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How To Find Unemployed Candidates On Linkedin

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Further Steps To Prevent Linkedin From Showing Your Employer That Youre Job Searching

LinkedIn Job Search [2018] : Learn how to search and apply for Jobs on LinkedIn

The only way to guarantee complete privacy on LinkedIn while job searching is to conduct your search via direct messages/emails and to directly apply to positions.

So while LinkedIns software makes its best attempt to hide the fact that youre open to new opportunities from any recruiters at your current employer, its possible that it could fail.

If youre worried about job search privacy and want to protect your career interests with no risk, then think twice before enabling this new feature.

The advantage is that it could potentially speed up your job search and get you into more recruiter search results, but its important to understand the potential risk.

Fashion Trends For Fall 2021

For fall 2021, I like three trends for women: blush pink, faux leather, and dark florals. Blush pink is soft, feminine, and looks great with neutrals like black, brown and navy. If it’s a color that doesn’t look good against your skin, use it in accessories like a belt or handbag.

As an animal lover, I will suggest faux leather. I’ve been buying vegan leather which I love. It has all the same qualities as animal leather, but I sleep much better at night. Wear leather as a jacket or paneled on

leggings or a tunic. It looks rich and luxurious. You can make it look edgy by wearing it as a moto jacket or a bomber.

Dark florals are so whimsical and romantic. They can soften a suit or professional look or wear with jeans or on a dress for a formal event. If you have a small frame and don’t want a floral pattern to overwhelm you, wear a small print paired with a solid color. Florals offer a hint of boho style, which is soft and simple.

These fall trends are easy to find, update your wardrobe quickly, and can be quite affordable. Now that you’ve mastered clothes, visit my video on YouTube for fall accessory trends. Stay stylish!

$37 billion is wasted in ads that fail to engage target audiences every year. Do you want to continue wasting money attracting consumers who aren’t interested in your products?

Easy Tips To Improve Your Linkedin Headline

What should your LinkedIn headline say when youre looking for a job?

Thats a good question.

The answer requires job seekers to think like recruiters because those are the people who use LinkedIn to fill jobs.

This post will help you do that and also give you some LinkedIn headline examples.

Read on to learn about 10 ways to help recruiters find you via your headline and/or be delighted enough by it to click through to read your profile.

1. Start with the Job Title You Want

First, remember that LinkedIn is a database.

Then, know that your headline has more SEO power than any other field on your profile. Beyond that, the first words in your headline have more SEO power than subsequent words.

BTW, if youre wondering, What is LinkedIn SEO? after reading the paragraph above, let me paraphrase Search Engine Lands excellent description of SEO here:

SEO stands for search engine optimization. In simple terms, it means the process of improving your LinkedIn profile to increase its visibility for recruiters searches.

The better visibility your profile has in recruiters search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and inspire them to contact you.

Now, think like a recruiter. If youre looking for an Accounting Manager, youre going to search LinkedIn for the term Accounting Manager.

Thus, it makes sense to start your headline with the job title you want.

Here are a few more job title examples:

  • CEO
  • Financial Analyst
  • 2. Showcase Your Expertise
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    How To Get Started With Linkedin Job Posting

    LinkedIn pay-per-click job postings may be the ticket to finding the best-qualified candidates for your open positions. Heres a recap from the video above on how to get started with job posting on LinkedIn.

  • Be sure to start a company page if you havent already.Here are the steps for creating a company page. Your company page is a great resource for potential candidates to learn more about you and your company. An optimized and complete company page has a better chance of attracting new recruits.
  • Prepare for your job posting. You will want to put some thought into what you will post before building your LinkedIn job post. The first thing you will want to determine is the daily budget. This could be by trial and error until you find the right budget that brings in candidates.The second component to prepare is your job description. You have ample space to describe what the job entails and what your company is all about, so get creative! The more compelling, the more interest you will have. Be sure to add what is in it for the candidate, bullet points of duties and responsibilities and what makes your company great to work for.
  • Begin building your LinkedIn job post. to get the steps again for posting a job on LinkedIn. Once your job is posted, it will appear under your Jobs tab on your LinkedIn company page. It will also be searchable throughout the LinkedIn network and will be recommended to potential job seekers through their Jobs You May Be Interested In feature.
  • Write In The First Person

    How to Find Candidates

    For some reason, some people on LinkedIn use the third person when writing about themselves on their profiles. And were not talking famous people, who have a page and someone wrote it for them, were talking regular people with regular jobs.

    Things like:

    Josh is a grade-A accountant with over 15 years of experience in

    Thats a big no.

    Stick to the first person. Your LinkedIn profile is supposed to sound personal and sincere. The third person expression sounds more fake and pompous.

