Q: What Is Unemployment Compensation
A: Unemployment compensation is a government benefits program that protects workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own from imminent financial hardships. People who qualify to receive unemployment compensation get a weekly check and help finding a new job. Most people receiving unemployment compensation receive about ½ of what they earned at their job. However, you may receive more money if you have a dependant spouse or child. Unemployment compensation usually can last for up to 26 weeks. However, your unemployment compensation benefits can end after 16 weeks, or you can be denied benefits altogether, if you didnt work enough in the previous year.
How To Negotiate With Your Boss
Talking with a boss could be even more stressful. You should be very concrete with reasons to take early maternity leave, specify them and show that you care about the career and personal life as well. Herere 3 tips that help you to say it in a right way. By using these, you can tolerantly ask the boss and get a positive response.
Unpaid Maternity Leave Hurts Everyone
Having children is a requirement for Americas continued economic growth. But a lack of financial help during maternity leave, combined with the rising cost of childcare and other factors, means many Americans simply cant afford to have them. The fertility rate is at an all-time low, and its already negatively affecting our economy.
Paid maternity leave is better for babies, who need more care during the crucial first weeks of life: every extra month of maternity leave links to a 13% reduction in the infant mortality rate. Its also better for new moms, who report that they are significantly more likely to return to the workforce if they have access to paid maternity leave.
The benefits of paid maternity leave are evidence-backed, but United States federal policy has yet to catch up and provide financial help to new moms. In the meantime, American people will have to muddle through.
For Barbara, that meant leaving her inflexible former job and finding a new career as a freelance writer and health coach. Her new schedule allows her to stay home with her daughters, now 2 years and 5 months old.
If Id had 5 or 6 months off, even partially paid, I would have come back full time. But I wasnt ready, she said. Theres no common ground in America with leave.
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Pregnancy Rights In The Workplace
Employers have many questions regarding employee pregnancy issues. Here is an outline of the basic things to keep in mind about the rights of a pregnant employee:
Fewer than 15 employees:
If a business has fewer than 15 employees , it is not covered by any employment law relating to pregnancy or disability, and the business would be free to handle the situation in any way it deems appropriate. Of course, a business not covered by such laws would still want to treat its employees as fairly and consistently as possible, if for no other reason than to minimize complaints, unnecessary turnover, and the risk of unfavorable publicity. Businesses with 15 or more employees should see the comments below.
15 or more employees:
If the business has 15 or more employees, it is covered by state and federal pregnancy and disability discrimination laws, which require non-discriminatory treatment of pregnant employees and reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities. Disability laws can come into play for a pregnant employee if the pregnancy becomes complicated and results in something that can turn into a disability, such as gestational diabetes.
Reasonable accommodation is something that the company can do, without undue hardship to the business, that allows the employee to work and manage any periods of leave.
You Meet The Specific Criteria For Receiving Ei Maternity Or Parental Benefits
EI maternity benefits are payable only to the biological mother who is unable to work because she is pregnant or has recently given birth. To receive maternity benefits, you need to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due date or the actual date of birth.
EI parental benefits are payable only to the biological, adoptive, or legally recognized parents while they are caring for their newborn or newly adopted child or children. To receive parental benefits, you must sign a statement declaring the newborn’s date of birth or, when there is an adoption, the child’s date of placement for the purposes of the adoption and the name and address of the adoption authority. In cases where the child is not legally adoptable, parental benefits could be payable from the date you attest that you consider the placement a permanent one. In these circumstances, the Commission may, at any time, request proof certifying that the child for whom you are claiming parental benefits has been placed with you by a recognized authority and that the placement was not merely a temporary one.
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Falling Through The Cracks
Many Canadians may be surprised to learn that after going on parental;leave they might fail to qualify for employment insurance a policy some are calling discriminatory.
Currently, people who apply for;EI in Canada are evaluated based on a certain number of hours worked during the past 52 weeks of employment.
CBC Montreal’s investigative unit spoke to parents who say those weeks spent;on;parental;leave;left them ineligible;for benefits. Current policy does not allow new parents to use the same work weeks to qualify for both maternity leave and EI.
Jennifer Beeman, a co-ordinator with the Council for Women’s Access to Work, says the policy goes against decades of womens rights advocacy.
“Women have been fighting for 50 years saying maternity leave is not unemployment, they are not the same thing,” Beeman said.
“When I am on maternity leave after having given birth, I am probably working harder than I ever have; I am not getting any sleep and providing for the needs of the family.”
