Unemployment Impacts Eligibility In Medicaid Expansion States
Workers in states that embraced Medicaid expansion would have a better chance of accessing healthcare coverage assistance if unemployment compensation were not included in the eligibility determinations, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study found.
The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, the fourth coronavirus stimulus package, recently passed in the House and is under consideration in the Senate. It proposed extending the additional unemployment compensation through to the end of the year.
In light of the pending legislation, the study looked at the impacts of Medicaid expansion on healthcare coverage in four different scenarios. It observed the current eligibility of vulnerable workers in Medicaid expansion and nonexpansion states. Then, the study compared this to three scenarios in which workers received:
- State income only without federal income
- Federal unemployment compensation through the end of 2020
- Both state and federal unemployment compensation and these were not included in the income eligibility calculation
At present, vulnerable workers who become unemployed can receive $600 in additional federal income for 16 weeks. This federal unemployment compensation is included in income eligibility determinations for ACA marketplace eligibility but not for Medicaid and CHIP eligibility.
DistilINFO Healthplan Monthly Intelligence Report
Workers Receive Only State Unemployment Compensation
If workers did not receive any federal assistance, the researchers found that eligibility would not be much different compared to if they did receive federal assistance.
However, when broken down by expansion status, the researchers found that nonexpansion state workers were significantly less likely to be eligible for assistance acquiring healthcare if they did not receive the additional federal compensation.
A little under 60 percent of nonexpansion state workers who did not receive federal compensation would be eligible for assistance, while 70 percent of nonexpansion state workers who did receive federal compensation would be eligible.
The estimates in this section are also consistent with a policy change that excluded the additional federal compensation from the calculation of marketplace subsidy eligibility, the researchers noted.
How Does Medicaid In Michigan Work
Medicaid is a health care program that provides comprehensive health care services to low income adults and children. Most people must join a health plan. The health plan pays for most of the services. For people that need to join a health plan, Michigan Enrolls will send a letter with more information.
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I Got A Letter From Vermont Health Connect Asking For Documents What Should I Do
Carefully read the entire letter to understand what is being asked. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-855-899-9600. There are many options for getting us documents:
- Mail copies to Vermont Health Connect
- Take pictures and use the secure document uploader or
- Bring copies of proof to an Economic Services Division district office.
If you need help to upload documents, contact a local Assister. If you need to print documents, use a library or local business with computer and printing services.
Vermont Health Connect will resume checking the income of new Medicaid applicants when needed. This will not affect existing Medicaid members.
What Counts As Income In General:
Examples of most sources of income that are counted, and not counted, toward MA eligibility and financial assistance for the Marketplace are listed below:
What Types of Income Count Toward MA Eligibility?
What Types of IncomeCount Toward EligibilityforMarketplace Financial Savings?
If you need more assistance, contact our helpline at 877-570-3642.
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Millions Of Americans Are Losing Their Coverage What Options Do They Have
The economic tidal wave set off by the coronavirus is upon us. Last week, a record-setting 3.28 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits, utterly dwarfing the previous highest week of 695,000 in 1982. All by itself, this will knock the unemployment rate back up to almost 5.5 percent. And the total amount is likely even higher, simply because some people probably weren’t able to file by the time the data was compiled and released. This is a staggering number of Americans who have lost their jobs all at once.
For a lot of workers, their job isn’t just a source of paychecks, but of health insurance. Nearly half of all Americans get that coverage through their employer. Granted, the working population hardest hit by the coronavirus shock is in lower-paying jobs in service and food and retail that are much less likely to provide health benefits. But the damage to employment is likely to spread higher up the class ladder as the coronavirus crisis roles on. And even for those who didn’t have health benefits, the loss of income will likely make getting coverage and care even more difficult when they need it.
So how does all that shake out? Just what does this massive unemployment shock mean for Americans’ health coverage?
Obamacare exchanges: If a person or family is expected to make more than 138 percent of the federal poverty line in a given year, they can get on Obamacare’s exchanges, where subsidies are available to help pay for private health coverage plans.
Additional Federal Income Extended Through 2020 Included In Eligibility
If the additional federal compensation was extended from the current 16 weeks through to the end of 2020 and still included in the income eligibility calculations, the population of workers eligible for subsidies would be lower than if policymakers did not make any changes at all. Eligibility would drop for both expansion and nonexpansion states. However, the decline would be sharper for expansion states.
Expansion states would have no workers that would be eligible for both ACA marketplace premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions. Instead, its populations would be divided nearly into thirds, with 35 percent eligible for Medicaid, 29 percent eligible for ACA marketplace premium tax credits, and 36 percent not eligible for any assistance.
Nearly half of all nonexpansion state vulnerable workers , on the other hand, would be eligible for ACA premium tax credits. Meanwhile, a third would have no assistance available.
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Should I Have Taxes Taken Out Of My Disability Check
The majority of both SSDI and SSI benefits are not taxable. Whether filing your taxes individually or with your spouse, the following income limits result in about half of your benefits being taxed: Over $25,000 and less than $34,000 for an individual. A combined income over $32,000 if married and filing jointly.
