Thursday, September 12, 2024

How Long Will My Unemployment Last

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Democrats Felt That A Larger Package Was Needed

Discussing how long pandemic unemployment benefits could last

GettySenate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made it clear that he wasnt satisfied with the size of the package. Democrats had previously sought $2.2 trillion in stimulus relief, but Republicans, who control the Senate, balked at that high of a cost. They had preferred about $500 billion in stimulus relief, so the final deal represented a compromise between those two amounts.

This #COVIDrelief will provide emergency aid to Americans, Schumer wrote on Twitter on the evening of December 20. But anyone who thinks this is enough does not know whats going on in America and has not looked into the eyes of a small business owner, a restaurant owner losing their business. We must do more under President Biden.

Congressional Democrats have reached an agreement with Republicans and the White House on an emergency coronavirus relief and omnibus package that delivers urgently needed funds to save the lives and livelihoods of the American people.

Nancy Pelosi

In addition to the extra unemployment benefits, the new package contains $600 in stimulus checks for qualifying adults and their dependents.

When it comes to unemployment benefits, the amount agreed upon is half that authorized during the first round of extra unemployment benefits, which eventually expired. People initially received $600 per week, but some Republicans believed that amount gave people too much of an incentive not to go back to work.

Benefit Year End And Retroactive Payments For Missing Or Underpaid Amounts

A common question I get are for people who are approach their BYE date but due to their low account or claim balance they may not be eligible for their full and supplementary payments in the last week or two of their benefit year. You can see this type of question below from James:

I receive Unemployment benefits . I am PEUC on extension. My year ends on May 24. 2021. I have $900.00 left in my account currently. Each certification I usually get $1410.00 after tax and with extra $300) is it true Ill only get about half a payment next certification because of the amount left in the account? The amount left in account does not carry me into May 24th. I know that I have to reapply for a new claim at year end so I therefore set an alert to do so on May 24th. Can I do this earlier so there is no lapse? I know it can take three weeks or longer to receive approval and payment.

Question is: When can I file my new claim if my year ends May 24, 2020?

The CA EDD do provide guidance for PEUC claimants which states that for those on PEUC claims:

  • Claimants will be notified that they need to file a new claim, generally at or after the BYE date
  • Given the process could a few weeks, retroactive payments will be made for amounts your were eligible for.

    How Your Base Period And Benefit Year Are Determined

    Massachusetts employers are required to report wage information to the Department of Unemployment Assistance on a quarterly basis. This wage information is used to determine whether you have earned enough wages to qualify for unemployment benefits.

    If you disagree with the wages reported by your employer

    If you disagree with the wages reported on your Monetary Determination notice, you can provide proof of the wage amounts you are disputing by completing and returning the Wage and Employer Correction sheet that was mailed to you with your notice. DUA will review the information and make any necessary adjustments.

    If it is determined that you have not earned enough wages under either the primary or the alternate base period, you have the right to file an appeal and present additional supporting documents at a hearing.

    Your benefit year

    Once your claim is established, it will remain open for 1 year . This period of time is called your benefit year.

    Your maximum benefit credit is available to you for the duration of your benefit year or until you have exhausted your maximum benefit credit. Once your benefit year expires, any unpaid benefits will no longer be available to you.

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    Some Workers May Earn More From Unemployment Than Their Jobs

    Given the possibility to receive unemployment aid for nearly 10 months, along with the weekly $600 federal boost through July, some workers may wonder whether they’d fare better being laid off in order to receive benefits, rather than remaining on payroll for a job with reduced hours or doing work that may put them at risk of contracting the virus.

    Indeed, in some situations, workers now receiving both state and federal assistance are able to earn more than what they’d make if they were still working. According to calculations from The New York Times, workers in more than half of states will receive, on average, more in unemployment benefits than they did from their normal salaries.

    Legislators say replacing 100% of earnings for the average worker was by design in order to provide a crucial lifeline to Americans to keep the economy afloat as much as possible.

    “This size of an increase is unprecedented,” Wayne Vroman, an economist with The Urban Institute, told CNBC Make It. In 2009, following the Great Recession, a federal stimulus package increased unemployment benefits by just $25 per week. “So $600 is in different league it could go a long distance in stabilizing American household income and help to maintain purchasing power for the consumer sector of economy.”

    Furloughed workers, meanwhile, can retain company-sponsored benefits if their employer chooses to offer it, and they also qualify for unemployment.