What Is The 1
Before you can start receiving EI benefits, there is a 1-week waiting period for which you will not be paid. This waiting period is like the deductible you pay for other types of insurance.
You usually serve the waiting period at the beginning of your benefit period, unless you receive earnings during the first week. In that case, the waiting period will start during the first week you should begin to receive benefits.
When EI parental benefits are shared, a single waiting period may apply. For example, if the waiting period has already been served for EI maternity benefits, then neither parent has to serve a waiting period if one or the other submits an application for EI parental benefits.
At the end of parental leave, the parent who did not serve a waiting period might have to serve one, if that parent then applies for another type of EI benefit.
If you already received EI benefits during the last 52 weeks and you have reactivated your claim and already served the 1week waiting period, you will not have to serve an additional waiting period.
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Is My Job Protected While Im Out On Short
Short-term disability payments are a financial payment and are not related to whether an employer is required to keep your job. FMLA is the federal law requiring that employers offer up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for qualifying employees .Certain states also offer maternity leave and pregnancy benefits;and protections for private sector employees that you need to understand may offer you some payment or additional benefits.
Taking Training While On Ei With Permission From Service Canada
Have you lost your job after several years in the workforce? If so, starting on August 5, 2018, Service Canada may permit you to continue receiving EI benefits while attending a full-time program of your choice provided by an approved educational institution. You must pay for the training yourself.
As of August 5, if Service Canada approves your request, you will not have to be available for work or look for work while at school. You may also be eligible for student financial assistance.
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If I Am Eligible To Receive Ei Maternity Or Parental Benefits How Much Can I Expect To Receive
We cannot tell you exactly how much you will receive before we process your application.
The basic rate for calculating EI maternity benefits is 55% of your average weekly insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount. As of January 1, 2021, the maximum yearly insurable earnings amount is $56,300 This means that you can receive a maximum amount of $595 per week.
The basic rate for calculating EI parental benefits depends on the option you choose:
Standard parental benefits are paid at a weekly benefit rate of 55% of your average weekly insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount. For 2021, this means that you can receive a maximum amount of $595 per week for up to 35 weeks.
Extended parental benefits are paid at a weekly benefit rate of 33% of your average weekly insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount. For 2021, this means that you can receive a maximum amount of $357 per week for up to 61 weeks.
- survivor or dependent benefits
- workers’ compensation benefits paid under specific regulations
- additional insurance benefits paid under a private plan approved by Service Canada
- additional maternity/parental benefits paid by your employer from a supplemental unemployment benefit plan
- sickness or disability payments received under a private wage loss replacement plan
- retroactive salary increases
Note: You are responsible for reporting all monies paid or payable to you, cash or other, while receiving EI maternity or parental benefits.
When you receive money during the waiting period
Other Considerations For Your Maternity Leave Budget
- If your job offers paid time off, try to maximize your vacation days before the baby arrives. That way, you can count on at least a few paid days.
- Look into part-time work during your pregnancy. Just keep in mind that as you get closer to your due date, some types of physical labor may be inadvisable.
- Rearrange your paycheck deductions. If you are contributing the max amount to your 401 for example, you may want to stop temporarily to save up income.
- Find a support group. Friends with little ones who have outgrown their baby supplies might be able to offer second hand cribs or car seats, cutting down on costs.
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Maternity Leave Vs Short
If youre lucky to work in the world famous companies, you can enjoy the perks they propose, like Netflix or . But what if your company doesnt offer paid pregnancy leave or the place you live isnt among the states with paid maternity leave. In this case, you should know about Short Term Disability insurance. You may apply to Short Term Disability insurance for maternity leave if already pregnant or recovery after the surgery and its cover a portion of your salary or 100%. Its a matter of company policies.
Rights To Paid Or Unpaid Time Off
- For more information,;see here.
In some states, you may also have the right to;receive temporary disability insurance;to recover from childbirth note, however, that temporary disability insurance programs do not always guarantee your job will be protected.
You should also review your company or union policy and/or speak with your employer to see if your companys maternity leave or temporary disability policy will allow you to take maternity leave even if you needed to take leave while pregnant.
You should also note that if you are eligible for FMLA, you can also use FMLA leave to attend prenatal appointments or an incapacity due to your pregnancy.;
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What Laws Specifically Apply To Maternity Benefits Available To Employees
Both federal and state laws address the matter of maternity benefits. The Pregnancy Amendments of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the federal legislation. The Wisconsin Fair Employment Act includes the following language regarding maternity:
Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Law applies to employers with 50 or more permanent employees and employees of those employers who have been employed for the prior 52 weeks and have worked at least 1,000 hours during that period.
