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How To File For Unemployment In Colorado

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How To File For Unemployment Benefits In Colorado

Filing for Unemployment in Colorado

Every state provides unemployment insurance benefits to employees who have been laid off from work without fault of their own.

There are differences among states for eligibility rules, prior earnings requirements, benefit amounts, and other details.

Following is the Colorado unemployment compensation eligibility process.

  • Recommendations
  • Coronavirus Coverage: How To File For Unemployment In Colorado New Way To File Based On Last Name

    The following information is from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. The department sent out new information on March 23:

    If you need to file an unemployment claim and your last name begins with the letter A – M,

    file a claim on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or after 12 noon on Saturday.

    If you need to file an unemployment claim and your last name begins with the letter N – Z,

    file a claim on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or before 12 noon on Saturday.

    Other tips:

    -While filing the claim, click the Save & Finish Later button often, and click File a Claim to return to the last page you saved.

    -File during non-peak hours . It may improve your experience.

    -You must provide information about the reason you are no longer working for all employers from the last 18 months. If you have a lot of information to include, it is best if you type up this information before you start, then copy/paste at the appropriate time.

    -Once finished, click Submit one time. When the claim is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation page and number.

    The following was sent out on March 17:

    The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment announced assistance for workers and employers during temporary closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance includes information for employees filing for unemployment insurance claims, as well as information on programs available for employers.

    Workers who have a reduction in hours/wages may file an unemployment claim at

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    How Do I Apply For Unemployment Benefits In Colorado

    Colorado encourages all claimants to submit any new claim for unemployment assistance online, through the states MyUI+ system. Before you submit your unemployment claim, you will need to register and set up an account this account can then be used in the future to check the status of your unemployment compensation claim and to file your weekly certification for benefits.

    The relatively new MYUI+ system has several attractive features, including being mobile-friendly and providing a full range of functionality that helps a claimant stay apprised of unemployment claim status. If you need assistance creating your MYUI+ account, reach out to Colorados Conversion Call Center at 303-536-5615 and a representative will be able to help.

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    Identity Theft Crs 18

    In Colorado, it is a criminal offense to use another persons personal or financial identifying information to obtain anything of value. This includes using another persons identity to file a claim for benefits. Identity theft is a class 4 felony in Colorado. Penalties for identity theft include 2 to 6 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000.

    Be Prepared To Provide:

    • Your legal name and any other name you have used in the past 18 months.
    • Your address, including the ZIP code and county.
    • Information about your jobs during the last 18 months: The name and address of each employer, how much the employer paid you, why do you do not work there any more.
    • The gross amount and date received of any additional income you received: vacation pay, severance pay.
    • The name, local number, and address of your union hiring hall .
    • A copy of your Form DD-214, Member 4 if you just got out of the military.
    • A copy of your Form SF-8, Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance.
    • Your Form SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action if you worked for the federal government.
    • Your valid state driver´s license or ID card if you are a U.S. citizen .
    • Your alien permit number if you are not a U.S. citizen.

    For more information go to:

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    Where Is The Unemployment Office In El Paso County Co

    Do you need to file for unemployment benefits in El Paso County, Colorado? Do you have questions about your claim? You can find the information you need at the website of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the state agency that administers unemployment benefits in Colorado.

    If you havent applied for unemployment benefits recently , you might think you have to go into the local unemployment office and file your claim in person. These days, however, its much easier and often, required to file your claim online or by phone.

    On this page, youll find

    • contact information for the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
    • contact information for local job centers, which can help you with your job search and may offer assistance in filing for unemployment benefits, and
    • links to our articles on how to file for benefits in Colorado, eligibility for benefits in Colorado, calculating your weekly benefit amount in Colorado, and more.

    Hire Us To Represent You

    If you are unemployed through no fault of your own, you are likely eligible for Unemployment Benefits. If you are denied Unemployment Benefits, donât wait to contact us. You have a short window to ask for a hearing and the hearing may be scheduled quickly which will reduce your opportunity to fully prepare. We can help you navigate the unemployment system, including making your best case at a Hearing.

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    How Do I Manage My Unemployment Benefits

    Each week that you request benefits, you will need to provide documentation for the state of Colorado showing that you remain eligible to receive compensation. The certification process is simple: You must answer a series of questions and provide information about your work-search activities for the previous week. You must also report any job offers and income you received.

    To submit your weekly benefit certification, you can use the same MYUI+ account you set up when you filed your initial claim.

