Interest of one percent per month shall accrue until the overpayment is repaid. Penalty amounts will not be waived.
The GDOL is also empowered to intercept state and federal income tax refunds to recover UI overpayments.
I Want To Report A Fraudulent Claim Or Identity Theft Against My Company And/or My Employee What Should I Do
If you have found your company or employee is a victim of UI fraud or Identity Theft, there are several ways to report to UI:
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Are You Reporting Possible Fraudulent Activity By Someone Else
You do not need to provide your name or any other identifying information in order to file a complaint in regards to unemployment insurance fraud. However, we will not be able to contact you if we need to seek additional information about your complaint if you choose to remain anonymous.
Please provide as much detailed information as possible concerning your allegations, including:
- The name and address of the individual or business suspected of committing fraud
- If the complaint is in regards to an individual, if available, include the individuals SSN and the name of the business where the individual has been employed over the last year
- Describe your complaint in detail and provide dates if possible
Report someone…
General Steps To Protect Yourself Against Unemployment Scams:
NOTE: DETR may need to call you. If you file a claim, save the following unemployment phone numbers to your phone so you know youre receiving a legitimate call from DETR:
- 775-687-7101,
- 702-486-0185 and
- 702-486-3387.
Should we need to contact you directly, we will ask you for some personal identification information in order to verify your identity.
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How To Report Your Employer To The Department Of Labor And Keep Your Job
Some employers may welcome the chance to weed out wrongdoing within their company, but others are not so thankful. Whistleblowers play a crucial role in our society, but they often face retaliation for their actions. As a whistleblower, you may encounter many different types of workplace retaliation, including simple harassment, negative performance reviews, pay cuts, transfers, and even the loss of your job.
Many of the laws that encourage whistleblowing also contain anti-retaliation provisions. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration , is the agency within the Department of Labor that handles whistleblower retaliation claims by enforcing the retaliation provisions of over 20 different federal laws. However, it’s important to be aware that there are time limits for filing a retaliation claim. Some claims have to be filed within 30 days of the alleged retaliation.
Report Unemployment Tax Fraud
Online: Complete and submit the Unemployment Tax Fraud form to report employers who evade UC taxes. This type of fraudulent conduct may include:
- Payment of wages under the table
- Failure to register as an employer with the Department of Labor & Industry
- Failure to report all employees or wages paid
- Assisting an employee in filing a fraudulent claim for UC benefits
Phone: Call the PA Fraud Hotline at 1-800-692-7469, review the Unemployment Tax Fraud form above to ensure you have all the information prepared to provide your report.
Mail or Fax: Report fraudulent activity regarding Pennsylvania unemployment compensation benefits or unemployment taxes. You may remain anonymous or give your name and a way to be contacted if additional information is needed.
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and IndustryInternal AuditsGreencastle PA 17225
Fax: 717-593-0265
While we appreciate your information, the Pennsylvania UC Law prevents the Department of Labor & Industry from disclosing an investigation or its results. However, we investigate all allegations that contain sufficient information to identify the suspected wrongdoer and the questionable activity.
More Information:
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Report Fraud In Writing Or Online
Send an anonymous letter by mail, fax or online if you would rather not talk to an investigator even anonymously. Some states have online reporting systems so go online to find out the options for filing fraud reports. The state of Washington, for example, accepts anonymous reports by mail, fax and online. In most cases, you’ll need to file the report in the state where the family members lives, or the state where they committed the fraud if different.
Signs That You May Be A Victim Of Unemployment Identity Theft
Most victims of unemployment identity theft are unaware that claims have been filed and/or that benefits have been collected using their identities. Many people only find out unemployment identity theft occurred when they receive something in the mail, such as a payment or state issued 1099-G tax form thats incorrect or for benefits not received.
Sample form from the website: IRS form Certain Government Payments 1099-G
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Reporting Fraud Abuse Or Misuse
Service Canada takes abuse of the programs it delivers very seriously. When an individual or business receives benefits by providing false or misleading information, the integrity of the programs we deliver is jeopardized.
Reporting someone who may be committing benefit fraud, helps us protect your contributions to the Employment Insurance program and the Canada Pension Plan .
When you report abuse or misuse of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program , you are also helping to protect the integrity of TFWP and the Canadian labour market. Protecting your identity is another way you can help prevent fraud. If you know about someone who may be using a false identity or a false Social Insurance Number , let us know right away.
If You Believe You Are A Victim Of Fraud
If you believe your identity has been stolen and a fraudulent unemployment claim has been filed on your behalf, hereâs some steps you can take to protect yourself:
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Employers’ Role In Combating Ui Fraud
In order to begin paying UI benefits, NYS DOL must confirm eligibility with a claimants employer. As such, employers in New York State may be the first to know if unemployment fraud has been committed.
Employers should look out for and report any of the following, as they may be signs of UI fraud and/or identity theft:
- NYS DOL inquiring about a current employee who is not unemployed
- NYS DOL inquiring about a former employee who has not become unemployed within the past five annual quarters
- Missing, incorrect, or suspicious information in a claim
Report suspected UI fraud to NYS DOLs Office of Special Investigations.
Is It A Crime To Threaten Someone On The Phone In Virginia
Criminal Threats as Found Under Virginia Code 18.2-60 This statute states that any person that communicates electronically or through the phone by issuing threats to harm or kill another is guilty of a crime. When a person accuses you of threatening to cause harm or kill them or a member of their family, the offense is severely prosecuted.
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What Is A Whistleblower
Whistleblowers are individuals who report or refuse to participate in illegal activity within their company or government. In the labor context, this involves issues of workplace safety and health, employee benefits, veteran employment, wages and hours, workers’ compensation, agricultural work, workplace discrimination, and more. Throughout the years, whistleblowers have helped expose everything from single instances of wrongdoing to extensive fraud and abuse.
Ui Fraud & Identity Theft
The Department of Labor works very hard to protect the integrity of our agency and programs. To combat and stop unemployment insurance fraud and identity theft, we work actively alongside local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, government agencies, claimants, and employers in New York State and around the country.
Fraudsters use real New Yorkers identities likely stolen during previous data breaches involving institutions like banks, insurance companies and major employers to file fraudulent UI claims and illegally collect benefits in the name of individuals who are not unemployed.
Unemployment insurance fraud rings often target New Yorkers who are employed and not collecting UI benefits because those individuals are less likely to have an active claim. The presence of an active claim would prevent the criminals from filing a fraudulent claim for that same person. People who work in health care, education, government and non-profits have been particularly impacted by UI fraud and should remain especially vigilant.
We encourage you to help us by reporting allegations of fraud. If you receive official communication from NYS DOL regarding UI benefits that you did not apply for, you may be a victim of UI benefits fraud and identity theft. Official communication includes, but is not limited to, emails, text messages, letters, debit cards, and tax forms received in the mail. You should immediately report suspected UI fraud to NYS DOL.
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A Person Who Makes A Mistake Or Has No Intent To Commit A Crime Should Not Have Their Life Ruined With A Criminal Conviction
In January of 2020, the Attorney General announced the creation of a Task Force for investigating and prosecuting allegations of fraud in Michigans unemployment insurance program. The Task Force is comprised of the Attorney Generals Office, the Michigan State Police, the U.S. Department of Labor, the Office of Inspector General, the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, the Michigan Department of Management & Budget, and the Michigan Department of Treasury. With all of these agencies combined power, a person accused of unemployment fraud will need an equally powerful defense attorney to help them avoid charges or a conviction, if possible, and get out of a harsh sentence.