    How Is My Weekly Benefit Amount Determined

    Higher long

    Your weekly benefit amount is the amount of money you may receive each week. This is calculated by dividing your total of wages in the last two quarters by 52. That number is then rounded to the next lower whole dollar. In order to receive a payment, the total must equal to or exceed $15. The exact amount of benefits and the length of time that you may get benefits cannot be determined until you actually file your claim for benefits.

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    Weekly Claims And Work Search Requirements

    Q) How do I file my weekly claim?

    A) To file a weekly claim, log in to your account. You must file a weekly claim for any week that you want payment, even if your eligibility is being decided or you have an appeal pending. Answer all required questions on the weekly continued claim.If you need assistance with your claim, call UI Customer Service at 1-866-239-0843 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    Q) When should I file my weekly claim?

    A) The current week is the week that just ended on Saturday. Weekly claims must be filed 8:00 a.m. Sunday through 5:30 p.m. Friday for the prior week only. This means individuals have six days to file the previous week’s claim. Weekly claims can be filed online using a mobile device or computer. Have this information available when filing your weekly claim: Social Security Number, PIN, total amount of gross wages earned during the week, and total amount of gross holiday pay, gross vacation and severance, if received. Delay in filing your weekly claim could result in denial of benefits.

    Q) What happens if I file my weekly claim late?

    A) Filing your claim late may delay benefit payments or disqualify you for the weeks you filed late.

    Q) Can I still file a claim if I’m working part-time?

    Q) How many employer contacts do I need to make each week?

    What Are Extended Benefits

    Extended benefits are additional weeks of unemployment compensation that are available to workers who have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits during periods of high unemployment. The basic Extended Benefits program provides up to 13 additional weeks of unemployment compensation when a state is experiencing high unemployment.

    In some states, there may be an additional 7 additional weeks of extended benefits during periods of extremely high unemployment.

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    Will Receipt Of Workers Compensation Affect My Unemployment Benefits

    In order to qualify for benefits, you must be able and available to work. If you are currently receiving workers compensation benefits, you must inform DES. DES will determine whether you are eligible to receive benefits based upon the specifics of your workers compensation injury.

    Policy Basics: How Many Weeks Of Unemployment Compensation Are Available

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    Workers in most states are eligible for up to 26 weeks of benefits from the regular state-funded unemployment compensation program, although nine states provide fewer weeks, and two provide more. Extended Benefits are triggered on in three states. Additional weeks of pandemic federal benefits ended in all states on September 6, 2021.

    The federal-state unemployment insurance system helps many people who have lost their jobs by temporarily replacing part of their wages. Under certain circumstances, unemployed workers who exhaust their regular state-funded unemployment benefits before they can find work can receive additional weeks of benefits.

    Under the CARES Act responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, all states received access to federal funding to provide additional weeks of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Assistance benefits to people who exhausted their regular state benefits, and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to many others who lost their jobs through no fault of their own but who were not normally eligible for UI in their state. These and other pandemic-related emergency UI programs ended nationwide the first weekend of September 2021, but many states stopped providing these federal benefits before that.

    The map below shows the maximum number of weeks of regular plus EB benefits that are currently available in each state.

    The two states providing more than the 26-week maximum are:

    The states providing fewer than the standard 26-week maximum include:

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    How Long Do Extended Unemployment Benefits Last A State

    For the millions of Americans whove lost their jobs in this pandemic, unemployment benefits can be critical to covering the bills while seeking new work.

    Displaced workers received some additional relief under the CARES Act, passed by Congress this spring, which included supplemental weekly federal unemployment benefits and also extended unemployment benefits for some for up to 59 weeks.

    But if youre among the millions whove lost income or a job because of the coronavirus pandemic, whether you can collect benefits for that long depends on what state you live in. Heres what to know.

    With increased levels of unemployment, the lines at food pantries have been longer. Unemployment was … 7.9 percent in September.

    What Happens When My Unemployment Benefit Year Ends Do I File A New Claim Or Automatically Get Extra Weeks Under Pua And Peuc

    Millions of Americans have been relying on unemployment benefits over the last year as their primary source of income following COVID related job losses. This has also meant a growing number of jobless or underemployed folks on unemployment have or are about to reach the end of their benefit year.

    With the combination of regular state funded unemployment and enhanced unemployment benefits under the PUA and PEUC programs to consider it has been confusing for many claimants in terms of what actions they need to take to ensure no lapse in benefits. On top of this benefit year end rules vary across states, which makes it even more challenging to figure out what to do next. To help you navigate this, here are some general guidelines and FAQS. I also strongly recommend you check state specific resource pages for more information.