    How To Appeal A Denial Of Unemployment Benefits In Colorado

    The dos and don’t of applying for unemployment in Colorado

    If your unemployment claim is denied, you have 20 days to appeal the decision. You must submit a written request for appeal to the Appeals Branch.

    After receiving your appeal request, a hearing will be scheduled to receive evidence from both you and your employer. A Hearing Officer will preside over the hearing and send you written notice of his or her decision. If you disagree with the Hearing Officer’s decision, you can appeal to the Industrial Claim Appeals Office within 20 days.

    The CLDE provides additional information on the unemployment process at its website .

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    Appeals Process For Denied Claims

    The Appeals Section must receive your request for an appeal hearing no later than 20 days after the mailing date on the Notice of Decision. Your initial appeal only needs to explain why you disagree with the decision. You can submit your appeal online on MyUI or you can mail or fax it to the Unemployment Appeals Section. You should continue to request benefit payments while your appeal is pending.

    Once you file an appeal, you will be mailed a hearing packet containing information about the hearing and the documents you previously submitted. You can submit any additional evidence you wish to provide to everyone involved before the hearing date. You cannot submit any evidence on or after the hearing date.

    You are not required to have representation, although you may choose to do so. You may also have witnesses testify on your behalf. You can request a subpoena for documents or witnesses in writing. In the request, you must include detailed information about the contents of the documents and the full names and addresses of witnesses along with the reasons why each witness testimony is important.

    You can choose to have your hearing held in person or over the phone. If you are attending your hearing in person, arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in. If you are attending your hearing over the phone, call at the time listed on the Notice of Hearing.

    Types Of Benefits Available

    The types of benefits you apply for will change based on your individual needs and situation. Overall, there are a few main types of benefits you can get in Colorado.

    County Administered Benefits: the benefits in this category cover a wide range of programs designed to help you secure basic housing, food, and health services. This includes, but is not limited to, Medicaid, Child Health Plan , home care services, food assistance programs, and rent rebates.

    Government Benefits: these types of benefits come from a federal level but are administered by the state. This includes Medicare, unemployment benefits, and the Low Income Energy Assitance Program .

    Social Security Benefits: Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance provide assistance to people who have needs for food, clothing, and shelter and people with disabilities.

    Agency Resources: some agencies are able to help people with more specific issues such as finding housing or paying for an electric bill. These types of benefits tend to cover smaller, one-off types of assistance.

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    The Colorado Law Defines Being Unemployed As Not Being Your Fault:

    The pandemic was a tough time for everyone. A lot of companies had to shut down their activities and this made companies to retrench their staff. Indeed, this is a one-off situation that doesnt always play out, however, it is counted as part of the reasons.

    But this doesnt stop the fact that many people get fired from their positions for different reasons. However, when you get fired for making a mistake or failing to adhere to your companys core values, its totally your fault.

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    Why Are Unemployment Fraud Cases Increasing In Colorado

    How To File Unemployment Extension Colorado

    Colorado is seeing a spike in unemployment fraud now that the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program ended on December 26, 2020. Alleged fraudsters who previously made false PUA claims and PEUC claims have reportedly turned to Colorados regular unemployment insurance system.5

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    What Is An Offer Of Suitable Employment

    To keep collecting unemployment benefits, you need to demonstrate that youre unable to work. That means you usually cant keep collecting if you refuse a suitable job that offered you pay. That doesnt mean you have to take just any job, however. A suitable job usually means its safe for you to do that work and is reasonably accessible to you. You may have the option to turn down jobs that pay far less than you used to make, if theyre outside your career field and below your level of experience, if you can reasonably expect to find work in your field again. Check with your local unemployment office to confirm if you can turn down a particular job and still continue your benefits.

    Minimum Earnings Must Have Been Earned In The Past:

    In order to increase revenue, a lot of people seek the Colorado unemployment benefits while they earn from other sources thereby making it pretty difficult for people who have real problems to apply and get these opportunities.

    To be eligible for this benefit, your minimum earnings must be dated back to six months or more. Plus you need to ensure you have adequate evidence to support your claims.

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    Claim Denials Or Discrepancies

    Your claim may be denied for many reasons, including not meeting work and/or wages eligibility requirements, giving inaccurate information, disputes with your former employer, reaching your benefit limit for the year and more. If your benefits are denied or you think you should receive higher benefit payments, you can appeal the Notice of Decision that denies your claim.

    How Long Will Extended Benefits Continue

    Colorado Labor Department Says Workers, Employers Can File For Unemployment Insurance Claims

    The extended benefits are divided into three different programs.

    • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, or PEUC, provides extra weeks of benefits for people who have expended all their weeks of regular unemployment benefits.
    • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, or PUA, is the program for gig workers, self-employed people and independent workers.
    • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, or FPUC, is the extra $300 per week for all unemployment recipients for 11 weeks.

    For the most part, the extended benefits will last 11 weeks. They’ll be payable for the period between Dec. 27 and March 14, when the programs “expire.”

    However, some people will be allowed to keep collecting benefits during a phaseout period for several weeks after that, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

    Anyone who collects benefits in the week ending March 14 can continue to collect benefits for another four weeks afterward but only if they haven’t yet surpassed 50 weeks of PUA benefits or 24 weeks of PEUC benefits. It can get very complicated, but the state’s unemployment system will likely tell people the number of weeks they have resuming.

    The $300 boost will expire for everyone on March 14.

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    Submit Your Weekly Claim

    After applying, start submitting weekly claims right awayeven before youre approvedto get paid faster. The link to submit a weekly claim will be in eServices and will show up when we are ready for you to complete it.

    Key information:

    • The job search requirement went back into effect the week of July 4. You should have started documenting job search activities the week of July 11. Learn more about the requirement on our job search requirements page.
    • You will be paid based on the weekly claims you complete. Weekly claims you submit before being approved will be processed together for an initial lump sum payment. After that, new weekly claims will be processed and paid each week.
    • You will receive payment via the method you choose: direct deposit or debit card.
    • Each week you file for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits, youll need to answer special questions in addition to regular unemployment questions.
    • If you find work, stop filing weekly claims. Your payments will stop.

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    How To File A Claim For Unemployment Benefits In Colorado

    You may file your claim for unemployment benefits online, by phone, by fax, or by mail. You can find online filing information and contact information at Colorado’s Department of Labor and Employment website. Once you file, you must request payment every two weeks in order to continue your benefits. You will also need to register with a workforce center.

    Once it receives your application, the CDLE will send you some documents, including a Statement of Wages and Possible Benefits indicating your potential benefit amount and duration.

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    Filing For Unemployment In Colorado

    There are two ways to file for unemployment benefits.

    The fastest wat to file is by going to: Clicking on the NEW CLAIMANT.

    You can file online even if you:

    • Have wages in states other than Colorado.
    • Were discharged from the military.
    • Worked for the federal government.

    The only time you cannot file online is:

    • You received workers´compensation in the last three years.

    You can use a computer at your local Workforce Center or at your local library if you do not have access to a personal computer.

    If you cannot file online, you can call the Customer Service Center at 303-318-9000 or 1-800-388-5515 outside the Dever-metro area.

    How To Get Cobra

    Colorado makes changes to unemployment filing process to ...

    Group health plans must give covered employees and their families a notice explaining their COBRA rights. Plans must have rules for how COBRA coverage is offered, how beneficiaries may choose to get it and when they can stop coverage. For more COBRA information, see COBRA Premium Subsidy. The page links to information about COBRA including:

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    Unemployment Filing Tips & Resources For Employees

    Your employees will likely have questions about the unemployment process and the benefits available to them. If you need to lay off workers or reduce their hours, share the following tips to help them with the claims process.

    Also, the CO Department of Labor & Employment posted this COVID-19 Pandemic Scenarios & Benefits Available Guide to help employees understand all of their options.

    To help streamline the unemployment claims process, the CDLE asks that filers follow these guidelines:

    • If your last name begins with the letter A – M, file a claim on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or after 12 noon on Saturday
    • If your last name begins with the letter N – Z, file a claim on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or before 12 noon on Saturday
    • Click the Save & Finish Later button often, and click File a Claim to return to the last page you saved
    • File during non-peak hours
    • You must provide information about the reason you are no longer working for all employers from the last 18 months. If you have a lot of information to include, it is best if you type up this information before you start, then copy/paste at the appropriate time.
    • Once finished, click Submit one time. When the claim is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation page and number.

    How Unemployment Works In Colorado

    After you submit an initial claim, CDLE will request separation information from your former employers, evaluate your previous wages, and take into consideration any additional income you have received.

    For some claims, the CDLE will ask for Verification of Personal Information. This request requires your signature affirming that youre a US citizen or are legally present in the country. This is an important document, and failing to return it in a timely manner could impact the timely delivery of your benefits.

    You may also be asked to provide proof that you lawfully reside in the US. You can provide at least one of the following forms of identification:

    • Colorado drivers license or Colorado ID card
    • US military ID card or military dependent ID card
    • US Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card
    • Native American tribal document
    • A drivers license or ID card issued by another state or Canada

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