Modified Adjusted Gross Income
When determining eligibility for certain Medicaid programs, MDHHS will look at your households size and its Modified Adjusted Gross Income . MAGI is often the same amount as the Internal Revenue Services number for Adjusted Gross Income. MAGI is used to determine eligibility for tax credits for people who get their insurance through the insurance marketplace for HMP. MDHHS also uses MAGI when determining eligibility for certain TM categories.
Some examples of groups of people MAGI applies to are:
- Childless adults between 19 and 64
- Pregnant women
- People who are parents or are a caretaker of a dependent child
Some examples of groups of people that MAGI does not apply to are:
- People 65 or older, blind, or disabled
- People getting long-term care services
- People eligible for or who get Medicare
If you have concerns about how your MAGI is being calculated, you can speak with someone at the Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program . MMAP is a free, state-wide counseling service designed to help people with questions about health care.
Your local legal services office may also be able to help you. Use the Guide to Legal Help to find a legal services office near you. Even if they are not able to represent you, they could still offer you advice and other help.
Self-Employment and MAGI
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Virginia Medicaid: What Counts As Income
Having access to quality, low-cost health insurance is important now more than ever. At Virginia Medicaid, we want to make sure that you have all of the facts as you consider your health coverage options.
If you are thinking about applying for Medicaid, it is important to know what counts as income. Any increase in Unemployment Insurance benefits received as a result of the supplement authorized in the CARES Act does not count when determining eligibility for Medicaid. Economic impact payments for the COIVD-19 emergency also do not count towards income.
You can use our eligibility screening tool to learn if you or your family qualify for coverage. Applications are accepted year-round.
Freedom To Work: Working And Getting Medicaid
The Freedom to Work law allows people with disabilities to get TM Group 1 coverage while working. To be eligible, you must meet these requirements:
- Be disabled according to Social Security Administration standards
- Have a job
- Have a Social Security number
- Be a U.S. citizen or an immigrant with a specific status
- Report certain information to MDHHS
- Apply for any state or federal benefits for which you could be eligible
There is an asset limit and income limit. If you earn a substantial income from work, you may have to pay a premium on your coverage. The premium amount increases the more money you make.
To learn more, you can speak with someone at MMAP. Your local legal services office may also be able to help you. Use the Guide to Legal Help to find a legal services office near you.
You can also contact a local FQHC. They often have patient advocates who can help answer questions about Medicaid. Use the locator tool to find a FQHC near you.
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Medicaid Coverage With Other Benefits During The Covid
12. I turned 65 but haven´t been able to apply for benefits such as Medicare or Social Security due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will my current Medicaid coverage be affected?
- No. During the COVID-19 emergency you will not be required to apply for other benefits, such as Medicare or Social Security.
13. I have been unable to complete my application for Veterans Benefits due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will I be able to enroll in or keep my Medicaid coverage?
- Yes. During the COVID-19 emergency, you will not be required to apply for Veterans Benefits.
14. I have been unable to provide my local district with Third Party Health Insurance information, including that my TPHI has ended. What should I do?
- You will not be required to provide TPHI information in writing, but tell your local district if your insurance has ended or if there are any other changes to your TPHI.
15. I was making voluntary re-payments for overpayments I received as reimbursement for my Third Party Health Insurance but I am unable to make the payments right now due to the COVID-19 emergency. What should I do?
- You may stop making re-payments, and start them again as soon as you are able.
16. I am in the Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities program, and I lost my job due to the COVID-19 emergency. Will I lose my Medicaid coverage?
Can You Get Medicaid While Collecting Unemployment
If you try to qualify for Medicaid, it doesn’t matter whether you’re employed or not. What matters is that your income is low enough for you to qualify and that you meet whatever other standards your state imposes — although Medicaid is a federal program, each state sets its own rules. For instance, you might qualify in California, but not in Florida.
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Im Uninsured And Worried About Healthcare Costs If I Get Sick How Can I Get Health Insurance
Vermonters who are eligible for Medicaid can apply and enroll at any time.
Vermonters who are uninsured and are not eligible for Medicaid can get a Qualified Health Plan during Open Enrollment, which runs from November 1, 2021, to January 15, 2022. If they sign up by December 15, their insurance will start on January 1, 2022. Please call us at 1-855-899-9600 to sign up.
Impact On Benefits And Eligibility
- SNAP: All UI benefits are countable as unearned income for SNAP households. Receipt of UI may reduce benefits for households, although they may continue receiving the maximum benefit if the state is issuing emergency allotments during the public health emergency. For other households, the receipt of UI will put them over the income threshold and make them ineligible.
- Medicaid: As a condition of receiving increased federal Medicaid funds, states must keep Medicaid enrollees covered through the end of the public health emergency, so Medicaid enrollees who begin receiving UI must not lose Medicaid coverage.