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    A Primer On Linkedin Profile Optimization

    Because of LinkedIns ability to recognize boolean operators and filter results according to metrics such as company, number of years of experience, function, and seniority level, the platform easily tops its competitors for helping people make essential business connections.

    However, despite the advanced search capabilities, you will still want to optimize your LinkedIn profile . The first step for doing this is adding a professional photo, which on average will get a user 14 times more views than other types of profile pictures.

    To boost your connection requests fivefold, make sure you list your current position. And, dont forget to list at least five relevant skills, as doing so increases the chance that your profile will be discovered and someone will message you what you would get if you didnt.

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    Attracting The Right Candidates On Linkedin

    Recruiting on LinkedIn is highly competitive. Companies and recruiters from around the world also approach candidates regularly. So, its not enough to use a LinkedIn automation tool to send connection messages to prospective candidates.

    To capture the interest of candidates who visit your company profile, it must be properly optimized and up-to-date with relevant information about your product and services. Moreover, 75 percent of professionals would not accept a job with any company that has a bad reputation, even if they are unemployed.

    According to Management Today, LinkedIn company profiles help to showcase company values and goals to prospective job candidates. That is why people are less likely to accept job offers from companies without a LinkedIn profile.

    Companies and recruiters can use LinkedIn to share achievements, employee testimonials, articles, videos, and open career opportunities. As a candidate, if you ever receive a LinkedIn message from a recruiter, chances are that you would first visit the company profile. In such a case, maintaining an updated company profile is the only way to appear legitimate.

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    Is Linkedin Premium Worth The Cost

    All the advice we just gave can be done with a basic and free LinkedIn account. If youre still unable to find work, consider upgrading to LinkedIns premium account for jobseekers.

    A LinkedIn Premium account costs $29.99 per month a nice chunk of change. However, some career experts say splurging on the Premium subscription may be worth the investment. LinkedIn Premium offers a few great additional features that can help you land a job. Its also possible that recruiters and hiring managers will see you as a more serious candidate if you have Premium.

    Some of the benefits of a Premium membership include:

    • Priority in job applications. When you apply for jobs on the site, you become a Featured Applicant. That means your application will be viewed before people with basic accounts.
    • See all profile views. With a basic account, you can only see the last five people who viewed your profile. Premium accounts allow you unlimited access to who views your profile.
    • Connect with hiring managers. Basic accounts allow you to receive messages from people youre not connected with , but you cant contact them yourself. With a Premium account, you can send five InMail messages per month.
    • More profile hits. As we mentioned, recruiters take LinkedIn users with Premium accounts more seriously. As a result, recruiters are more likely to check out your profile, and youll get increased hits.

    You Must Focus Your Job Search

    How to Find a Job on Linkedin If You are Unemployed in 2021

    Keeping your options open and resisting being pigeon-holed are instincts that you need to fight, because, with the technology currently used by employers to find and evaluate job candidates, the instinct to be open to any/every opportunity is deadly.

    Applying for any/all jobs means you arent choosy about what you apply for, and you probably apply without meeting the requirements for specific knowledge, skills, experience, or location.

    Making too many applications for jobs when you dont meeting the requirements can result in you being viewed as a resume spammer.

    All applications by resume spammers for that employer, through that job board, or via that applicant tracking system, are ignored, even when the spammer is actually qualified for a job.

    You cannot meet the requirements for every job open, and you probably would not like to do every job that is available. So, figure out the job that is the best fit for your knowledge, skills, and experience. Focus is the key to success today!

    Search through a site like Indeed, which is the largest collection of job postings in the world. Look for jobs where you meet most of the requirements. Focus on jobs you would like and would succeed at. Collect the following information:

    • What are the standard requirements?
    • What are the typical job titles used?
    • Which employers in your target location hire people doing that job?

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    Seek Out Strong Relevant And Recent Recommendations

    Recommendations really enhance the credibility of who you are as a professional, Wasserman says. You can ask people youve worked closely with for recommendations, but be sure to give that person talking points that help shape the story you want your profile to tell, Yurovsky says. Your recommender should know what your goals are for your next career steps as well as what skills and experiences youd like them to emphasize. And keep your recommendations current. Yurovsky recommends setting a calendar reminder to secure new recommendations at least twice a year.

    How To Use Linkedin Search To Find The Best Job Candidates


    The following excerpt is from Ted Prodromous book . Buy it now from | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | IndieBound

    LinkedIn is a gold mine if you’re recruiting. Nowhere else can you find more than 330 million business professionals in one place prominently displaying their job experience, skills, education, recommendations, and expertise. And recruiting new employees isnt limited to searching for unemployed professionals or recent graduates entering the workforce. According to a 2011 survey from The Adler Group, 15 percent of employed professionals are active candidates pursuing a new opportunity another 68 percent are open to listening to new opportunities. That means 83 percent of all employed professionals are willing to listen to you if you have an interesting opportunity for them.