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    Why Do Unemployment Benefits Last So Long

    The unemployment benefits or the unemployment compensation are given as temporary income. It is only for those people who lost their job due to some unexpected reason without their fault like the recession. This benefit acts as a backup when a particular person loses his job. Until and unless the person finds a new job, this compensation gives financial support to the individual. The state-federal government sponsors the program.

    Also, these unemployment benefits help in maintaining the unemployment rates low. The unemployment benefits also encourage the workers to accept their duty to support the nations economy. It also motivates workers to find a job without any tension of survival. In a particular survey, the reports state that for every penny the government spends on unemployment benefits, they profit double the amount of money.

    In 2010, the ideology of unemployment benefits removed 3.2 million American citizens from the unemployment and poverty situation. In the previous ten years, you can see a significant decrease in the unemployment rate in a country like the US. However, sometimes due to extraordinary situations, some deviations take place.

    Regular State Unemployment Insurance

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    Most states offer 26 weeks of regular state unemployment benefits. But there are states that offer less. These are:

    • Alabama: 14 weeks

    • North Carolina: 12 weeks

    • South Carolina: 20 weeks

    The up-to-26-weeks of benefits is available both for those on Unemployment Insurance and those on Pandemic Unemployment Assistance such as independent contractors and self-employed workers.

    For those on PUA unemployment benefits, eligibility will end on December 31 no matter when you applied first for the benefit.

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    What Wages Can Be Used To Establish A Claim For Benefits

    Any wages used to establish eligibility for UI benefits must be earned in employment that is covered by the Employment Security Law. This means that the employer must be subject to UI tax. Employers who are liable under the Employment Security Law are required to post a Certificate of Coverage and Notice to Workers in their place of business.

    Common Occurrences For Employees In California You May Be Entitled To Further Compensation

    Did you know that many unemployed people may have suffered from labor violations such as wrongful termination, workplace discrimination, unpaid overtime, unpaid wages, missing breaks, and other labor violations during their last employment? We know that you are here for different information, but we also want you to know that you MAY be entitled to compensation due to labor violations during your last employment.

    If you feel like you were wrongfully terminated then please dont hesitate to schedule a 100% FREE consultation or click HERE.

    If you feel like you were discriminated against in the workplace then please dont hesitate to schedule a 100% FREE consultation or click HERE.

    If you feel like you are owed unpaid wages from a previous employer then please dont hesitate to schedule a 100% FREE consultation or click HERE.

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    How Long Will Ei Benefits Last

    If you are receiving regular Employment Insurance benefits, they will last between 14 and 45 weeks, depending on the following factors:

    • the rate of unemployment in the area you live in, and
    • amount of insurable hours you have accumulated in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim, whichever is shorter.

    Typically, a person who worked for a long time and lives in an area with high unemployment will receive benefits for a longer period than someone who has worked a shorter time and lives in an area with lower unemployment.

    How Does The Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation Work

    Why are unemployment claims taking so long?

    The mixed earner and unemployment compensation is meant to supplement the incomes of freelancers and gig workers who also happen to rely on traditional W-2 income.

    An example of who this applies to would be a freelance photographer who buses tables on the side. Qualified applicants receive an additional $100 along with the standard $300 federal benefit.

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    As An Employer What If The Claimant Is Not Claiming Benefits Against My Account

    You should respond to all requests for information regarding a claim from DES. Neither claimants nor employers get to choose which employer is charged for a claim. This is determined by the Employment Security Law. All employment within a claimants base period and a claimants last employment before filing a claim are considered.

    Eligibility: Who Qualifies For The Extra $300 Unemployment Benefit

    To be eligible for the $300 a week benefit, you need to be receiving unemployment benefits from any of these programs:

    • Unemployment compensation, including regular State Unemployment Compensation, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees , and Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Service members
    • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation
    • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
    • Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation
    • Payments under the Self-Employment Assistance program.

    Low-wage, part-time or seasonal workers may fail to qualify for the extra $300.

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    How To Fix Disqualified Unemployment

    If you have been disqualified from unemployment benefits but still want to receive them, it is important to know that the only way to do so is by sending a request for reconsideration. In order to do that, you will need a compelling reason as to why you should be allowed back into the system and why the decision was wrong. It is a good idea to always consult a lawyer before filing this request, as you will have to provide evidence from your side.

    What Is A Wage Transcript And Monetary Determination

    Chapter I: The United States Economy

    A Wage Transcript and Monetary Determination is a document that itemizes your quarterly wages paid by each base period employer. This form also shows your weekly benefit amount, duration, and effective date of your claim. If monetary eligibility is not established, the reason is shown on this form.

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