Who Is Eligible For Unemployment
You are eligible for unemployment if:
- You were fired or laid off through no fault of your own or were forced to quit under extreme circumstances.
- You are available to work at another job matching your skills.
- You worked for a company that paid unemployment taxes.
- You earned enough money to qualify for benefits.
However, if you lose your job through no fault of your own before you would have gone on maternity leave, you should not collect benefits during a period of time in which you are unable to work.;Generally, you will be able to put your benefits on hold during that time and resume when you are able to work again. In New York, for example, you are eligible to collect benefits if you are ready, able, and willing to work.
Consult your states department of labor for the guidelines for your location.
It is a violation of federal law to deny a claimant eligibility for unemployment benefits on account of pregnancy. In fact, a woman applying for benefits should not be asked whether she is expecting.
However, the program requires recipients to be available for work that uses their skills, and actively seeking a job. If you are unable to work because you are pregnant, you may be covered by disability insurance instead of unemployment benefits. For example, if your doctor has ordered you on bed rest, you would not be immediately available to work, and therefore would not be eligible for employment.
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Exception For Prisoners But Not Mothers
Canning said he regularly sees clients in the same situation as Julie Barron.
He said he can’t understand why the government is willing to make exceptions for people who are too sick to work or have spent one year in prison and are then released, but won’t do the same for new mothers.
“It’s extremely discriminatory,” Canning said. “I look at women who have served society and had children;;and they are treated, I think, less well and not as attractively as someone who just got out of jail.”
Alyson Queen, spokeswoman for Human Resources Minister Diane Finley, released a statement on;Monday saying her office has backed a private members bill that will remove that exemption for convicts.
“We firmly believe that convicted criminals should not have greater access to the EI system than law-abiding Canadians,” Queen said.
Bill C-316, which is close to becoming law, would prevent convicts from extending the time they qualify for EI benefits.
Queens statement made no mention of whether the government would consider extending benefits for new parents.
How Might My Employer Violate My Rights
Pregnancy discrimination or FMLA violations in the workplace can occur in many ways such as:
- Employer refuses to hire or fires someone because she is pregnant.
- Employer requires pregnant employees to submit doctors statements to prove that they cannot work, but does not require the same of those applying for sick or disability leave.
- FMLA employer refuses to allow an eligible employee to take maternity leave or forces her to take fewer weeks than she is entitled to.
- Employee takes leave due to pregnancy-related condition and recovers, but employer insists that she stay on leave until the baby is born.
- Employer refuses to allow employee to come back to work after her approved maternity leave.
- Employer misclassifies employee as key employee or wrongly claims that job reinstatement would cause substantial economic injury to the company.
- Employer fails to inform employee of her rights to FMLA leave.
- Employer counts FMLA-approved absences against the employee and disciplines the employee due to excessive absences.
- Employer treats pregnancy-related leave differently than sick or disability leave .
- Employer forces employee to take a lower-level position or less pay and fewer benefits upon return from maternity leave.
If you find yourself in any of the above situations, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer.
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When An Employer Offers Its Employees A Choice Among Several Health Insurance Plans Must Coverage For Pregnancy
Yes. Each of the plans must cover pregnancy-related conditions. An employee with a single coverage policy must receive coverage for her own pregnancy-related condition and not be forced to carry a family policy. However, a single person could be required to purchase a family policy in order to provide coverage for a child.
What Obligations Do Employers Have With Regard To The Payment Of Maternity Benefits
Employers are required to provide disability coverage for pregnancy on the same basis as they provide it for any other condition. This means that both disability income protection and medical expense insurance must cover maternity-related disabilities and maternity-related health care expenses on the same basis as for all other conditions.
Any health insurance plan offered in connection with employment must cover maternity on the same basis as other conditions, whether or not the employer makes contributions to the plan. An employer that does not have any disability coverage for employees is not obligated to provide such coverage for maternity, but must still treat the pregnant employee in the same manner as other employees who are temporarily disabled.
If any employer employs 50 or more people on a permanent basis and the employee has been employed for the prior 52 weeks and worked at least 1000 hours during that period, the employee is entitled to unpaid leave under the law in connection with birth during any leave taken under the law. An employee may decide to use accrued paid leave instead of unpaid leave. The employer must maintain the same group health insurance coverage for the employee as existed prior to the leave, with the same conditions that applied prior to the leave.
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