    Knowing that up to 83 percent of all employed professionals are willing to listen to your job opportunity, how can you find these candidates? And when you do find them, how can you narrow your search to approach the very best candidates?

    Lets use an example to explain how the process works. Let’s say you own a biotech firm and are looking for a director of quality to create, implement, and oversee quality systems in your company. Your job requirements are:

    1. Minimum eight years of experience in quality assurance for a human or animal drug company

    2. Substantial knowledge of cGMP requirements for multiple dosage forms along with prior experience in supplier qualification

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    Employers Spend Considerable Time Sourcing Candidates From Linkedin

    You may be surprised to hear that professionals and executives can find you long before you even craft a resume or meet them at a business event.

    Given that theyll be checking you out online , youll need to face reality and get your digital presence ready for scrutiny.

    Hot Tip: Increase your LinkedIn traffic by fleshing out details for each job in your Experience section. The content for each job will help inject more keywords into your Profile and make it more easily searchable by recruiters seeking candidates with your background. Unlike your resume, your LinkedIn Profile offers plenty of room to describe your accomplishments .

    Having online visibility and managing that visibility to support your job search and career are essential today. For more information, read and .

    Add A Video To Your Profile For A Personal Touch

    How To Write A LinkedIn Profile When Youre Unemployed ...

    Everyone has a story that leads them to their career path, and now you can highlight yours. With this new feature, you can add a Cover Story to showcase your specific skills and background while highlighting your personality at the same time.

    Other enhancements are heading your way for the video feature, with captioning capabilities coming soon. If you are looking for a job, this new video feature is a great way to shine against your competition.

    If you are looking to hire someone, this feature allows you to get a personal look into prospective employees lives, something you dont get with just a resume.

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    Fill In That Skills Section

    The Skills and Endorsements section is also an important part of your LinkedIn profile puzzle.

    Feel free to go wild with this one – LinkedIn gives you a limit of 50 skills you can add, and you know what? Add all 50!

    Add every skill you possess, as well as its synonyms or derivatives .

    In case you have more than 50 skills to list, make sure to stick to the most relevant ones.

    Cant think of 50? Thats fine, just add the ones you can think of, and LinkedIn will recommend similar ones.

    Once youre done with that, Its time to get some endorsements.

    Contact your coworkers & ex-colleagues who are on LinkedIn and ask them to endorse your skills. To return the favor, you can offer to also endorse them in return.

    Why is this important? Because endorsements are social proof. While theyre NOT what the recruiter is going to go off on whether they should hire you or not, theyre going to make you a more presentable candidate.

    Pro Tip:

    Skip the soft skills, and focus on the hard skills.

    Generic soft skill statements like good listener, team player, critical thinking skills, etc. have lost all meaning to a recruiter. Theyre extremely overused, and they pretty much apply to most people to a decent extent anyway.

    At this stage, recruiters arent looking for your soft skills – they evaluate those on an interview. They simply need to know what your hard skills are, and whether theyre relevant for the role theyre sourcing for.

    The Keys To A Good Title On Linkedin

    By now, it is clear that the headline is not the best place to request a job. It is, however, the perfect spot to make it clear what makes you different, how you can add value to potential businesses and anything that can make you more attractive to companies. A good way to think about it is to see your title as a kind of ultra-condensed cover letter.

    According to Pulido, there are three key elements to crafting a good LinkedIn title:

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    Find Linkedin Url On Web Browser

    To find your LinkedIn URL, open your web browser and type, sign in to your profile and follow the steps mentioned below:

    • Click on the Me icon that you will find on the top of your LinkedIn homepage
    • Click on View Profile
    • On the right rail, you will find an Edit public profile & URL tab
    • Under the section Edit URL in the right rail, locate your public profile URL, it starts with
    • You can copy this link and share it with others

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    Placement Agencies Are Your Allies If :

    LinkedIn Job Search Tip: Why You Shouldn’t Write “Seeking” Or “Unemployed” On Your LinkedIn
    • You are at the beginning of your career.
    • You are in fields such as administration, accounting, legal, health or insurance.
    • You are interested in temporary positions .
    • You are unemployed and actively looking for a job.

    Indeed, placement and sourcing agencies mostly have mandates for junior positions, support staff positions, or generalist positions. If this fits your situation, then it can be very beneficial to have a call or an interview with an agency recruiter. If they dont have an opportunity that interests you at this time, chances are that new positions will come up. If you keep in touch with the recruiter, they may be able to offer you something else in the future.

    If you are unemployed and actively looking for a job, you obviously put all the chances on your side by answering all the recruiters who contact you. You can also contact placement agencies directly so that they can add your resume to their candidates database.

    However, we recommend that you concentrate your efforts on the placement agencies that work in your field and region. Consult the directory of placement agencies in Quebec.

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