- TANF: States have flexibility in TANF on how to consider income, but they typically treat UI benefits as unearned income. Receipt of UI will almost certainly make a household ineligible for TANF and result in case closure unless the state has chosen to exclude some or all of the UI provided under the CARES Act as disaster relief.
- Loss of TANF could trigger transitional SNAP benefits in the 23 states that provide them, resulting in households maintaining a higher SNAP benefit for up to five months after their TANF ends.
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What Kind Of Health Insurance Can You Get If You Are Unemployed
Health coverage options if youre unemployed. If youre unemployed you may be able to get an affordable health insurance plan through the Marketplace, with savings based on your income and household size. You may also qualify for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or the Childrens Health Insurance Program .
1 An extension through September 6, 2021 for people already receiving unemployment benefits 2 Automatic, additional payments of $300 per week until September 6, 2021 to everyone qualified for unemployment benefits 3 Extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program for self-employed or gig workers
Your Options Depend On Your Household Income
When you apply for Marketplace coverage youll estimate your income for the current calendar year.
- How to estimate your income if youre unemployed
Its hard to predict your annual income if youre unemployed. Still, its important to make your best estimate based on all current or expected sources of income for the year.
Types of income to include on your application:
- Unemployment compensation that you receive from your state. Visit CareerOneStop’s Unemployment Benefits Finder for more information about unemployment in your state.
- All household members income
- Additional types of income, including interest income, capital gains, and alimony
- Most withdrawals from traditional IRAs and 401ks. for information on non-deductible contributions, and IRS Publication 590-B for information on Roth accounts.)
Note: Its very important to immediatelyupdate your income information with the Marketplace if your income changes during the year. This will ensure you get the right amount of savings based on your new annual income estimate.
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Federal Stimulus Checks Unemployment Benefits May Affect Medicaid Eligibility
Medicaid members who received stimulus checks or unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 public health emergency may need to tell Medicaid about it.
What counts as income for Medicaid?
Medicaid members have to report all income to Medicaid at application or renewal. Actively enrolled members must also report any changes in their income. Some unemployment benefits need to be reported as income.
Regular unemployment insurance , Pandemic Unemployment Assistance , Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation , and Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation are counted as income. These must be reported to Medicaid as income. You can report any of these benefits online at MyMedicaid.la.gov or by calling 1-888-342-6207.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation , Lost Wages Assistance , Disaster Unemployment Assistance , and stimulus checks are not counted as income and do not need to be reported to Medicaid as income.
What counts as a resource for Medicaid?
Members in some Medicaid programs have to report resources as well as income. If you have to report resources, you may need to report unemployment benefits and stimulus checks after a certain amount of time.
Any regular unemployment insurance , Pandemic Unemployment Assistance , Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation , Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation , or Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation remaining after the month you received the benefits will be counted as a resource.
Income Definitions For Marketplace And Medicaid Coverage
Financial eligibility for the premium tax credit, most categories of Medicaid, and the Childrens Health Insurance Program is determined using a tax-based measure of income called modified adjusted gross income . The following Q& A explains what income is included in MAGI.
How do marketplaces, Medicaid, and CHIP measure a persons income?
For the premium tax credit, most categories of Medicaid eligibility, and CHIP, all marketplaces and state Medicaid and CHIP agencies determine a households income using MAGI. States previous rules for counting income continue to apply to people who qualify for Medicaid based on age or disability or because they are children in foster care.
MAGI is adjusted gross income plus tax-exempt interest, Social Security benefits not included in gross income, and excluded foreign income. Each of these items has a specific tax definition in most cases they can be located on an individuals tax return .
FIGURE 1:Formula for Calculating Modified Adjusted Gross Income |
What is adjusted gross income?
What types of income count towards MAGI?
All income is taxable unless its specifically exempted by law. Income does not only refer to cash wages. It can come in the form of money, property, or services that a person receives.
Table 1 provides examples of taxable and non-taxable income. IRS Publication 525 has a detailed discussion of many kinds of income and explains whether they are subject to taxation.
Whose income is included in household income?
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Impact Of Ui On Snap Medicaid And Tanf Applications
- Effect on eligibility. For those already receiving UI, the full benefit amount counts as unearned income for SNAP at application. For Medicaid, the additional $600 per week of PUC is not countable and should be excluded in determining eligibility, but other UI benefits are counted. States have flexibility for treatment of income under TANF most states count the full amount of UI, but some states are excluding the additional $600 per week of PUC.
- No delay in processing applications. State agencies must not delay processing of SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF applications while an individual is applying for UI. Potential UI income that hasnt yet been received must not be considered when determining eligibility and benefit amounts.
- Providing information about UI. State agencies that administer SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF can provide information about these expanded UI benefits and encourage individuals who apply for assistance to also apply for UI. Due to the expansion of UI eligibility, many self-employed people and those with limited work history who wouldnt have previously qualified may be eligible. And some TANF programs require applicants to apply for other potential income sources, including UI.